
116. You lied to me again.

She tried not to, but she could not hold it in. Looking at him hugging her, holding on to her shoulders, whispering so softly to her, looking so sincere, so miserable and sorry at the same time, looking so desperate to receive her forgiveness, the almighty prince was suddenly looking like a little fuzzy brown squirrel.

She had to laugh… who wouldn't? He looked so pathetic to the point it was adorable.

"Neriah, are you telling me right now that you intentionally pretended to be scared of me just to get me to beg for your forgiveness?!" Oh no, her squirrel was turning into a big brown bear.

"Well, you would not have apologized if you did not feel you did nothing wrong. You know you did me wrong that night. If you had just begged for my forgiveness earlier the next day, I would never have gone through all this stress to hear those words from you!" She was not intimidated by him. At least not at the moment.

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