
Chapter 40: Part 2: You want to read more sure come to my Patr//n... The story is ongoing, and far ahead to what you find here...

[Part 1: ]

Today is the day I will be facing those old fossils, and I know I have to be prepared, or I will be risking getting fucked over by them. Anyway, despite being out for blood I know I have to look the part, after all, appearances matter, especially when you're planning to make a lasting impression. I chose a set of green robes with silver accents, the colors blending together in a way that screamed both elegance and authority. As I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but smirk. 

"Damn, I've got style," I muttered, admiring how the robes hugged my frame. The subtle shimmer of silver thread highlighted the deep emerald of the fabric, creating a look that was both regal, and is crying out 'look out this dude is dangerous!', well, basically I am intimidating.

Satisfied with my appearance, I snapped my fingers, summoning Hundone, one of my ever-loyal house-elves. He popped into existence beside me with a soft crack, his large, eager eyes looking up at me expectantly.

"What can Hundone do for the Master?" he asked, his voice a blend of subservience and eager anticipation.

"I'll be gone for the day," I replied, my tone leaving no room for questions. "Look after the manor, and if anyone tries to enter any of my properties—no matter who it is—kill them. But do it the way I taught you."

Hundone nodded, his face a picture of solemnity with an evil grin. "As Master commands."

With that, I turned and made my way to the front door. Today was no ordinary day, and I wasn't leaving anything to chance. I had my walking stick in hand, a sturdy piece of oak with a core of enchanted and cursed up metal, capable of ending a life when needed. My pocket watch was safely tucked into the inner lining of my robe—a priceless heirloom that had been in my family for generations. Its enchantments allowed me to manipulate time, just a bit, in case of emergencies. What better way to escape than jump through time?! Finally, my monocle was in place, charmed to detect illusions and reveal hidden truths, it is basically what MadEyes eye is just not as an eye stuffed into my eye socket. And perched on my head was my favorite accessory: a stylish black cylinder hat, the kind that made you stand out in any crowd, but just for the heck of it, it has a really big space inside itself.

But these weren't just for show. In my pockets, I carried enough weaponry to be labelled as a walking arsenal. Extra wands, enchanted knives, potions capable of causing instant paralysis or death—they were all within easy reach. Trust was a luxury I couldn't afford, especially in a world where people could use the Imperius Curse to bend a hundred minds to their will and swarm you with mindless drones. Defend yourself, and suddenly you're labeled as dark, a menace for hurting or killing a few Muggles.

As I stepped out of the manor, the building vanished behind me, space folding in on itself until it was nothing more than a memory in the landscape. The spellwork involved in making the manor disappear was complex—modern magic that defied conventional explanation. See, I do a lot of researching, being able to literally eat knowledge makes that quite easy to be honest, but the main point is that I just try to come up with new magic that can replace all the stupid shit that is just working on conceptual power, and be repeatable even by those who aren't that attuned to magic as I am. Trying to understand it through the lens of science was a futile endeavor. Magic wasn't bound by the same rules. Sure, there were principles that guided it, limitations shaped by our power and imagination. But in its purest form, magic was freedom—unfettered by the laws that governed the mundane shit we all love to call reality.

I found out how to weave together spells into songs, because I found out that magic behaves like a child, and if you can manage to make it dance, or do something because magic itself wants to, it will basically do everything you want it to just to make you happy.

I took a big deep breath, letting the cool morning air fill my lungs. Today would be a me jumping into the unknown once more. Life is just like that sometimes you just have to take the jump, and not think about how, when, or where you're going to land.

[Part 2:]

I appeared in the narrow street where the entrance to the Ministry of Magic was hidden, the familiar sense of disdain creeping up my spine as I walked towards the dilapidated red phone booth that served as the secret entry point. The London streets around me were bustling with oblivious Muggles, utterly unaware of the magical world lying just beneath their feet. 

A magical community, but they're dumb enough to rely on such crude methods, and they're hiding beneath the ground like some animals to afraid to rise and claim what ought to belong to them.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped into the booth and picked up the dusty receiver. I repeated the words I'd been told, the instructions burned into my memory through countless briefings.

"Hello, who is there?" came a woman's voice, brisk and devoid of any warmth.

"Lord Severus Ulysses Prince. I am here as was demanded of me," I replied dryly, my voice steady and cold. The next moment, I felt the booth shudder as the wards sprang to life, encasing me in a magical barrier before the ground beneath the phone booth gave way, dragging me underground. 

