
Chapter 14: Put money in thy purse...Bitch! Part 2

[Part 2: Heirship comes with shitty duties.]

The elderly couple looked me dead in the eyes for a few seconds before finally speaking.

"Most of your duties are self-explanatory, but there is one that is kind of problematic," my grandmother says.

"Okay, sounds like I've signed up for something crappy," I reply dryly.

"Nah, it's not so bad. Don't worry, well, the worst case is you get pussy." my gramps says, wincing immediately afterwards.

My grandmother promptly pinches the living daylights out of him.

"Watch your words, Reg!" she says, annoyed.

"Can someone please elaborate?" I demand, not willing to indulge in their antics.

"You basically have one primary duty, and that is to protect the family," my grandmother explains.

"But this is further divided into three sub-duties: protect the family against all kinds of threats, especially magical ones; become either the godfather of any child awakening to magic or, if you yourself are of marriageable age and the right sex, marry said child; and finally, produce offspring. You can only become Lord Prince if you have a child of your own," my gramps elucidates on my duties.

"What? Marriage?! Isn't that against what you told me about Pure-Blood status?" I question him.


"I know, but when these rules were agreed upon, we didn't know anything. Throughout the centuries, this has repeatedly held us back. So, all Princes aim to have as many children as possible, and if your Grandma hadn't died, we would have many more little Princes running around," he says with a dirty grin. 

I see my grandmother blushing at his dirty joke.

"Wait! If that's the case, how come you're the only one left and have no brothers or sisters?" I ask.

"Because there is an ongoing conspiracy," my grandmother intervenes.

"Say what now?" I exclaim, shocked.


"There's an open yet hidden feud between us and the other Pure-Bloods," my grandfather says.

"Why?" I demand to know.

"We're royals. They're plebs, and even if they label themselves as [The Sacred 28], most of them are still plebs, neither royal nor nobility, well, except one or two exceptions." my grandmother explains.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I ask, my curiosity piqued.

"There are age-old contracts in place between our family and the magical world. And while we have magical representation, the family cannot be fleeced or plotted against," my grandfather says.

"But this comes at a problematic cost: all plots and focus are directed at the Prince family. They want to get rid of us, and when the next royal child comes, he or she will be without protection, and can be used, or rather abused by them. This will elevate the family that gets their hand on the child, and give them access to an insanely vast wealth," my grandfather elaborates.

"Don't tell me we are paying or demanding taxes!" I ask incredulously.

"We do. The crown gets its due," my grandmother confirms.

The tension in the room thickens as the weight of their words sinks in. It's not just a simple matter of family politics that I am dealing with, but something more complicated.

The Prince Family is not among the [Sacred 28], but instead, we serve as intermediaries between the magical world and the royal family.

'I mean, I was wondering how magical people manage to stay hidden. After all, most of them are idiots, but this does explain at least somewhat what is going on,' I muse.

Imagine a world where magic is real, and what would happen if someone decided to mingle with the muggles, helping them win wars, providing better weapons, or hiding their troops. Like all humans, magicals are tempted by wealth, sex, and recognition, and they participate in politics. The muggles would soon realize they need magical beings as much for their protection as to attack their enemies.

So, the higher echelon of society knows about all the supernatural occurrences, at least to some extent, but they've tried different means to take control of the situation.

In Britain, they've established proxies for the magical society. These proxies don't have absolute power but hold symbolic authority. We receive taxes from the ministry as a form of showing goodwill, and apparently, this agreement has been in place for a very long time.

However, over the years, they've started plotting against the family, attempting to eliminate us, discredit us, or pit us against each other.


'Now, the whole story with my mother gains another layer of the machinations leading her to where she ended up,' I conclude.

"So what now?" I ask.

"Nothing. You go about your business and do as you have been doing until now," my gramps says.

"The only thing that is going to change is your status, and maybe you'll be under constant political and personal attack. They'll treat you with a modicum of respect but will always secretly plot against you," my grandmother adds.

"But worry not. This is already traditional in Pureblood society. If nobody is plotting against you, then you are simply an idiot nobody recognizes as a threat," my gramps says happily.

"Or an idiot that has already been beaten," my grandmother adds.

"That's true, my beautiful wifey," my gramps says while nodding.

"So, I am symbolically important, but because I am a proxy, these morons want to get rid of me to wait and target the next weak link?" I summarize.

"Yeah, that is it in summary," my gramps says.

"And this does not bother you?" I ask.

"Well, in my younger days, it did. But now it is a you problem, and not an I problem any more," the old man says with a smirk.

"You serious?" I ask, shocked.

"Sev, you have paid half your longevity for it, and if you lose it, then you are simply not good at the game," he says while looking me dead in the eyes.


'He is right! If I want to be something or somebody in this world, then I need to learn to play the game, and I need to be good at it. I've already come so far, and I'd rather die than be a spineless imbecile who cries and blames others for his incompetence.'

"Okay, no need to think about unnecessary stuff now. First, we need to organize a party for you. You being the family heir is big news and will make all those who think they've already beaten us cry rivers of blood," my grandma says with a sadistic grin.

"Haha, true. I want to see their expressions when they see that I have an heir and will not be the last Prince," Gramps adds excitedly.

"Yeah, sure. Just throw me into their faces so they can start plotting against me now!" I add, annoyed.

"Don't be a killjoy now!" My grandma says, while my grandfather simultaneously says, "Don't be a pussy, you little shit!"


"No worries! I will not be complaining," I add, defeated.

'These two old fossils will not be stopped by me, and I think they've already decided to get this whole thing started.'

"I don't know why, but I want to curse him for some reason, darling!" My grandmother says with a frown on her face as she looks at me intently.

"I feel the same!" Gramps adds.

"I think he's been thinking something rather rude!" My grandma says with a frown, emphasizing her suspicion.

'Fucking Family magic, and fossils with magical senses!' I think annoyed.

"I would not dare to think something rude about my grandparents!" I say before they can start throwing curses at me.

'I am 10000000% sure these two would throw curses at my ass if they ever found out what I am thinking half the time.'


Greetings, everyone!

Sorry for the delay! As most of you are aware I was away due to family vacation, and let me tell you all something the Netherlands are god damn BEAUTIFUL!! (Mostly the woman are hot! Truly sad that I do not speak the language!! The dudes are just as ugly as everywhere else...but the girls are wow... I am young, but I nearly got an heart attack at least twice!!)

As always on the agenda is, "I Expecto Power Stones!" Help me keep the story in the top 50 Power rankings, please. (BTW, we are failing to stay in the Top 50!! If you do not like the story, just tell me to drop it!) Too many ChatGPT stories are flooding the site, or just stories that suck to read due to grammar. I know my story is not perfect either, but I'm definitely better than what's ranked above it.

Finally, if you're inclined to support my caffeine addiction, please consider lending a dollar!

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Finally, I am five chapters ahead, having achieved my goal for April. Now, I aim to be ten chapters ahead of webnovel by the end of the month. Coming up with a concept that hasn't already been used a zillion times is kind of hard!

Next chapter