
Chapter 26: The Vacuum Cleaner (21+) Part 1

My day wasn't all that good, it started great, but took a nose dive, to be honest. The talk with Regulus reminded me of how I was kicked out of the party. It also brought back memories of people I still have to deal with, and worst of all, I will have to go to an event I know I will end up meeting Narcissa at. It feels like everything has been conspiring against me from the moment I woke up in this world. I don't like to be a bitch and cry about it because my family magic will just pull me down the rabbit hole, but I'm done for today. Tomorrow's me has to deal with this crap. 

For now, I'm going to do something relaxing and shut myself off from the rest of the world. Maybe I should invent some video games ahead of time to relieve the tension, or just read a book much less work.

As I approached the dungeons of Hogwarts, I noticed Regina walking around out of the corner of my eye. I turned to get a better look, and I saw her quickly look away from me. She was wearing a skirt—well, they all wear skirts that don't leave anything exposed—but what an ass she has. Not even a skirt can hide that PAWG from the world. It was big and tapered into a thin, oh-so-grabbable waist.

She wore her Hogwarts uniform, and I could see from her side profile that she had a flat chest, at most a B cup. That's fine in my book. I've always been more of an ass guy, and Regina has plenty of that to spare. Her hair was black as ebony and had a lustrous quality to it—well, magic has its uses even for hair care. The whole setting and these boring Hogwarts uniforms take away some of her sex appeal, but I can say for sure she is still a solid 8 out of 10.

It's ironic that I can remember every hoe and slut I ever had in my bed, but I can't remember having children, a wife, or parents. It's as if something deleted anything that would allow me to influence myself in this reality. 


In my generation, people dressed as freely as one could think of: hotpants, waist-free tops, displaying their butts and tits to the world as a sign of liberation from the evil patriarchy. I was a complete feminist, supporting their endeavors to go topless just like men are allowed to.

Anyway, I knew from personal experience all the possible kinks these chicks had, the sheer level of depravity they loved to partake in. But now I am in some modest world where women are repressed. What a tragedy! No more rimjobs, no more royal treatment, no more of the oh-so-many kinks I have memories of. I remember that one time when I hooked up with that nineteen-year-old at a festival. The little slut had walked around topless, and the guys who were too sober didn't have the balls to approach her. She was a real masochist—had me choke her, hit her, even wanted anal with just her own spit as lube. And, being the supportive person that I am, I obliged and did the SnuSnu with her. She said that's how they did it in the porn she loved to watch. Well, one more reason to start porn ahead of time and make it magically applicable. A whole generation of degenerates raised on porn.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice I had been staring for a while. Finally, I became aware of myself when I saw Regina turn to face me with a dirty grin, clearly enjoying that I was ogling her ass.

'Little Slut!' I think amused.

This wasn't just any girl; she was a certified slut. There's only one kind of woman who enjoys being eye-fucked, and that's a slut. Regina walked up to me, her hips swaying from side to side, and I was drawn to her piercing brown eyes as she looked at me as if I were her prey.


'Let's see if I can get into her panties today?!' I thought with a wicked smirk on my lips, I am pent up, and I need something to take my mind awaay from all the Black crap. 

"Hey there, Sev!" Regina's voice broke me out of my violent, degenerate thoughts. I looked down—way down—at her. Her face only came up to the bottom of my chest, and she was very, very close. So close that I could smell her faint, enticing scent. Well, isn't that a gifted horse? She was already horny for me, her face looking as soft as the rest of her. She had a cute button nose dusted with a small blush, high cheekbones, full lips, and big, brown eyes. She wore some sort of eyeliner—seriously, I doubt it's even called that in this strange society—but anyway, it turned down at the ends of her eyes, giving her a sad puppy dog look. Really, her face looked like any other teen girl's, but she looked just cute the way it all came together. I honestly dig more into goth girls with their sad and angsty look, but cute is also good in my books.

"Are you just going to stare at me, Sev?" Regina asked, pulling me out of my hyperfocused state. I looked up and noticed that some people had started to gather, eager to find something to gossip about. I began moving further into the dungeon, a bit surprised when Regina followed me.

"Sorry, Regina, I was staring," I admitted. "I never noticed before how hot you actually are."

Regina started laughing. "Yeah, I get that a lot! It's these clothes; they take away much of my sex appeal. Don't worry, I'm not offended." She got even closer as she said the last part. I could tell she was flirting with me, and I had every intention of flirting right back.

