
Chapter 53: [Serpent’s Sin of Envy]

Chapter 53: [Serpent's Sin of Envy]

~Third POV~

"Ahh… that's good!"

Eating her third roasted pig that Mash cooked while he ate the fish he caught he grinned seeing Diane enjoy his cooking, "Thanks! I hope you enjoyed the roasted Pig then Diane. I hope it was filling for you."

Diane sitting down cross-legged surprisingly nodded at the amount she ate appeasing her Giant stomach, "Yeah… it was? Usually, it takes more but only 3 from your cooking seemed to fill me up. Is that your Magical Powers?"

Mash raised an eyebrow at this his mouth grinning learning something new to him with an eager tone, "Magical Powers? I'm sorry but can you please explain it to me then Diane-sama."

She curtly nodded her head as she explained to him the general term of Magical Powers. Magical Powers are mysterious and supernatural abilities that allow their wielder to perform various techniques.

Generally, it is unique to individuals. Magical Powers are mysterious, supernatural abilities. These abilities can be categorized into offensive, defensive, and support skills in battle. The Holy Knights from different kingdoms across Britannia use their magical abilities to protect people from various threats.

The source of an individual's power is stated to be drawn from one's will, beliefs, and experiences. In turn most, if not all of the magical powers' effects closely resemble their users' traits and personalities.

The power resides within the body itself even though the catalyst to awaken one's power is unknown. Some people are born with Magical Power, and others can awaken their Magical Power later in life through several causes like traumatic events.

Mash nodded understanding what Magical Powers meant as Diane asked in a curious tone about his, "Hey Mash is your power involving cooking? Or some kind of Telekinesis ability? Or is it a spell?"

Getting curious Mash replied with a sheepish face on his face at Diane's questioning, "Sort of. My Magical Powers I suppose I have multiple of them."

Diane's eyes widened at this nodding impressed as she commented surprising Mash of her words, "Cool! I've only ever seen other Humans with one Magical Powers. Well… there's Merlin but she doesn't count she's a living cheat."

Mash merely laughed nervously making a mental note to himself to be wary of showing off his skills in this world, 'Oh right… I forgot that only people get one power-up in their lives. Since my skills and Authority could act like Magical Powers… better to keep my mouth shut then.'

Wisely choosing to keep his mouth shut on the matter Diane soon asked in a curious tone at Mash's destination, "Out of curiosity's sake where do you plan to go after this Mash? I mean I highly doubt you would want to stay here any places you plan on going around Britannia?"

Considering her words Mash answered her question with a shrug of his shoulders already knowing what to do biting his fish, "Well… I suppose it wouldn't hurt to be a cook at a tavern or bar. Or an adventure or explorer. Those sound-like good things to do."

Diane soon asked another question of a job position causing him to look up at the Giant with a curious gaze, "Then why not become a Knight? Heard they give good pay or decent jobs. Even becoming a '[Holy Knight]'. Tch."

He laughed at her response giving Diane an explanation of things going down with the Kingdom shaking his head, "Hahaha! Good one. But no way. I heard the Knights are forcibly rounding up everyone for some kind of war or something. And if I were one, I would rather be Emilia's Knight than theirs."

Peeking an interest-changing subject Diane asked curiously more about the boy sitting next to leaning her head down, "Emilia huh? Is she someone important to you? And where exactly are you from?"

Considering her question Mash answered with a fond smile explaining to Diane a bit about himself in a kind tone before shaking his head denying it at the end, "Yes. She's someone who once saved my life and had many kinds of stories and merits in the Kingdom of Lugnica. But no… I'll probably bore you with my tales anyway."

Trying to dissuade the idea that only intrigued the Giant with a grin forming on her face extending her arms to the open area and replying to him in a nonchalant tone, "Eh why not? I mean it's not like you're not in any hurry. Both of us aren't in a rush so why not share adventure stories it's not like we have anything going on with our lives."

Opening his mouth, he began to rebuttal her claims till he realized he found none admitting in a sheepish tone, "I… okay fair point. Well, then I suppose I'll explain what I did when I first arrived at the Kingdom of Lugnica to start with. It all started following a thief you see…"


Later into the middle of the night, Diane smiled as she gazed above and finished listening to Mash's tales in Re: Zero impressed, "Wow! You have certainly gone through a lot in such a short amount of time. The Bowel Hunter, The White Whale, The Great Rabbit, and the bet against the clown. I have to say those 4 are my favorites of your tale. Granted its the only tales I've heard up to date at least."

Mash laying down star gazing at the night above him agreed chuckling complimenting Diane's stories as well in a light-hearted tone, "Truly? I'm glad you liked them Miss Diane of The Seven Deadly Sins. You and King fighting off some Monsters being drained while fighting in detail have to say I'm impressed. Your stories about the Seven Deadly Sins blow any of mine out of the water. So… are you and your captain a thing?"

