
The Beginning

In a void between galaxies there exists beings of emense power. Trever here is about to meet one of these beings completely on a whim. Who is Trevor I hear you asking?

Imagine this, a man less than 27 years of age walks down a street, he's a good looking man if I do say so myself, small goatee, short black hair, standing at a solid 5'11 and speaking 0.6 languages, he may just be the next president if he had his way.

Now he was just walking on the sidewalk of all things, minding his own business, maybe smoking a blunt when out of nowhere a Bus speeds down the street, going 190 in a 30 zone, and swerves in front of him.

Now he being him does the smart thing and jumps to the side... Right off the bridge plummeting down into the river below.

Which brings him here. To the void. In the middle of an arena, which is packed full of strange shadow entities and blobs. Standing right in front of a massive clown guy with the jester hat and and tiny little scepter standing beside a giant wheel filled with lines and words too small to read from here, wearing a massive fucking Cheshire grin that looks inhuman and small black sunglasses with little googly eyes on the lens covering it's eyes.

In case you're wondering, yea I am Trevor, and yes I just stood there for a solid 1:20 thinking about what the hell led up to this point.

They were all respectively waiting silently for me to do something, but that grin is starting to make me nervous, almost like it's slowly getting more forced.

"Em h-"

"WEEEEELCOMMME NEW CONTESTANT!" the clown yelled out before I could even say anything, while doing a little dance in a circle.

"I bet you're wondering what is going on ahahahaha! I'll tell you what's going on, you must be tired from your journey, you should sit down! Ahahahhha!"

"Um no I'm go-"

A chair appeared under me, forcing me to sit and after a moment metal clamps appeared binding my arms and legs to the chair.

"-od. Ok this is getting crazy now." I finish as he just starts dancing again.


That did little to settle my worries.

"The meaning of this is simple, we desire ENTERTAINMENT!" The clown yells the last word, causing the viewers to start cheering and hollering.

The clown waited patiently for them to quiet down before continuing.

"This is our form of entertainment, gathering different people from around the multiverse and throwing them into new worlds, this wheel-" he did a little jazz hand wave towards the giant wheel right beside him, invisible spotlights illuminating the face of the wheel ."- makes things more entertaining for us. Spinning it gives the contestant something extra to go along with them, good or bad, everything you can imagine will be on this wheel, all up to fortune and fate, will you get magic? Will you get garbage? Will you get a new pet or item? Only by spinning the wheel will we find out." It finished while grinning at him, hushed whispers could be Heard coming from the viewers before the clown glared and all was quiet again.

This seems too good to be true.

Slowly squinting my eyes I slowly respond.

"What's the catch?" I ask, highly suspicious of this thinking its seemingly too good to be true.

The grin becomes more pointed and his head lowers a bit showing it's dark bloodshot eyes behind the glasses staring directly at me before he jumps and twerls around.

"Ah a smart one, it's rare we get those here hahahaha your right there is a catch! Anything can be rolled! Curses and blessings. You can roll as many times as you want, but there's always a chance something bad can happen to you wahhahahahaa!" It laughs at the end.

"Do I have to roll at all then? What if I don't want to take the chance?" I ask in slight worry.

The clown stops laughing and giggling to stand still and look at me directly.

"Legally speaking, you don't have to do the rolls" he says deathly serious, a wave of cold air appears and spreads over me, a heavy pressure slowly settles on top of me for a moment before it grinned and it disappeared.

"But would you really want to be a normal human in a world overrun by the dead?" He suddenly reveals making me widen my eyes and mouth in shock which is seemingly what it wanted to happen as it starts laughing and dancing again.

"THATS RIGHT CONTESTANT!" It suddenly yells before pointing up towards the void that is the sky, before it gets distorted and a video covers the entire sky.

A picture of earth suddenly appears and starts to zoom in on a certain country.

As it zooms in I see cities on fire, and people dead or dying. Moments later those dead start rising and shambling around.

The scene shifts to another zombie tackling and digging into an uninfected human, their screams cut off as more and more appear, eating the person alive.

The scene shifts a third time and we all see people fighting and running away from a seemingly unending amount of zombies before going black altogether.

"That's right, would you rather risk it for amazing powers and items, or be just another person amongst the horror world, struggling to survive?" It asks me, slowly turning back towards me awaiting an answer.

Is it worth it though? Of course I can get great things, but I could also get something horrible and debilitating, a missing limb, terrible curse, or maybe even turn into one of those undead.

But I could also get an amazing power, super strength, magic, skills and tools which could help me survive my new world.

"Alright alright, I'll spin the wheel." I say out loud finally.

The clown just grins, seemingly knowing I'd agree.

"HELL YEAHHH! HAHAHAH! SPINNN SPINN THE WHEEL BEFORE HE CHANGES HIS MIND!" The clown yells out loud. A tiny little creature with 1 leg and long spindly arms appear from behind the wheel, and with a little chitter it pulls a lever, causing the wheel to spin at subsonic speeds.

The crowd goes wild as the wheel spins faster and faster, the clown just standing there with it's face looking at the sky, arms wide open like it's trying to hug the sky, seemingly basking in the cheers of the countless spectators.

As the minutes went by the wheel slowly started to slow down, the crowd slowly stops cheering and shouting waiting to see what will be drawn.

The shortage of cheering causes the clown to grumble something I couldn't hear, and causes it to turn towards the wheel still spinning.

A moment later the wheel starts to slow down, the words are still too small for me to read, so I just sit there hoping and praying I won't be screwed over again.

The wheel stops and the little goblin moves towards the clown, seemingly telling it what it landed on and making it grumble again before kicking the little gremlin above and behind the wheel.

The clown spins around and points towards me with it's scepter, grinning madly it starts speaking.

"THE WHEEL MASTER HAS SPOKEN!" It yells out, and suddenly a small bag has appeared in its hand.

"The infinibag has been spun! In it you will find an infinite amount of a random item! The item randomizes everyday at high noon! A great item to be spun at the end of the world wouldn't you think?!"

It threw the bag into my lap and turned back towards the wheel.

"Since this was so boring, let's have another spin, on me!" With a laugh it lunged at the wheel and spun it again much to my horror.

"Oiii what the hell!?" I yell out, this is some bullshit here.

The clown just laughs and the crowd starts to boo, someone even threw a tomatoe at the clown, but it just ignored it, watching the wheel spin and slowly land on a yellow line.

A blast of green lightning struck the ground right in front of me, a small hammer appeared when the lightning struck, causing the clown to scowl again.

Before it could do anything another lightning bolt struck the wheel, destroying it and sending splinters at the clown.

It doesn't seem to bother him physically, just making it turn back towards me.

"Great now I'm grounded, here's your free drop contestant, a builders hammer. Holding this gives you the ability to build anything you want, the only limits are your imagination.

Now get going to your new life, I have some issues myself to deal with now because of you." It says dismissively waving it's scepter and opening a portal to the new world apparently.

Before it engulfed me the clown spoke one last time.

"We are always watching Trevor, if things get boring, expect a challenge.!" With a final grin the clown teleports right in front of me, hitting me on the head with the scepter and-.


1545 words before this note, what do you think of this so far? Just the beginning but expect things to kick up soon.

I don't have a lot of motivation, but I will update at least once a week.

Next chapter