
Chapter 205: High School DxD

Chapter 205: High School DxD

~Mash B. POV~

[Worldline: Draconic Deus (DxD)]

[Romania, Tepes Territory]


Opening a portal we both stepped out in a brilliant flash of kaleidoscope rainbow light illuminated the modestly sized space, revealing a new land seeing a familiar area blinking in surprise as I couldn't help but say in a stunned tone, "Romania? Didn't think I'd be back here in Europe again."

Ryuko soon comes out blinking a bit in surprise seeing Europe of Romania smiling at the scenery, "Huh? So, another Earth huh? Romania you have been there before Mash?"

I nodded my head briefly smiling at my Second Holy Grail War I fought in. It was a hectic time as I spoke in a calm tone, "Yeah… it was in another Worldline fighting in my second Holy Grail War. I've been partnered with Mordred Pendragon as my Saber of Red at the time. Good times."

Ryuko simply nodded trusting my judgment as she remained a bit skeptical but trusted my words rolling her eyes, "Well if you say so. So, is that a castle and village up ahead then? But I wanted to ask what was it that convinced that big ass Dragon in the Dimension Gap to allow us entry to this world?"

I simply had a sly smile on my face recalling our brief meeting with Great Red. He was an okay guy to talk to when I explained about his guaranteed future asking me a small favor in return for gaining passage and exit from Draconic Deus.

All it took was one annoying Super Devil to kill. But I asked to transport us here passage to work on killing him in due time as well as a memory erasure when the job is done. But's later in the near future for now though…

Seeing where she pointed, I simply nodded my head. Must be this world variant of the Tepes Family related to Vlad the Impaler. But seeing there was also a small village close to the castle we decided to stay here for the night and gather information.

Night was coming and it was better to rest for the night and check on the person I came to see during the day when the vampires would be asleep. After all, I knowingly went to this worldline of Draconic Deus better known as High School DxD for some who don't know this worldline's true name.

Valerie Tepes. She was the person I came to check on and the reason I came to Romania as my starting point in this dangerous vampire territory. I needed to know if she still has the 3 Holy Grails which are part of her subspecies Sacred Gear, [Sephiroth Graal] so I could plan accordingly in the future.

It was the reason why I was about to kick the hornet vampiric nest now even if the Tepes Faction was not under the control of Marius Tepes and thus in the hands of Rivezim. Even though taking her away from Tepes could literally stop the Son of Lucifer in his plans to free Trihexa I didn't care about this world's political shitstorm.

But fuck them. Who's to say I can help someone or not? Not fucking them.

It would likely mean I would be hunted by the Tepes Faction, Qlippoth, and the Khaos Brigade to the ends of the Earth, the Underworld, and even Heaven if I were to take her as I am now. But if I didn't do as I please then I would be able to face to save those who I can save when the time comes.

Besides that, it left a sour taste in my mouth to leave a young girl to suffer but I would create more problems by saving her now than in the future. Let those bloodsuckers come I'll take them all on.

Ryuko and I were making our way to the inn of the village. But we both noticed the feeling very uncomfortable by the aura of depression and despair that we could feel and see from the people here.

The village looked normal at first glance but it was clear there was something very wrong with this place if the somber looks of the inhabitants were any indication. I could see that the number of women in this village was unnaturally high.

They were also all looking at me with pity as if saying that I should have come to this place and everything I tried to ask them something about the castle they would look at us in fear and run away. There was something strange about this village.

Having had enough of their looks we entered the inn and tried to question the woman at the counter for information but before I could she looked at me right in the eye and said in a grave serious tone, "Kid you should leave this village immediately. This is not a tourist place. Run before it's too late."

The woman sounded pleading to me. I was confused by her choice of words with Ryuko eyeing her curiously as I spoke, "I don't understand, why should we run?"

The woman soon spoke in a fearful tone looking around the place shaking like a leaf as I was unaware of the situation happening, "Tell me, boy, do you know the name of our village? This place is called the Fullmoon Village and today… today is the full moon."

Suddenly I felt a small chill run down my bones and could suddenly hear children and women screaming from the outside. We hurriedly made our way outside while the woman was shooting at me to hide.

What greeted me was a scene only seen in horror movies. Several women and young children were being dragged by a group of 5 men – vampires. All of them looked at us with eyes full of arrogance, lust, and anticipation.

One of the vampires said to one of his comrades, not even paying to me, "Who is this boy? I've never seen him before?"

Another soon said releasing one of his would-be victims and casually making his way towards me with lust eyeing Ryuko, "Who cares? Let's play with him for a bit before going back to the castle. The girl too."

Internally I sighed at their arrogance. I knew most of the Supernatural races looked down on humans. But knowing and experiencing it are 2 different things. But them wanting my treasures though…?

