
Knoa's first scuffle

Knoa waved from the kids who watched them leave. He was sad they were leaving already, but after looking at his father's weary face, he didn't complain and just walked back to the van. At the corner of his eyes, he saw the grumpy and scary-looking kid staring at them.

Knoa waved at the kid as well, but the boy just ignored his goodbye greeting and turned his back to him. He ran somewhere, leaving Knoa with a sad look. It was the first time he met someone who blatantly disliked him.

He couldn't help but ask himself, 'Did I do something he dislikes?'

"Knoa, what are you doing? Why aren't you climbing up yet? Do you need help?" Knox came from behind Knoa, peeking down at his son's face. Knoa looked up, showing his sad face.

Worry quickly flashed in Knox's eyes. He carried Knoa by his armpits and placed him inside the van. Then, he wiped his sweaty face with the towel he brought while he asked, "Why do you look sad? You don't want to go home yet?"

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