
126. Impress him.

Aria had brought her bow and now both her and her dear husband stood together, each person facing their targets with their bows in their hands. "No cheating my love." He whispered and she glared at him.

"Stop calling me that and I shall not cheat. Especially when my opponent is just you. I know I am better." She said and he nodded with a little smile.

"You do know that cheating doesn't only mean messing with my arrows, right? If you use your powers to control your own arrows, it shall also count as chea—"

"I know!" She hissed and looked around her before reducing her voice, "I know. And I am not going to use my powers." She said and a light grin laced his features as he nodded once again.

"" Ready!"" The call came and both husband and wife lifted their arms with their bows and arrows set, drawn and ready to release.

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