

Louyang imperial palace

When you finally come to, the first things you could feel were your arms being held and cold water on your face. You open your eyes slowly and see a group of strange looking women trying to hold you down while one of them applied cold water with a towel on your head.

"Get the royal doctor." The one applying the water cried "and hurry the prince is burning up."

One of the other women who was not holding your hand quickly scrambled out of the room while almost tripping over the gown she was wearing.

Your mind was initially in a massive confusion as you tried to process what happened after you died, but you quickly calmed down and your eyes slowly scanned the room. The first thing you quickly noticed is that all the women in the room were all dressed in a manner that (if your memory serves you right) became extinct since the late Han dynasty. The second thing you noticed was that the place you were in looked more like someone's bed room than a hospital and the walls (if you could call it that) were made of paper and the third thing you noticed was that the whole place was only lited up by numerous candles. If it wasn't for how absurd the idea sounds, you would have believed that someone took your unconscious body to an ancient Chinese show.

The woman with the towel who was dressed a bit differently from the others, eventually saw that you had woken up and quickly knelt down with her face to the floor.

"This lowly one greets the prince" she said calmly and turned to the other women.

"These lowly ones greet the prince" the rest of the women echoed and repeated her actions.

"Who are you?" You asked bluntly

Surprise flashed across her eyes but she quickly controlled her expression and bowed her face to the floor once more.

"This lowly one's name is su min my....."

"I did not ask for your name woman" you interrupted "I asked who are you to me?"

Your tone of voice must have scared her because the next time she spoke her voice was slightly shaking.

"This lowly one is a your maidservant who have served you since the day you were born my prince"

"The day I was born?" You asked in a horror that grew with your suspicion "I was born here?"

The maids looked at you as though you had gone mad.

"Were is this place?" You asked su min while hoping against hope that your suspicion was not true.

"Your highness" she began "if you wish...."

"I asked you where is this place?" You yelled in fustration "do not test my temper woman"

"This is the imperial palace in louyang your highness." Another younger maid said in a voice close to tears.

At this point you didn't even need to ask what the date was because a certain soft voice came ringing in your ears.

If I told you there was a way to do exactly that would you believe ?

'Bam' A nearby table flew into pieces as you soon as you smashed your fist on it.

"That stinking, flea ridding bitch actually brought me back to the Han dynasty?" you yelled at the top of your lungs "in louyang of all places? How could she? Why would she?"

"What is the meaning of this disturbance Liu Xie?" A stern voice sounded at the door

"Are you not aware that the son of heaven is asleep?"

You turn towards the door to see a very beautiful woman with a stern facial expression who was arrayed in more jewellery than you had ever seen in your life, coming towards you.

"Gracious empress" su min cried as she hurriedly kneelt between the two of you "please forgive the prince's indiscretion. He has been terrible nightmares these few days and sometimes he doesn't even remember where he is. Please show mercy gracious empress"

The empress simply glared at her in contempt

"And who gave you the right to speak to me slave?" She spat

"have you no manners at all?"

Before su min could reply the empress grabbed a fist full of her hair and tugged it hard.

"When the prince misbehaves, it is his handmaiden who gets punished in his stead" she said in a soft cruel voice "are you aware of this?"

Despite the horrifying pain she was feeling, the fact that su min still did every thing she could not to shout quickly raised her value in your eyes.

"If you are here to have words with me empress He I would suggest you speak quickly as you are now wasting my time" You countered in an obnoxious tone.

This brought some stifled gasps of shock from the maids and you quickly infer that this was not something that is normally said to an empress.

Meanwhile the empress slowly let go of su min's hair, quickly walked up to you and gave a resounding slap.

"How dare you speak to me in that manner, you meauling quim?" She cried in a voice like acid "have you forgotten your place? Do you not know that...?"

"He knows nothing He" another stern voice sounded from the door and you both turned to see another beautifully dressed woman only this one is much older.

"How dare you raise your hand on a royal prince you dirty woman?" The older woman asked sternly

"do you wish to see it cut off?"

To your utmost surprise, the high and mighty empress knelt down, put her forehead on the ground and humbly said

"I am sorry queen mother"

"Keep your apology to yourself woman" the queen mother said acidly

"I do not wish for this to repeat itself ever again am I clear?"

"Yes queen mother" the empress replied and left.

As soon as empress He left, the queen mother's expression changed from a stern one to one full of care when she saw you.

"Are you alright little Liu" she asked fondly

"I am alright queen mother" you replied with a forced smile "it was just a nightmare"

"Was it now? Do you mind telling me about it?" The humor shining in her eyes made it clear what she expected.

"I bearly understand the dream myself queen mother" you say

"How could I explain it?"

She gave you a look that is dipped in suspicion but then slowly shakes her head.

"You are as stubborn as your father Liu xie" she said fondly

"Well if you ever wish to talk, you know where to find me"

She then turned to su min and gave her an approving nod and a pouch of coins

"You are doing well su min. Keep it up"

She then left the room as gracefully as she had came.

"Are you alright my prince?" Su min asked as she gently placed her hand on your forehead.

It was then you noticed that su min was not only dressed differently but she was also considerably older than the other maids. If you were to guess, you would say that she was the most senior amongst the maid and she was the one in charge of them. This gave you a risky idea that you vow to try out later but first you must arrange your thoughts.

"I wish to be left alone" you said gently

"Of course my prince" su min replied and she and the rest of the maids left the room.

As soon as you were alone, you quickly stood in front of the large metal mirror in the room and examined your body. You had caught a glimpse of it earlier when the empress slapped you (your face shifted towards the mirror) but this was the first time you were viewing it in detail.

You had short raven black hair which was tied in a top notch, light blue eyes which looked a little intense, a flawless skin that paints a picture of health and a face that looked both handsome and Asian. You quickly estimate your body to be six or seven years old and you smile to your handsome self before turning around.

However as soon as turned around, you quickly turned back to the mirror because of something you had seen. Your chest which was opened to give you some air, had a splash of blood on it and when you looked at it closely, you saw that it was the painting of a dragon. This quickly brought your mind back to your dying moments when that mysterious bitch drew something on your chest.

"So she was drawing a dragon?" You asked your self "was that really necessary?"

As though in answer to your question the dragon's eyes began to glow and you felt yourself being drawn to something on your bed. After a quick search, you find a piece of paper that looked like a letter and you began to read.

Of course it is necessary professor. The blessing of Han Liu is not only what is keeping your soul in that body but it will also protect it from everything else aside old age. I am sure you have already figured out the reason why you are here but just in case it is unclear, you have been brought back in time to save the dying Han dynasty and stop the things that must shortly take place. You will be given material aid which will be subject to my own discretion and you may be asked to complete specific tasks that can be seen as a favour to me. Ultimately it will be your skills, knowledge and wisdom that will eventually determine whether the Han dynasty will raise or fall and what your place will be in Grand scheme of things. However, keep in mind that if you fail this mission, then you will die a horrible painful death and I will personally ensure to it that you will suffer much more in the afterlife. Now I will say this one last thing with the utmost sincerity professor and that is GOOD LUCK"

Only the heavens knew how you managed to fall asleep that night because as you closed that letter you received, the only thing running through your head was

"What on Earth have I gotten myself into"

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