
Chapter 29: Part 2

I took a portkey to the States and decided to visit my favorite group of bloodsuckers, the Cullens. Alice had sent me a letter a few weeks back, inviting me to Forks. The journey involved several apparitions, but eventually, I arrived at my destination.

Walking down the streets of Forks felt oddly nostalgic. Though I couldn't remember much of my previous life, fragments of movies and series I consumed as a child and teen flickered in my mind. This town felt like a scene straight out of one of those stories.

As I strolled through Forks, I began to notice the peculiarities of my new power. Seeing the most possible futures was disorienting. I could see multiple actions and their consequences unfolding before me. For instance, if I turned left, I'd pick up a $20 bill. If I stood still, I'd be robbed. If I turned right, I'd end up in a convenience store where a cop would ask who I was looking for.

Deciding to first go left and pick up the $20 bill, I then made a U-turn and headed to the convenience store. Just as I predicted, a cop approached me as soon as I entered.

"Hey there, you new in town?" the cop asked, giving me a friendly nod.

"Yeah, just got here. I'm actually looking for someone—my mom's stepbrother, Carlisle Cullen."

"Oh, Carlisle! You must be Sev. He mentioned you might be visiting. Name's Charlie Swan. You're planning to stay a week or two, right?" Charlie asked with a welcoming smile.

"That's right," I replied. "Just here to catch up with family."

Charlie offered to drive me to the hospital, and I accepted. As we cruised through the quiet streets, the radio played "Play That Funky Music" by Wild Cherry. We both started singing along, the upbeat tune lightening the mood.

"I love it when people still sing to the sound of radio hits," I commented, grinning.

Charlie chuckled. "Yeah, those were the days."

Eventually, we arrived at the hospital. Charlie pulled up and parked. "Here we are, Sev. If you get tired of hanging around your creepy family, come over. I'll introduce you to some great people."

"Haha, sure, Charlie. I'll come over one evening. Remember, you promised me beer and a game of pool."

"Absolutely! I'll introduce you to my daughter too. She's new in Forks as well."

"Hey man, don't go setting me up with your daughter! I know I'm lovable, but I don't want to be your son-in-law without even having dinner with you first," I joked.

"Piss off, my daughter is too good for a pretty boy like you!" Charlie shot back, laughing.

"Sure, sure! In the end, some asshole will get her, and you'll think back and be like, 'If only Sev had been my son-in-law, how great would life be!'" I said, amused.

"Yeah, when pigs learn to fly!" Charlie retorted, shaking his head with a smile.

"Also, ouch, you're hurting my feelings! I am so hurt at being called the most handsome guy in the car," I threw back in mock hurt.

We shared a laugh, and I thanked him for the ride. Stepping out of the car, I felt like the movies did not do the man justice, he was a great guy. Down to earth and family oriented but sometimes life just does not work out no matter how nice ou try to be.

I entered the hospital and wandered through the corridors until I found Carlisle tending to a patient.

"Oh, isn't she a snack!" I exclaimed as I walked in. The elderly woman looked at me first with shock, then amusement.

"You aren't half bad yourself, young man," she retorted, while Carlisle, catching the joke, smirked.

"May I introduce my nephew, Sev," he said to the woman.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance, my lady," I said to her, putting on my best British accent.

"Sorry, Martha, I think I have to take this guy away before your blood pressure rises any higher," Carlisle interjected.

'Well, what can I say? I have this effect on muggles,' I thought, amused.

"Haha, first time I've felt so alive in years, doc! This boy is a special one!" Martha said, chuckling.

I followed Carlisle to his office.

Well, the gilf aside I was here for a reason.

"So, how's it going, Carlisle? Have you guys settled down?" I asked.

"It's great! The family is looking forward to hosting you, but be warned, we've invited a few other people we want you to meet," he said with a hint of concern.

"Oh, that sounds ominous!" I replied with a playful tone.

"It was Esme's idea! Don't look at me like that. She doesn't have many friends who are, well, alive, and she wanted to show you off a bit," he said, somewhat awkwardly.

"Well, if I weren't such an amazing guy, I'd be worried about ending up as dinner," I said, amused by my own joke, despite it being in rather poor taste. But who cares?

Carlisle and I shared a few more jokes, but eventually, he had to return to his work, and I was eager to meet the rest of the family.

Carlisle called someone to pick me up, and surprise, surprise—it was my favorite guy in the world. Not! Gayward was second on my list of least favorites semi sentient beings on the planet, just after Gaydore. Actually, maybe third if I count that noseles cunt Cuntymort. Correction: fourth, certainly fourth if I include that assface Malfoy. Or maybe fifth—the not so serious Sirius Black can be pretty annoying too. I don't like thw way he is constantly bitching. Wait, sixth? I can't forget about Sirius's father. Seventh? Sirius's mother is a nightmare. Eighth—Lily Evans the OG Bitch of my life. Ninth? That fatso who is teaching me potions! He is quite the sleazy bastard! How many people do I actually have issues with? This is getting ridiculous. At this rate, Edward might end up becoming my best friend! I need to make a list and sort them by my hate level.

As I sat next to the mind rapist, I decided to make some small talk since he wouldn't let me touch the radio. Prick!

'My car, my rules!' like, come on, I know he is from the last century or so. But this level of pettiness is just borderline bitchslap worthy! 

Give him a bit of authority and he shows what an arsehole he is!

"So, Mr. Mind Rapist, what's new?" I asked.

"Still with the insults? Grow up," he replied, cool as a cucumber.

"Nah, I'll leave growing up to you," I shot back. I couldn't always have a great quip ready. Sometimes even my amazing self was stuck with petty, childish insults. Why? Because they work, that's why.

"Anyway, we have guests. Behave yourself. I don't want you to embarrass Esme," he said.

"Why wasn't I informed that other people would be staying over?" I asked.

"First, she didn't inform us. Second, she let it slip that you know how to make it possible for vampires to have children," he revealed.

Great. This evening just got a lot more complicated.

Well, I do know how to make children, but why should I help people that I don't like or know, and I don't know if I will like them.

Getting into my good graces is something very few have managed!


Hey everyone,

I recently came across an interesting approach that I thought would be a fun way to engage with all of you, so I'm excited to implement it starting today!

Here's the deal: we have a few milestones to hit, and if we can reach them, I'll release an extra chapter as a thank you. Here's where we stand:

- **2500 cumulative PowerStones**: We're just around **120** short of this goal.

- **50 cumulative reviews**: We still need **21** more to reach this milestone.

- **450 cumulative comments**: We're just **38** comments away from hitting this target.

- **4000 cumulative collections**: We're short around **90** collections to make this happen.

-**50 cumulative Patrons**: We're short **35** Patrons to achieve this goal. 

Most achievable goal is giving me them Power Stones!

So, if you're enjoying the story and want that extra chapter, let's work together to hit these goals. Every bit of support counts, and I'm excited to see what we can accomplish as a community!

As always a big "Thank you!" for all your continued support!

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