
168. A beautiful change.

Was such sudden change possible? Really? Was it really possible for a person to change so suddenly? Barak had asked himself those questions over and over again. His wife was acting strange and as much as it surprised and delighted him, it made him worry too.

A single near-death experience was enough to change a person for a lifetime so he had heard, was that really what had happened with her?

She was saying things she had never said, admitting to things that the Neriah he had come to know would never admit to. She was initiating kisses and unabashedly seducing him. Not only that, she admitted to liking him and even asked for him to do things with and to her. To think she incited coitus! No matter how much he thought about it, the change was good, but it was so sudden and unexpected that it was hard to take everything in at once.

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