
Chapter 39: The aftermath… part 2

Chapter 39

### **The Daily Prophet**

**Tragedy at Black Manor: Fire Ravages Prestigious Event**

*By Skeeter*

*December 13th, 1976* 

Last night, the annual Black Ball was tragically disrupted by a catastrophic fire at Black Manor, one of the many ancestral homes of one of the oldest pureblood families in Britain. The blaze broke out just before midnight, sending guests fleeing in panic as flames engulfed the historic estate.

The cause of the fire remains unclear, though rumors are already swirling around the magical community. Speculation is rife that this could be an attack orchestrated by the newest Dark Lord and his followers, who have recently gained notoriety throughout Britain. After years of peace, we are once more faced with another threat. However, other sources suggest that the fire may have been the result of a tragic accident during a duel between Heir Prince and Heir Malfoy, as it is alleged that in a desperate attempt to win, Heir Prince used dark and forbidden magic. Supporting this claim is the fact that many witnessed Heir Prince fleeing the scene. As of now, Aurors are searching for Heir Prince to bring him in for questioning. If you have any leads, please inform us.

Among the casualties was the esteemed former Lord Prince, Reginald Prince, who perished in the inferno. Known for his formidable prowess and unyielding dedication to the wizarding world, Lord Prince's death marks the end of an era. His most notable achievements include his significant role in the Great War, where he served on the frontlines and led the British forces against the dark forces of Grindelwald, as well as his tireless efforts to sponsor protective measures against the Muggle threat across magical Britain.

The loss of Lord Prince has sent shockwaves through the wizarding community, and his legacy will undoubtedly be remembered for generations. His contributions to our world were vast, and his presence will be sorely missed by those who knew him.

*Read more about the fire on page 7.* 

*Learn about Lord Prince's life and achievements on page 11.* 

*Discover more about the Prince family and their contributions on page 17.* 

As I read the fabricated article, I could feel my anger rising, my hands clenching around the edges of the overpriced piece of toiletpaper . The fucking lies, the twisted narrative—I fucking beat that piece of shit, and wiped the ground with him, but now I am the cause of the fire because I couldn't fight that bastard?! This is bullshit and it is making my blood boil. Just as I was about to explode, and go to the daily prophets agency in Diagon Alley to nuke them to last week, a sharp slap landed on the back of my head.

"Concentrate!" Eris commanded, her voice leaving no room for argument.

"Why are you sticking around? Don't you have other places to be?" I asked, my irritation barely masked.

"Sev, I'm a goddess," she replied with an amused smirk and threatening undertone. "I can be present in multiple locations at the same time. But it seems you're not appreciating the time I am taking of my busy schedule to teach you because I don't want you dying too early, my future husband."

"Well, that's reassuring that my future wife is looking after me," I muttered, sarcasm dripping from my words. "Anyway, what's the point of all of this torture?"

Currently, I'm in free fall. Yes, free fall. This insane woman—no, goddess—has decided that repeatedly throwing me into life-threatening situations is a valid form of training. And my current predicament is to kiss the ground with my face without using magic. Simple, right?!

It all started by her tossing me into the middle of the ocean and making me fight a giant squid, or Kraken! Who in their right mind does that kind of crap to a human? And if that wasn't enough, she followed it up by making me battle one big ass massive ice bird monstrosity, which, by the way, she keeps as a pet.

Oh, and the topping on top is she knows how I hate anything that can fly, but she made me do it anyway. 

This has become the trend of her so-called training—hurling me into one deadly situation after another while taunting me mercilessly. According to her, I'm too weak, too slow, too stupid. Yes, "stupid" seems to be her favorite insult. She spits it out with relish every chance she gets.

But just wait until I get strong enough. I'll show this Bitch. I'll— 

"Will you now?" Her voice cut through my thoughts like a blade, and I felt a cold shiver run down my spine.

Damn it. I forgot she can read my mind.

Apparently, I have a "danger sense." It's just a shame I was too clueless to recognize it, or maybe the people around me were never strong enough to set it off. But with Eris? Well, let's just say it's working perfectly.

"Seems like you're too dense to understand what we're doing here!" Eris says, clearly amused. Then again, anything chaotic and destructive seems to amuse her.

"No, I honestly can't fathom how bringing me to the brink of death over and over again is a constructive way to spend my time," I reply dryly.

She sighs, as if disappointed by my lack of insight. "Alright, tell me, why did you run away without putting up a decent fight?"

"I was weaker, and it was the sensible thing to do!" I retort, trying to sound confident, though it comes off more defiant than anything.

"Were you weaker?" she counters, her tone sharp. "I can say with certainty the fight would've been 50/50 if you'd both gone at it, but instead, you ran away like a little bitch. Why?"

Why, indeed?

I search for an answer, but even after several minutes of contemplation, nothing comes to mind.

"This is getting boring," she says, just as I crash into the ground.


I find myself lying in a pit, bones broken, blood seeping from every orifice. But my wounds are healing at a visible pace, thanks to whatever twisted magic or divine interference she's using.

"Fucking hell! That one hurt way more than it had any right to," I groan as I struggle to my feet.

"So, did that rattle your brain awake?" she asks, giving me a few seconds to collect myself.

"No, it didn't. I still don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about," I admit, trying to loosen my muscles. My whole body feels sore, as if I've been trampled by a herd of magical creatures.

She sighs again, this time with more exasperation. "Okay, listen up, stupid. The reason you escaped is the same one why you lashed out at the Black boy, the same reason why you went savage on the goblins, and the same reason why you keep insisting on having a harem. Your animal instincts are dictating how you behave rather than your mind, and all the while, you're just rationalizing everything."

I open my mouth to protest, but she cuts me off.

"But during that evening, your animal side felt threatened and decided survival was more important than sticking around for a fight that wasn't necessary. From its point of view, you had nothing to lose by running."

She floats around me, her words sinking in as I try to process them.

So, because the wolf in me is a little bitch, I behave like one?

"No," she says sharply. "You killed the wolf and became one with it. It's you who's the bitch. You haven't put in the time or energy to train yourself, to get a handle on your primal instincts."

Her words hit hard, but before I can respond, she snaps her fingers, and we disappear to another location—another battleground where she can throw me into yet another life-and-death struggle.

And this time, I know I can't afford to let my instincts control me. Not if I want to survive this hoes insane training.

"You do know that I can read your mind, right?" She says amused. 

"Fuck you, I am entitled to at least in my mind be toxic about this bullshit you call training." I say annoyed as I am thrown to fight a chimera in a life and death battle. 

Next chapter