"So, Regina," I began, then stopped, giving a pause. See, women are just the same as most men: if they like you, they can't take the silence. Silence makes people think they need to say something or somehow fill it with content. This is the point where most men show they're insecure little bitches.

Regina looked at me questioningly, waiting for me to continue, but I simply waited. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore and asked, "What, Sev?"

I noticed Regina's fingernails were painted to match the season, purple with black bats on them. I turned to face her, moving inside her personal space.

"What are you doing today, Regina?"

"Oh, nothing. Just heading to the Ravenclaw common room. What about you?"She says, and I politely did not say that she is walking in the wrong direction. But instead I replied "Also nothing. I'm just walking around to take my mind off certain unpleasant thoughts."

"Would you like some company?" Regina asks me hopefully.

"Sure, but it depends on the company! I could live without Potter and his group of imbeciles, or that annoying nightmare Bitch Evans," I told her.

"Well, you've found yourself a friend. How about I show you a part of Hogwarts you haven't been to yet?" Regina said, her voice tinged with excitement. I could feel her getting more animated, her heart beating faster and faster. Probably the fear of being denied, but I had no intention of denying her. I was curious to see what she had to show me.

"Sure, that sounds fun!" I replied, and she beamed up at me. "So go on and lead the way, minion of mine!"

"Of course, master," she said, playing into my bad sense of humor. With that, we started walking to the place Regina wanted to show me. The walk there seemed to take an eternity—well, I must add that all walks in Hogwarts feel like that to me. Meanwhile, I was distracted by Regina's perfect thighs and legs all along the way. Thick-thigh girls are a treat. Mercifully, we arrived at Regina's secret place before I lost my patience. It was in some corner high up in the castle, around the fifth or sixth floor. It wasn't much compared to some other parts of the castle, but it had all the amenities one needs, such as a bed, a bathroom, a couch, and so on.

"It's quite cozy!" I said, a bit surprised. "I've always wanted a room for myself."

Regina smiled at my surprise and started showing me all the rooms, finally explaining what this room was supposed to be. "Some families own or rent rooms within Hogwarts. They pay rent or yearly fees for cleaning and maintenance, but it's worth the price," she explained. I already knew this tidbit of information, but I let her continue.

"Well, anything in particular you want to talk about?" I asked. It didn't really matter what Regina wanted to talk about—I wasn't planning on simply talking anyway. I looked around a bit more until I found where the previous owner of the room had hidden their stash of alcohol and joined Regina on the couch. I had a veritable selection in front of me and selected a newer brand, just some decades old, called Lover's Touch. I poured two glasses. I hadn't heard of this particular brand before, but I liked how it smelled. A wolf's nose is a cheat in itself. I am basically Grenouille, but with a working brain and no autism.

I sat back on the couch, and we started talking about her family while we drank. As the conversation went on, I noticed that she was moving ever so slowly closer to me until she came to rest right against me. This was the first time our bodies had actually touched, and already my mind was swimming with things I could do to the little slut.

I nonchalantly laid my arm across the back of the couch—a cliché move, but what worked for countless guys before me would work for me too. It allowed me to move slightly closer to Regina so that now we were having even more contact. She pretended not to notice, but I felt her tense up for a microsecond. Still, she didn't seem to mind that I was making a move on her instead of simply talking the whole night.

'Let's see how far this little slut is willing to go,' I thought with a smirk.

I dropped my arm from the couch and wrapped it around Regina's shoulders. She didn't seem to mind as I pulled her up against me. She even rested her head on my arm. I let her sit like that for a little bit, enjoying the way Regina would squirm against me occasionally when she told me about something that had happened in her life. But I wasn't here to listen to a girl's life story; I needed more. So, I slowly dropped my arm down along Regina's back until my hand rested against her waist.

'She's still talking despite how hard she's blushing! It's kind of cute, but oh so slutty!' I thought, amused by her reaction.



Greetings Everyone, 

It is your weekly reminder to gimme them stones! Let us not be greedy, and just share, okay?!

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- I am now still 20+ chapters ahead, and more than 40k (Warhammer XD) words ahead. Now, I think I will keep this difference, and aim to stay at least this many chapters ahead of webnovel.

- One New Chapter will get released at least once every three days!! (Mainly because I am about to write tests for my Bachelor, and cannot focus on writing.)

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