"Now, this is new," I muttered under my breath, mildly impressed by the additional security measures. It seemed like they weren't taking any chances with me. How flattering.

As soon as I was deposited into the atrium of the Ministry, the doors of the booth slid open, revealing a hundred wands aimed directly at my face. The sight was almost comical—these Aurors, jittery and on edge, ready to curse me into oblivion the moment I made a wrong move.

"Well, this is certainly an interesting welcome," I remarked, amusement lacing my words as I took in the scene. My eyes scanned the room, noting the tension in the air. They were practically salivating at the chance to take me down.

The Deatheaters have already infiltrated the Ministry, well, I did expect them to have done this, but seeing it still a hard hit.

"Hands up! Where we can see them, boy!" a voice bellowed from among the ranks of Aurors. 

I turned slowly, my gaze landing on the one who had dared to command me, and call me a boy. 'Alastor Moody?!'—years younger than the paranoid wreck he'd eventually become, but already sporting enough scars to make his face look like an abused Pizza, or a battlefield map depending on which description you prefer. He had both of his eyes intact, which is an odd sight for those familiar with his later years, well, for me at least it is. The man looked like he hadn't had a good night's sleep—or a good shag—in years.

"Oh? Did you just call me a 'boy'?" I asked incredulously, raising an eyebrow at the sheer audacity.

"I call it as I see it!" Moody shot back, his voice gruff as he began to approach me, his wand never wavering.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Haha, that's a good one, mate! Wanna go have a drink after I'm done here?"

"I make it a habit not to hang around dark wizards, or those accused of being dark," he retorted, his voice matter-of-fact, his eyes still locked onto me as though expecting me to pounce.

"Well, that's unfortunate, but I get it. Hanging around people who might backstab you isn't exactly a recipe for a good time, is it?" I mused, pretending to consider his position.

"Exactly," he said, moving closer as if to apprehend me. 

But just as his hand reached out, it passed right through me. My figure flickered like a mirage before vanishing, only to reappear a dozen meters behind the group of Aurors. I was already walking leisurely toward the corridor that led to the room where my hearing was supposed to take place.

One of the more useful tricks I'd learned from Eris—when she wasn't busy beating the shit out of me—was how to phase through solid objects and create illusions, the kind of illusion that redefines the whole branch of magic, without any visible effort. No wand, no incantations, just sheer will. My illusions were lifelike, complete with voices and solid enough to fool even the sharpest Auror, and combined with the Hallow merged into my being, well, do I need to explain at all.

"Well, I'd say 'catch me if you can,' but we both know that's never going to happen," I called out, my voice echoing as I stepped into the escalator. 

"The name is Moody, boy! And I will be the one catching you, motherfucker!" Moody roared, charging toward the stairs as did all the other Aurors, immediately after the doors of the escalator slid shut in his face.

Once the hall was empty, I reappeared, stepping out from the shadowy corner where I had been hiding and watching the show. I made my way toward the reception desk, where a young witch sat, her eyes wide with shock as she realized who I was.

"Hello, darling," I drawled, leaning on the counter. "Would you be so kind as to find out where the case against Lord Prince is being held? I've got a gut feeling those pricks might have made some last-minute changes."

The girl stared at me as if I'd just sprouted dragon wings. Her mouth opened and closed a few times before she managed to stammer out, "S-sure, Lord Prince, just a moment, please." She hurried away, leaving me to idly drum my fingers on the counter.

She returned barely thirty seconds later, clutching a piece of parchment in her trembling hands. "So, it's—" she began, but I didn't bother to let her finish. With a flick of my wrist, the parchment flew out of her hands and into mine.

"Thanks, darling. I'll find my way from here," I said, smirking as I vanished from sight once again.

Five minutes later, I found myself standing before a massive black marble door. The smooth surface gleamed under the flickering torchlight, the weight of the magic embedded within it palpable. It didn't take a genius to realize that this was a trap—one that had been painstakingly laid out just for me.

"Haha, let's see what these bastards have cooked up for me," I muttered to myself, thoroughly amused. Without hesitation, I raised my foot and kicked the door with enough force to uproot a tree, but I only managed to break the lock. The door didn't shatter as I'd expected, but my boot left a perfect imprint on its surface. 

"Well, damn," I said out loud, genuinely impressed. "This is one sturdy ass door."

