
163. Just a wretched soul

He was angry at her. He really was, but also, he wasn't really angry at her. By the gods, his anger had quelled the minute he walked in and saw her curled up like a roll-up bug. Still he was vexed, she seemed to at least know what she had done was stupid but did she really understand the gravity of her actions?

She seemed sincere, but how was he to know? How could he tell it wasn't one of her many acting to gain sympathy? He also wished to trust his wife but would she suddenly grow a conscience because of such an experience? He hated that he could not believe her and it vexed him greatly.

And even though she was sincere, she couldn't just shed some tears and make her sins go away. She had to be punished. At least a little… There were men with severe wounds because of her. She needed to be punished.

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