
Relationship Therapy (2)

"How the fuck does he expect us to come up with 200,000 dollars in less than a day? I swear I'll fucking kill him!" Blitzo shouts out as he grabs his sniper rifle as he reloads it.

"Sir I think you should think about this carefully alright? I don't think Striker would set this all up and be alone, sure he goes solo most of the time, but there's a good chance he's got a posse of guys waiting for you to show up." Moxxie goes onto explain while Blitzo is loading up on guns.

"Did I say anything about you assholes not coming to help me out? Besides we've dealt with fuckers like him and his friends before, I say we kill every single one of them we see, get Stolas and get the fuck out of there." He says before tossing some guns over to Moxxie and Millie.

"Whaaat? Your going to leave me and my lovely sister all to ourselves?" Hati says as she's happily cuddling up to Loona who had given up on fighting back and was more or less just annoyed now.

"This is dangerous business, and one things for sure as a parent there's no way in hell I'm going to put my daughter in danger." Blitzo says shaking his head as he opens the gun cabinets and starts passing ammo to Moxxie and Millie to put into duffle bags.

"I'm not some kid you know! I can protect myself, I mean remember when we dealt with those human agents back up on earth? I helped out a lot so don't treat me like some fine China that can't protect herself!" Loona says angrily while Hati stopped cuddling her and just pet her little sisters head.

"She's right you know? Back at the orphanage we were some of the few girls who put the fear in the other hounds there, and after all that time we've just gotten better at fighting since then and I've seen the videos of that fight that you had with those human agents." Hati says in her sisters defense.

"Videos? We were videotaped during that fiasco? Since when?" Moxxie was surprised to hear they were recorded and seen by people outside of those agents.

"You think my boss doesn't pay attention to humans who fight back against demons in anyway, he probably didn't watch it himself since he's pretty busy with all of his other companies, but it was also the thing I was able to use to find out that my cute little sister was alive!" She says as she goes and hugs Loona who try's to push her off her but fails do to the strength difference.

It really was by chance that she was poring over the videos that they had gotten from their insiders of those agencies that she would watch that particular set of videos that had her sister in it making her search for where she was and if it really was her leading to her discovering the misspelling on her adoption papers from the Orphanage and leading her to Blitzo and well you know the rest.

"Well…. Alright Loona your coming along, and if you do well here and if you want to in the future can join us on missions, that is if you want." Blitzo sighed and caved in to allow Loona come along with.

"Yay! The Sun and Moon Sisters are back in the fray!" Hati says all excited like, but hearing that old name makes Loona blush in embarrassment.

"Hati! You know I always hated that nickname those kids gave us back then! Stop bringing up something so embarrassing!" She says hiding her face behind her hands.

"Oh Cmon! Don't be like that! After all it was because we both knew how to use magics like fire and ice that we got those names, besides your name is Loona and it sounds the same as Luna, that's Luna with a U and no O's, and that's just another name for Moon, and mine is obviously referring to the sun so of course we were the amazing Sun and Moon sisters, I'm the happy go lucky sister, while Loona was the temperamental Ice Queen who didn't like getting along with anyone else except me!" She says as she affectionately hugs Loona who is still hiding her face embarrassed like.

*Click Click Click Click*

"Yep, putting this in my photo album!" Blitzo says all happy like while he dodged a swipe from Loona's claws while Hati holds/pets her to calm her down.

"Wait Loona knows how to use Ice Magic? Why haven't we seen her ever do it before though?" Millie asks scratching her head but Hati had the answer.

"Loona doesn't really use those powers unless she needs to get serious, but she has been using them to keep her flask cold, but since using the magic effects our personality's so it's more the reason why she probably hasn't used it in full." Hati says casually which just gets them to raise a few eyebrows as they found it hard to believe Loona knows ice magic even though they know that she has some magic skills, after all she can easily use Stolas grimore along with being able to transform herself into a human disguise while they can't.

"Don't worry, we will show you when we get there, now come on! We don't hurry Blitzo's boyfriend might get killed!" Hati says all excited like as she grabs several large duffle bags full of guns as she and the others headed out.

But hearing Stolas being called his Boyfriend Blitzo would have corrected her, but he realized that correcting her would be wasting more time so he just sighed before heading out with the rest of them.

*Flashback End*

"Oh, looks like they are already here in greed, Remember what I said Striker." I say as I look down at the cowboy who was just cleaning his gun.

"Yeah, Yeah, don't kill them, but I can still beat the shit out of them until they can't move." He said while twirling his guns before holstering then.

"Good, now here's your own personal Posse to help you out, most are just cannon fodder but I'll give you a few that are threatening at least." I say as I cut open my hand and let my blood drip down to the ground below.

And out from the blood over 50 shadow demons appeared before taking on the appearance of cowboy looking imps, each equipped with a knife and revolver.

Then there were four of them that also had some tommyguns on hand and each having a specific weapon to use, ice infused knuckle dusters, flaming gauntlets, a bastard sword and the last one using Sais, these four were the heavy hitters along with Striker.

Luckily I didn't make them as good as him as from what I have heard is that he has gone toe to toe with all of IMP solo and made it out with only a few wounds, if they were as good as him then they wouldn't have a chance.

'Then Again Hati has come to join and if she pulls out all the stops she is like a one woman army after all.' I think to myself as I smile before the demons all scattered to their positions.

"There coming." I say as Striker pulls out a chair as he sits on the catwalk above before pulling out a cigar and lighting it as he sat and waited.

*General Lee Horn Sound Effect* (Just look it you'll know which one I mean)


The IMP Van crashed right through the closed garage doors breaking them and leaving them wide open before the doors were kicked open and the IMP crew came out.

"Striker! You Son of a Bitch! The fuck did you do with Stolas!" Blitzo shouts out as they aim there guns all around the place as it was pitch black inside the warehouse.

"Heheheheh, I think you should worry less about that fucking blue blood-" he said before snapping his fingers as the lights flipped on to have the IMP crew see they were completely surrounded.

"-And be more worried what I have in store for you and the rest of your friends here….."


I wasn't planning on having this as a three parter but I felt like fleshing out Hati and Loona's backstory's in this fic some more and so I did just that, so next part will be the last part of this fiesta.

And you know I was originally going to have this be a one parter where it would have been Cain acting like a normal therapist and forcing Blitzo to be there so they could talk things through with Stolas, but I thought 'no that's boring, how about we do this in a way therapist in hell should do these things and do it in a very unconventional way' and so here we are.

Next chapter