The Ministry had certainly spared no expense in fortifying this place. It seemed they were determined to make sure that if I came in, I wouldn't be getting out easily. But that was fine. I wasn't planning on leaving until I'd made my point, one way or another. With a smirk on my face, I pushed the door open, ready to face whatever waited on the other side.

[Part 3:]

As I took slow, deliberate steps into the death trap these cunts had laid out for me, I could feel the weight of my robes billowing behind me like a dark storm cloud, my pulse thundering in my ears, and goosebumps crawling up my skin. Each resounding footfall echoed off the cold stone walls, fueling my simmering rage. My grandmother's gentle face flashed in my mind, followed by my grandfather's infuriating and annoying grin as he used to ask if I needed his help, always with that tone of condescending amusement. Their memories are like a thorn buried deep in my heart, twisting, a constant yet numb pain, it is all I can feel whenever the memories resurface.

I wanted to be done with it all. To be free. I wanted to wake up without the weight of guilt crushing my chest, without feeling like I was the reason the people I loved were buried six feet under. Every time I looked in the mirror, I saw a man wasting away, a man trapped in a cycle of self-loathing and regret, with the past few days dragging me deeper into that abyss.

A rampage wouldn't make me feel better—I knew that much. But I wanted them to suffer, to feel even a fraction of the torment that gnawed at my soul every waking moment because of their stupid bullshit.

"Ladies, gentlemen, and bloody bastards and bootlickers, I, Lord Ulysses Prince, am here!" I declared, my voice ringing out loud and clear as I stepped into the center of the room.

The moment I'd kicked the door open, they'd all frozen, their expressions like deer caught in headlights. The room, lined with rows of benches filled with high-ranking Ministry officials and Aurors, was silent except for the sound of their collective breaths, held in anticipation.

"Lord Prince, we did not expect your entrance to be... well, the way it is," finally came the voice of a woman seated in the center of the dais, her tone as icy as the stone around us.

I turned my gaze to her, taking in her steely demeanor. "Haha, that's what most people say when they meet me for the first time, Madame. But let's skip the pleasantries, shall we? Why have I been summoned here today, and more importantly, why am I in this room designed solely for interrogating condemned criminals?" I asked, gesturing to the room around us. Every inch of this place was coated in wards, each stone pulsating with layers of protective magic.

"I am Minister of Magic Eugena Jenkins," she introduced herself with an air of authority. "You, Lord Prince, are accused of being the perpetrator of the fire at the Black Manor incident. As you are aware, dozens of people lost their lives that night. You were seen fleeing the scene, and numerous witnesses have accused you of using dark and vile magic. As such, you stand here today to be judged by this austere assembly."








Laughter erupted from all corners of the room, echoing eerily as every head whipped around in confusion. Between the rows of officials and Aurors, dozens of versions of me appeared, each one lounging in different positions—some leaning back nonchalantly in their seats, others tapping my walking stick on the stone floor, and still others floating lazily in mid-air.

"Me?" my voice echoed from every illusion at once, dripping with sarcasm. "If I truly wanted to kill those maggots you surround yourself with, I wouldn't even break a sweat. It would be less than a menial task to me, Madame Jenkins."

A sudden scream pierced the air as one of the Aurors cried out in agony, clutching at the dagger now embedded deep in his thigh. 

"STOP THIS!" Minister Jenkins shouted, her voice trembling with barely contained fury.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no!" I responded, my voice laced with mockery. "You don't get to tell me what to do, my dearest Madame Jenkins. You see, while I was attending that pathetic excuse for a ball, I lost someone very dear to me." A version of me appeared behind her, reclining on thin air, his voice low and deadly.

"So what? That does not give you the justification to randomly attack people!" she retorted, her voice rising with righteous indignation.

"Haha, but it does!" my illusions replied in unison, my anger seeping into the room like a dark fog. "That ball was a trap, just like this little charade. And I was foolish enough to play by their rules. But no more."

"So?" she pressed, her voice quivering now, sensing the danger. "You're here to do what exactly?"

"Why, I'm here to make a declaration and to exact some payback, well, it is basically the same as you all assumed it would be. Today is judgement day for someone, but it just isn't me," I answered smoothly, my voice carrying an edge that made several of the officials flinch. At that moment, more cries of pain erupted as several wands were flung from their owners' hands, each clattering uselessly to the floor as a knife appeared in their place, twisted into their flesh.

"Well, you stupid shits," I began, a mad grin spreading across my face. "The first rule of this event is that no one, and I mean no one, pulls out their wand. Understood?"

