

"Calm down Quideos, your predictions have never been so messy" the king rose one hand, this action doing little to appease the raving prophet, currently flailing his bloodied hands and staining the floor of the throne room.

"Sir, it is simply because that is a prediction that is nigh too much even for me to bear, and unlike others, it keeps coming back! Every night, every time I close my eyes, no matter for how long, it all flashes inside of my mind without end! It is all that I can see, I am certain this fate is one that is nearly unshakable, if not actions are taken as soon as possible, it will all come true in the exact manner that I see!" Quideos Audit began walking in circles as he explained this.

"Your majesty! Have you heard of a young team of adventurers that go by the name of 'Ladies Of All Around'?" he suddenly spun on his heels, as though he had just remembered something important.

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