
Chapter 59: Soul Searcher!

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The Headmaster, seeing that the boy was far more capable than any of them and apprehensive of the army at the school's door, had revealed to him why the Dark Lord couldn't be killed. 

He told him why there was a cursed scar on Harry Potter's forehead. He told him everything and hoped that maybe this miracle maker could solve his problems too.

"Okay." Henry said at the end of the explanation.

Dumbledore and Snape were anxious at his blank look. They had expected anger and judgement, but Henry didn't show any emotion. They stared at him as he closed his eyes and mumbled.

[Soul Searcher]

Few seconds later there was a clattering noise as various artefacts were summoned and dropped on the floor.

[Soul Searcher]

– Gives the user power to search and summon souls.

Dumbledore couldn't believe his eyes, all of Voldemort's Horcruxes were in front of them, lying innocently on the floor.

Before he could say something, Henry waved his hand over them and they were turned to ash.

Dumbledore couldn't stifle a disappointed sound as he watched the legendary historical items turning into nothing.

"There, done. Though one horcrux is still left. I can't summon Voldemort's snake since it's alive. But don't worry, I will take care of it. Also, don't tell Harry that he is a horcrux too. I will discreetly remove it from him. I don't want to give him more mental trauma by revealing he has a piece of Voldemort inside him." Henry said with an edge to his voice as he walked towards the tower window, peering out at the horizon.

"What are you going to do now?" Dumbledore questioned him, relieved of the burden that he now passed on to the boy.

Henry shot him a flat stare.

"I am going to kill them all. Every single one of them. You two go guard the students in the Great Hall. Not that it will be needed, but better be safe than sorry." Henry ordered frankly.

Snape scowled at his command, not wanting to bow before the little boy while Dumbledore just sighed tiredly, knowing he couldn't stop Henry from spilling so much blood. 

Still, if he had to choose between his innocent students and criminals, his choice was obvious.

"You think you alone are enough against thousands. You will die, Potter." Snape spat condescendingly. Henry bared his teeth in a smile as he jumped from the tower.

The last thing the two teachers heard was "I am not alone. I never am. I have my own army."


All the students were gathered in four groups in the Great Hall. Though there were many students who were surprisingly absent. It wasn't a coincidence that all of them had the dark mark on them. They all had fled Hogwarts to join the army at its gates. 

They all had abandoned their beloved school to become the scum of society. And this would be their gravest and last mistake.

The anxious murmurings stopped abruptly as the doors of the Great Hall opened and admitted the Headmaster and the Potions' Professor.

Harry and the other professors were gaping in shock at Dumbledore while others looked relieved to have the powerful Headmaster among them.

Harry had only told the professors about Dumbledore's death and Snape's betrayal, not wanting to cause mass panic. 

Before Harry could start casting another Cruciatus Curse on Snape, he was pulled in a corner by Dumbledore who gently told him how his death was just another part of the plan and that it wasn't Snape's fault.

Harry shot them a venomous look for being kept in the dark. He didn't like when he was played like a pawn.

"Where is Henry?" He hissed in a furious tone, remembering that his younger version too was back in the castle.

"He said he was enough to stop Voldemort and his army. He went ahead to do just that." Snape answered with a sneer.

Harry glared back at the worst professor, wanting nothing more than to hear his screams once again.

He gave them a disbelieving look for letting a young child go on his own. He turned around and ran for the door. Voldemort was his problem, he wouldn't let Henry get hurt because he was stubbornly involving himself where he wasn't concerned.

How would he forgive himself if Henry died tonight against that army?

The last thing he heard was Dumbledore's regretful voice.


And then Harry was forced asleep.

'Henry needs no one's help, I am afraid. All I hope is that we never need help against him. Because that boy may be the end of the world with his endless and unnatural powers.' Dumbledore thought fearfully.


Voldemort stared at the green skull in the sky. Dumbledore was dead.

That's what the signal meant.

Finally, there was no one left to oppose him. Well, there was one, but he was just a teenager and would be taken care of soon.

His lips thinned in a cold smile before he waved his wand in a mighty swirl. The land before the Hogwarts' gates cleared with a loud crack. Trees and grass and stones, all disappeared as willed by the powerful Dark Lord.

All that was left was the dry land between his army and Hogwarts' front gates.

A hundred metres of space between him and the castle.

It looked like a barren battlefield now. A brown lifeless field which would turn red with life after soaking the blood and sweat of the fighters.

Soon, Voldemort's forces arranged themselves neatly in front of him. He watched down from the ledge, on which he was standing with Nagini by his side, as his great army stood in its all glory.

Twenty giants stood foremost, acting as the tank of the army. Giant spiders and Dementors were just behind them. 

Then ten metres behind the beasts was a crowd of hundreds of Death Eaters and werewolves, appearing restless, eager to taste blood. And the last were eighty vampires who had joined him in the end and subjected themselves to his rule.

This should be enough to intimidate the professors of Hogwarts into submission or if nothing else then to take over the school by force.

The Dark Lord amplified his voice and whispered his grave warning.

"Give me Harry Potter or perish, you have five minutes to decide."


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