"Bastard! Do you think you'll get away with this?!" a voice snarled from the back of the room, dripping with venom. I didn't even need to look to know who it was—My buddy Abraxas Malfoy, the self-righteous prick who was always ready to throw his weight around, certain his name would protect him, but even if he went nose deep into Tom's arsehole, in order to hide from me, I would make sure to find this son of a bitch.

"Ah, Abraxas," I drawled, turning slowly to face him. "I was wondering when you'd find your balls."

His face twisted with rage, the veins in his neck bulging as he glared at me. "You'll regret this, Prince!"

I chuckled darkly, my many eyes all around the hall narrowing as I began to walk toward him, the crowd parting like the Red Sea in the wake of my anger. "Regret? You think I'm capable of feeling regret anymore, Abraxas? No, no, I've moved past that. But you—"

With a flick of my wrist, the dagger in the Auror's thigh ripped itself free, flying across the room to hover menacingly in front of Malfoy's throat. "—you're going to wish you'd stayed silent, and did not perpetrate this crappy show. I was happy with just mocking you slowly over time, but no more of that crap!"

The room fell deathly silent, every eye fixed on the standoff, waiting for the next move.

"But I'm feeling generous today," I suddenly said, waving the dagger away casually, letting it embed itself harmlessly in the wall behind him. "So I'll give you a choice, Abraxas. You can sit down, shut up, and listen to what I have to say, or you can try your luck. But we both know how that will end, don't we? Your son found out firsthand, after all."

He hesitated, his eyes flicking between me and the blade now lodged in the wall, calculating his options. Slowly, he lowered himself back into his seat, his face pale but defiant.

"That's a good boy, like son like father, or something like that," I sneered before turning back to the rest of the room. "Now, where was I? Ah yes, my declaration."

I raised my arms, and the room seemed to darken as shadows coiled around me, twisting and writhing like living things. "From this day forward, let it be known that I, Lord Ulysses Prince, am no longer bound by the petty rules and games of this corrupt and bullshit game you idiots are playing in your backwards society. I will fuck you all over just because I can, and so I declare that the games can begin, or to make it even more obvious the hunting season is open! You bunch of spineless cowards allowed a wannabe Dark Lord to brand you like cattle, your stupid Minister doesn't even know that she is surrounded by snakes, and finally…"

[Part 4: ]

Just as I am about to finish the first part of my glorious speech a man with a long white beard enters the hall, and speaks up.

"WAIT!! Severus, my boy, I do not think this is what Reginald would have wanted." Gaydore says in his most grandfatherly voice.

"Oh, Albus how gracious of you to actually take part in this farce." I say as one of my clones floats next to him," Please do enlighten me on one question though, that is actually really bothering me." I say as I push out the man with the bleeding leg out of his chair and take his now empty seat.

"And what question would that be?" he asks back while slowly creating some distance between himself and my clone.

'Smart guy, but sadly it is pointless.' I think amused.

"How is it possible that you out of all people present here today are the dumbest? How can you be so stupid despite being apparently and factly so smart?" I ask before I go on, "We, as witches and wizards, have magic yet you've ignored that and created a society where all we do is to just squabble all day long, and waste away our society and potential, somehow allowing our people to get dumb enough to bow down to an upstart asshole, that calls himself MoldyFart, and basically wants to kill the better half of our population!! To my understanding what this basically means or explains, is that for the majority of those gathered here, being some stupid assholes bitch is way better than putting up with your constant crap, right? So, do enlighten me, please! Did you get butthurt after your lover fucked for the last time, or did you get butthurt because he stopped fucking you? And because of that butthurt-ness you decided to fuck us all over?!"

The whole hall fell into a pindrop silence nobody in their right mind would ridicule, or offend the Great Dumbledore, but here I am doing exactly that. Some may ask why I am doing this, but I would ask why not?

A man that single handeln manages to create not one but two monsters over the course of his life has to be a special kind of idiot!

Grindelwalds base ideology of the greater good was invented by this old bag of bones, and MoldyFart, well, if you have magic and you have suspicions why not just use that crappy magic to get an answer?!

Why not use an oath, force him to swear one to stop being an asshole, and stop the little monster from killing people, but nah, you wont do that because you need the evil guy so that the sheep flock to you and beg you for your protection.

This motehrfucker wants to ascend, and for this reason he needs to build up his tale, Dumbledore the guardian, Dumbledore the second coming of Merlin, Dumbledore the man who defeated two dark lords and protected Britain in a single lifetime, Dumbledore the man that raised the boy who lived to protect us all from the dark Lord that managed to escape and return from the dead.