That's a personal offense that they'll pay with their life.

The vampires charged at me as I raised my hand using [Ark] a skill from the Goddess Clan during my time in the Seven Deadly Sins world. My hand illuminated the area in primal Holy Magic shining.



A ball of light made from [Ark] as two of them died instantly bathed in the light disintegrated into nothing. That's what [Ark] does to beings of darkness and highly effective against Vampires killing two of them in a flash.

[You gain +20 EXP!]

[You gain +20 EXP!]

Granted they were fucking weak from being a literal danger. Only the weak prey on others for being weak is a disgrace in my eyes.

Skill List.


<Ark > (Active) Lv.60/100 Exp: 90%

MP Cost: 25 MP/Sec.

Description: An archetypal magic technique of the Goddess Clan that creates light particles that can be used in different ways. The dazzling light suspends it between life and death and drains all of its Mana as it breaks apart their body. It mostly counteracts darkness by disintegrating, though it also can cause physical damage. Not effective against the [Goddess Clan] race.


I looked at the vampires with a raised eyebrow as they were cursing at me. What should I do with the remaining 3-level 20s here?


All 3 of the Vampires were caught by [Ark] suspended draining them of their MP as one of them snarled in pain angrily growling at me, "Release us immediately, you filthy – AHHHHHH!"

And add [Disaster] into the mix to heighten the pain of my attack separating them closer to life just within an inch. Skill List.


<Disaster > (Active) Lv. 60/100 Exp: 34%

MP Cost: Varies

Description: An innate power granted to the fairy bestowed with the title [Fairy King]. This power allows one that exercise complete control over life and death, by which the user can elevate or diminish the natural state of something.

A slight scratch can develop into a severe wound, mild poisons become lethal toxins and a small tumor can rapidly spread throughout the body. It is a fitting power as it gives the user authority over nature, letting them grow and propagate the plants and trees as they see fit, or allowing them to wither and decay.


I haven't used these skills all that much and practice does make perfect. I fully planned to kill them after my interrogation as I asked them sternly, "No, not before you all answered my questions or face erasure. Why did you try to kidnap these people in the open? You know that is against the unwritten rules."

The Unwritten Rules are something that no people from the supernatural can violate unless they want all the pantheons and factions to come down on their heads. Some rules were made by the Heaven Faction a few centuries ago.

But the basic rules do not reveal the existence of the supernatural to the mundane unless they made contact beforehand, do not fight in the open where the mundane humans can see you, do not involve yourself in the politics and economy of the mundane world, and finally do not harm mundane where others can see and that mundane with Sacred Gears were free game as these people are toeing the line between mundane and supernatural.

This rule is the one that irks me the most as it says it is okay to hurt normal humans as long as no one from the mundane world knows about it. Before coming to this world, I made sure to familiarize myself with this world's rules and customs beforehand coming here sending my Moon Cell drone scouts.

However, these rules are also a blessing for normal humans as they would have led the world to anarchy if it wasn't for them. These rules are the reasons why most Stray Devils do not rampage in the open and why vampires feed only when there is no one around.

And yet these vampires in front of me transgressed 3 of these rules as if they didn't matter. If it was a common occurrence here, and if the looks around me were any indication it seemed to be, this has been going on a long time.

Looking at the bonded vampires stuck in the light, I could see their forms trembling and then they were all laughing as if my question was completely stupid. I glared having enough of their mockery and made my bind tighter and heard their screams as I disintegrated them slowly and as painfully as possible.

I gritted my teeth and asked in an angry tone of their mockery, "Why are you laughing?"

Soon one of them said still laughing despite the pain in an arrogant tone asking me to gaze at the people, "Y-you d-don't know. Of course, you don't know. Look around, you stupid human. Do you not feel the despair and helplessness of the villagers? Do you not feel the shame and guilt of these cattle, incapable of saving their friends and family."

I looked around me and I could see that he was right, they were all looking at the scene with wide eyes, but no one was trying to go back inside their home, to safety. It was as if… they were used to it and I then realized what he meant as the vampire spoke in a condescending tone, "You understand now. This village is part of the Tepes Faction. All these people belong to us. They are our food, our cattle, our playthings. We can do whatever we want with them and no one can do anything about it. Now release us – AHHHH!!!"


No words were needed anymore as Ryuko decapitated them with her Scissor Blade in its Decapitation Mode as I burned the bodies. But she got the EXP, but it didn't matter as I felt my blood boil. No burning with fury. Their guts and blood were now on the ground.

With my – no our actions. I full-heartedly hate fucking vampires with a burning passion. I hate them deeply for very good reasons and prior experiences.

I will fight these bloody fuckers till they no longer can harm anyone. These bloody bastards want me...

Well…. Fine, they're more than welcome to try. Filthy bats that need to be expunged.

Next chapter