
The First Deviation (1)

Prakriti's P.O.V,







When the time reached the middle of Usha Pahar (4:30 A.M.), the sleeping creatures awakened from their sweet dreams, by the tender rays of light which caressed their cheeks with their warmth.

With the arrival of Suryadev, the motion returned to the world. The wind made the moisture accumulated on the leaves of trees and grass to fall on the ground while the awakened Cuckoos started singing in their sweet voice along with other birds, creating a magnificent melody which was further increased by the ring of bells, hanging on the necks of Cows and Oxen who's bodies swayed along with the melody.

One by one, Every woman at the Ashram awakened from their slumber and cleaned their homes before freshening up and waiting for their husbands to come back from their meditation.

Actually, the start of Usha Pahar (4:00 A.M) is known as Brahma Kaal (Supreme Period) for prayers, mediation (Dhyana), and to connect with the supreme soul.

It was the reason why most of the Brahmin woke up earlier than anyone and went to meditate at the riverside. 

It was because they do not want to wake up anyone from the sounds of their prayers and chanting of Mantras. In Hinduism, waking up anyone from their sleep is a sin.

In the hut situated at the Centre of the Ashram, Devi Kripi is doing the menial chores with a frown on her face. She is finding it difficult to even wake up Ashwatthama. The fear of not being able to provide anything to Ashwatthama was eating her from inside.

On top of that, She can't bear to share it with Acharya Drona in fear of making him sad. A wife is the source of her Arya (Husband). Then, how can she say something that might affect him wrongly. If he came to know about her worries, he would definitely question his Duty as a father.

How will he be able to face Lord Shiva from whom he asked for Ashwatthama as a boon? Did he want Ashwatthama to let Ashwatthama face poverty? If Acharya Drona can't even provide a glass of milk to his child, is there a need to raise Ashwatthama? Does he even deserve Ashwatthama as his child?

These questions will cloud the sane mind of Acharya Drona which will influence him to visit his friend and King Draupada-the father of Draupadi & the King of Panchal.

An event similar to when Shri Sudama ji visited Shri Krishna and yet, it became the reason for the start of the great war of Mahabharat...

However, this is the new period. Niyati has been altered, the previous mistakes shall never repeat themselves due to a single child with divine charm, still asleep with an equally divine Dove...


A few hours later, the Sun is shining brightly in the sky, marking the starting of the Purvanha (Forenoon) Pahar (From 6:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M.). Devi Kripi has also finished her chores and bathed in the cold water of the Sangam. Currently, She is awaiting the return of her Arya...

"Devi, I'm home!"

She didn't have to wait for long, Acharya Drona returned and called out to her.

Devi Kripi welcomed him inside and took off his kalash and others things he uses for his mediation and offering prayers before she washed his hands and feet with hands and dried them with a clean cloth.

After which she addressed him and said, "Arya, please take a seat, the breakfast will be served shortly."

Despite the lack of any flour or vegetable to prepare food, Devi Kripi had found two mangoes in the forest which she wished to serve as Falahar (Fruit salad).

But, Before she could move to fetch it for him, Acharya Drona stopped her and said, "Devi, There's no need for it. I came here to inform you about my journey to Panchal Kingdom."

"Arya, I will pack your stuff." Devi objected to his visit as she packed the fruits, Roti made of rice and some saffron coloured clothes of Acharya Drona in a Potli (Bundle) by a clean white cloth.

Acharya Drona remains standing beside the only door of the hut, watching her wife clearly troubled by something. 

"Devi, Don't you want to know the purpose of my visit?" Acharya Drona asked.

Devi Kripi grabbed the bundle and said, "If Arya deemed it appropriate to share it with me, Arya would have told me."

Her words were said in a normal tone and yet, the position of Drona in her heart can be assessed from her simple words. Devi Kripi does not want her worries to affect his journey.

 Acharya Drona felt the warmth hidden in her words and looked at her wife who had never objected to his any decision. Even though they are living in poverty, she never blamed him or his Dharma. 

Knowing his wife well, Drona addressed her and said in a slight grieving tone, "Priye, I had seen Ashwatthama talking with other children about milk. I had heard the children of Ashram, laughing at our children... At that time, Even I doubted myself... Whether I am a good father or not?"

Devi Kripi wanted to refute his words but Drona continued, "There's no need. Devi, I found that I was neither a good husband nor a father. To let you and our child live in such dire conditions despite my capability, I had been a fool for years. To follow my Dharma, I had let both of you down.... Therefore, I have decided. I will visit my friend, The King of Panchal Kingdom and take his favor. King Draupada has promised to give me half of Panchal Kingdom."

The more Devi Kripi heard about Acharya Drona's words, the more anxious she became! Although the mother inside her supported her husband's choice, the wife did not!

How can she let her husband fall? Even though, taking a favor from a friend isn't something great for any ordinary person. But, for Drona-A Brahmin and a capable man, it would be a stain on his character. Whether he would get Panchal or not is another matter, however, this act of his will be condemned by him.

Hereby, Devi Kripi decided to object against his decision for the first time! It's true that a wife should obey her husband's orders and treat him above the supreme. Nevertheless, It is after excluding the fact that her husband never lost his right way (Dharma). If a husband is going through a path detrimental to himself, it is her duty to stop him. After all, Both husband and wife are each other's halves.

Just when she was about to refute Drona's words, a voice was heard in the hut,

"Maa! PitaShri! I'm back!"




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In three to four hours.

Jai Shri Krishna!

Sage_Versecreators' thoughts
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