See, he is not just evil, but instead he is an evil plotting son of a bitch!

„Severus, my boy, I already knew you were going down a dark path, but I think having lost your only remaining family has pushed you over the edge. Throwing insults and accusations around is not going to help you cope with whatever it is that is hurting you." he says as he slowly pulls out his second wand as the first one is already merged with me.

"Albus, you've got a point this is a coping mechanism, so to say! Today, I will kill those I deem responsible for my Grandfathers passing, and leave here. Sure, you can try to stop me, but even you won't be able to stop me. Protecting them all from me is impossible, and the most you'll achieve is pulling innocents into our fight, which I for one, do not care about." I say as I my clone slowly disappears and reappears from another corner of the room. "I am going to use these maggots for what they're worth, they've all ganged up on my family, but while doing so they seem to have forgotten the reason why there are special rules in place for Pureblood families on how to interact with one another." I say as I plunge my dagger into Abraxas's heart, and I see his eyes go wide when he looks up at me standing over him.

"Why?" he manages to ask.

"Did you really think that you'd get out of this alive, Abraxas?!" I say aloud and I see in his eyes that he is still in disbelief.

"Stop it!" Albus commands while he fires a spell at the ground where I am standing, and suddenly the ground moves like water trying to encase me.

"Why should I, Albus? Sometimes you have to cut off the rotten meat so that the wound can heal, and the organism can survive." I say as more and more people are getting stabbed, or are having their throats slit open.

"But killing everyone is not the way to go about bringing change to the world." he says angrily when he looks around trying to find the real me, but none of his spells is going to work when I am hiding under one of the most OP items in this world.

"Stop being so fucking naive you, as well as all the people gathered here have seen war, you've all seen what mortal greed can do to our people, and I will Promis to contain this sickness, let my grandfather's death be a turning point in Magical Britains history!" I say, and suddenly all my clones go eerily silent.

"This day you all shall see the rise of the Big Bad Wolf!" I declare with an amused smirk, because now they're all stuck between submitting to MoldyFart, joining Gaydore, or simply escaping from me.

"A fucking name from a muggle children's book?" Minister Jenkins spats out annoyed.

"DING! DING! DING! Exactly, you got it! What can be scarier than the Big Bad Wolf, a being that we all were thought is evil and dangerous at a time in our life when all we knew was just the idea of fear." I say and suddenly I transform into my half Werewolf form standing in front of the minister, and I let out an angry growl, and I see her pissing herself in fear.

"Is this really what you want to do?" Albus asks while trying to look at every Severus within the room.

"I wanted to enjoy life and live in peace, occasionally fucking a daughter or two of some rich family, acquiring wealth for myself, and generally enjoy what life has to offer, but it seems peace doesn't fit me. Anyone who dares to come after me or mine will be facing my wrath unlike anything they have ever imagined. And trust me, I have a very vivid imagination. I will kill and skin your children before your very eyes, and make you eat them alive if I have to to drive in the point."

"So this is you driving in a point?" someone shouts angrily at me.

"Exactly, seems like you all aren't as dense as I thought you'd be." the me standing behind him says amused.

Finally, the illusions around the room flicker and start to fade, leaving only the me standing in the center standing in my half WereWolf transformed state, the air around me crackling with barely contained power. "Now, Minister Jenkins, do you still wish to play this game? Or would you rather save yourself and your people a lot more pain and just let me walk out of here, free?"

She stared at me, her face a mask of fear and fury, the weight of the decision pressing down on her. After what felt like an eternity, she spoke, her voice low and strained.

"You... may leave, Lord Prince."

"Smart choice," I said with a satisfied smirk. I turned on my heel and strode toward the door, the crowd parting before me as if afraid to even breathe in my direction.

As I reached the threshold, I paused and glanced back over my shoulder. "Oh, and one more thing—try this again, and I won't be so merciful. To those of you who consider joining MoldyFart do know that I am going to kill him, and anyone who has helped even without being branded by him."

With that, I walked out, leaving behind a room full of trembling Ministry officials and a growing sense of dread that another Big Player has entered the Game, and their world had just shifted, and not in their favor.

Plans need to be made alliances need to be broken off or reforged, and promises need to be upheld now, the game is everchanging, and this new Player will eventually integrate in the game, just like everyone else has done so for centuries.

Next chapter