
122. How to share the fire core.

"That is strange. I expected it to have improved since you met Barak." Bashan said with his hand stroking his chin.

"How so?" Neriah lifted her head with curiosity. "How does meeting Barak concern the improvement of my powers?" She asked with her brows cringed. She could not see the connection. What did Barak have to do with her powers?

"Well actually, ah-hem," He was suddenly clearly his throat over and over again, staring at his wife. "My love, I do not think it would be right for me to say this, why don't you explain it to her." Bashan said between clenched teeth like he was whispering a loud secret.

What in the world did he want to say?

"Oh, oh, right." Rakavi nodded and chuckled at her husband's discomfort in bringing up whatever words he was trying to explain.

"You see Neriah, dragonbloods like us have what is called a fire core. It is something that flows within us like blood flows within people."

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