


"Why am I doing this?" Eira grumbled to herself." 

"Eira! You made it!" Momo called out to her. 

Eira glanced up to see that Momo was already in her swimsuit and playing with her friends in the pool. 

"Of course, how could I say no when you sent such a heartfelt letter to me." Eira answered with a grin. 

"Haha…" Momo awkwardly laughed while rubbing the nape of her neck. "Well, I wanted to invite you since I wanted to see you. Moreover, you can help us with some of our training!" 

"I'm glad that you wanted to see me, but today is my day off. I won't be helping anyone with training today." Eira said. 

Momo frowned, "That's not fair!"

"Life isn't fair."

"At least get into the pool!" 

Eira sighed once again and walked over to the pool. When she was about to dip her feet in, ice seemed to form underneath her food making it so that she wasn't able to enter the people. 

Eira shrugged, "It seems like we'll both have to give up on me entering the pool."

"Stop making excuses and just get in! You're wearing a tank top and shorts anyway, you're dressed for the pool." Momo persisted. 

Unable to resist Momo, she sighed for the third time, and entered the pool reluctantly. The pool seemed to be warm with the sun shining brightly at them, not like it would make a difference from the cold though. 

"Ah, I forgot. Let me go tie my hair up." 

As Eira was tying her hair up so it wouldn't get wet, the others seemed to arrive on time too. All of the boys from Class 1-A as well as a few girls had finally arrived and were all already prepared to get into the pool. 

"I-is that Zero?!" MIdoriya exclaimed. 

Everyone glanced at the icy blue hairs tying her icy blue hair up. For that moment, time seemed to slow down for a moment. The boys, even the girls, were all staring at Eira's figure. They could see the water slowly drip down onto the ground from her chin. 

Eira was fit, her muscles were well toned, and had great calves too. But that wasn't the only thing, she also had abs that seemed to shine when the sun directly hit her. Just as their eyes were slowly going up, all of them suddenly slipped out of nowhere as their faces landed on the cold-hard ice. 

"Idiots." Bakugo said as he dived after Todoroki into the pool. Rather than staring, Todoroki was trying to avoid Bakugo since he was almost trying to drown him. 

"Wow…I didn't know you had such a nice figure." Momo said. 

Eira turned around and raised an eyebrow at Momo, blood could be seen slowly dripping down her nose. 

"Want me to turn you into a big popsicle?" 


"Then quit staring." Eira said before glancing at the others. "You too unless you wanna be unable to move for the next seven hours." 

Everyone immediately looked away and continued what they came to the pool for, endurance training. They raced against each other to see who was the fastest in swimming and saw who was able to swim the most laps around the pool. 

As everyone was distracted, Eira took this time to sneak away, and go back to Yu's office. 

Finally, there was peace, and quiet when she finally arrived. Until she got a phone call from a certain person. 

"All Might, what could you possibly be calling me for?" Eira asked. 

"The Hero Association has decided to punish you for the misuse of your abilities." All Might said. 

"...okay?" Eira questioned. "The Hero Association can do whatever they want." 

Eira did not care about the Hero Association and if they punished her or not. At the end of the day, the Hero Association needed her, or else the League of Villains would've run wild already. 

Although there was All Might, Eira also played a huge role. 

"And they've decided to make you an overseer at the summer training camp with Class 1-A. Failure to do so would mean that your title as a hero would be stripped away." All Might said.

"Hah? Are you seriously doing this?" 

"You wouldn't want to disappoint Mt. Lady, right? We both know how much she cared for you and raised you to become a hero." All Might said. 

"Well played, All Might. Using a form of manipulation against me, fine, I'll do it. However, I'll remember this, All Might. The snakes in the grass won't stay there forever." Eira said before hanging up the call. 

"How annoying.." she muttered before closing her eyes, falling seamlessly asleep without realizing it.

When she woke up, a familiar figure was in her sight. 

"When did you get back, Yu?" Eira asked, yawning.

"About two hours ago and you've been asleep for two hours. Why don't you rest more? You look like you need it." Yu said. 

Eira adjusted her head on Yu's lap, "You're right, I'm in a comfortable position right now. Today has been tiring, but so has been this week." 

"Oh? What happened?" 

"Remember when I participated as the final boss in the exam for Class 1-A?" 

Yu nodded her head. 

"Apparently I misused my power and went too far even though it was for their own good. Now I'm being punished and I have to act as an overseer for Class 1-A's summer training camp."

"Wouldn't that be good for you? You get to spend more time outside and you won't be bored for a long time." Yu said, giggling. 

Eira pouted and wrapped her around Yu's waist, "I don't want to go if I'm not going to be near you."

Yu laughed at the sight of Eira trying to be cute, it was rare to see this side of her. For some reason, she felt pride in the only one being able to see Eira like this.

"Are you trying to be cute?" 


"Well, I like you being like this as well. But you have to go or else they'll take away your title as a hero, correct? Which means you'll become a convict due to the things you've done." Yu said. 

Eira looked at her with wide eyes. 


"You…you know about the conversation I had with All Might?"

"Of course not!" Yu laughed before smiling. "You're not the type of person to do it unless there's a factor that's forcing you to do it. I took a guess and it seems I hit a bull's eye." 

"I still don't want to go."

"Too bad, get ready for tomorrow, you have a long day ahead." 

Next chapter