
203. Be strong.

Oh how much he must have hated her at that moment, Neriah thought.

She walked to her shelf, opened a cabinet and brought out a small wooden box. She opened the box and inside was her dagger. The very same dagger she kept stabbing Barak with in her dreams.

She had no idea how it had left her possession, but it was all Lyle. She knew that because at one of those times when she was slipping in and out of consciousness, she had seen him twirling the dagger between his fingers and he had spoken to her then, "Tis a special dagger. Because it is the one that caused the greatest wound on the dragon, the one straight to the heart. Keep it safe."

Life, Neriah realized, was infinitely painful. The more the days passed by the more her pain grew. The longer it took them to bring back any news of Barak's whereabouts the more she thought of Lyle with hate and anger.

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