She grunted obviously in her delusion of their relationship status agreeing to her ideals and dreams crossing her arms, "Of course! My captain and I are bound by love I say! And don't you forget it, mister!"

Mash merely laughed a little wishing her luck in such a fruitless endeavor supporting his new Giant friend, "Hahaha… Sure thing. Then I hope you two are happy when you find each other. I'll be sure to give you a heads up if I ever meet this Meliodas guy for you Diane. You can bet on it."

Both laughed at the words with Diane thanking Mash for his time in a genuine thankful tone gazing up at the night, "You know I needed this. Talking to someone after being alone for what 10 years by now. Only had these Imps to threaten so not a lot of people come around you know?"

Mash nodded his head understanding Diane's dilemma of being alone replying to her words in a knowing tone, "Yeah, I can relate. Being alone just sucks. Knowing you are separated and forced into isolation truly tests your mind on how much a person can take the little things for granted before realizing you want those things again. Are you going to be okay being alone Diane?"

Concerned for the new friend he made Diane pondered the question merely answering in an unsure tone yawning, "Ahhh… I'm not sure. But hopefully one day I get to see the captain. I'm going to sleep tonight, Mash."

Falling asleep Mash gazed at the Giant with a pitiful expression muttering to himself heading towards his tent to sleep, "Sigh… Good night, Diane."

Before heading inside, he noticed the cold chill of the wind. The chill of the wind made him shiver before looking at Diane with a conflicted expression on his face.

Pausing his gaze towards Giant Diane he asked Beatrice residing in the Gamer Ring a question, "Hey Beatrice you don't happen to know of a size spell or two within the Ring or inside the Forbidden Library to increase the size to that of a Giant?"

The Gamer Ring shined as Beatrice used their bond as a [Spirit User] answering his question in an annoyed tone, 'I know of few. Why did you ask I suppose?'

Mash smiled at what he intended to do holding his Gamer Ring and talking to himself in a knowing tone, "Oh nothing much. Just helping a lady get comfortable and unlocking her missing memories."

That was when Beatrice responded in a dry tone making Mash freeze correcting his stupidity in a blunt voice, 'In that case why not use your [Disguise] Authority of Lust? You do know you can 'disguise' a simple leaf into a giant blanket right? When it comes to Authorities they don't exactly follow the world rules or limits I suppose.'

Mash blushed a bit embarrassed not figuring that out with Beatrice sighing inside the ring of his naivety at times.


Waking up from a surprisingly comfy night in the cold from the wind Diane raised her arms together waking up, "Ahhh… Oh man, I haven't slept that good in a long – huh?"

When she woke up, she noticed she had a blanket covering her along with a pillow beneath her head. Diane was surprised by the size of them being suited for her uttering in a surprised tone, "Wha… I didn't have these then…"

Her gaze looked to where Mash and his camp were. But from the looks of things, he has recently moved away causing Diane to frown lightly, "Ohhh… here I thought I would thank him for this stuff. How did he manage –"

"Managed what?"

Diane froze turning her head around to see Mash walking out from the area in a tired tone yawning and stretching his body, "Come on now! What exactly did you want to know Miss Diane!"

Diane was pleasantly surprised to see Mash waiting for her to wake up she blushed a bit embarrassed with a flustered tone, "Oh! Sorry, I thought you would've left already. I just wanted to know that if you made these for me?"

Gesturing towards the pillow and blanket Mash nodded his head responding to her confusion in a clear tone with a smile on his face, "Yeah, I made them. Had to enlarge them to fit your size. After all, can't have a nice girl get a cold in the wind at night."

Diane blinked at his kindness before thanking him for the blanket and pillow in a grateful tone, "In that case thanks then! It's been a long while since I had my sleep on something comfortable for a change of pace. But I see you'll leave soon then?"

Mash ultimately nodded his head agreeing to Diane's words notifying her with a defeated grin on his face, "Yeah. It's the reason why I cleaned up in advance. But I figured it would've been a dick move to leave without saying see you later. And how did your sleep go?"

Diane took the time to readjust herself as suddenly memories of 700 years ago flashed in her mind before shaking her head dissuading it as a dream, "I felt good. Even had a weird dream of one of my collogues King taking care of me 700 years ago. It felt so weird but good at the same time."

Mash seeing that Diane managed to regain her memories shook his head at his intervention in a hopeful tone, 'I see… I guess from her perspective she could say it's a dream. Well… I guess this King's only problem will deal with her when the time comes that lazy grooming piece of shit.'

Moving topics along Mash invited Diane for morning breakfast before he departed from The Forest of White Dreams, "Since I'm leaving, I thought we have breakfast before I leave the forest. What you say want to eat together?"

Diane merely nodded agreeing with Mash's invite before he ultimately left the area after having breakfast with Diane.

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