
138. I miss him.

One thing was clear to Neriah by the time she returned home, bathed and went to bed without food… She now cared more of what her husband would feel and say, than what Lyle would want or say. She could not tell when things began to switch like that, but tonight had made it clear.

For all she could think of as Lyle tried to force himself on her was what Barak would say if he saw the bite mark or the kiss mark of another man on her shoulders that were covered in his own markings.

She didn't like the image she conjured in her head, whatever image she conjured, one of him being angry, another of him being sad, another of him being disgusted… She did not like either picture.

And even as she laid in bed, she had never felt more lonely than she felt that very night. After having such a nasty evening, Neriah thought to herself that it would have been nice to have her husband around to rock her to sleep. To lull her to sleep with the mere sound of his breathing.

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