
The Wall That is Silas

"Blazing Flash!"

Silas clapped his hands together in front of him and it was like the whole world went white before going completely dark for Zero as well as Kai. Zero had definitely experienced this before.

[Status Effect Inflicted: Darkness]

"I can't see!" Kai called out as he held his sword out in front to him in a defensive posture for whatever may come next. 

"It's the same kind of ability I use when I touch people!" Zero reminded him. It was then that he regretted not preparing a Full On Pork Bun for this very case - but he couldn't make it small and convenient like the other recipes.

Damn, we have no choice but to wait it out! We're completely at his...mercy...

Zero's thoughts trailed off as specks of light began to invade the darkness. 

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