
107. Do not provoke her.

"What in Narcissus's name is going on here!" Barak's voice echoed throughout the training ground, causing both ladies to halt their madness. 

Their chests heaving up and down, their backs hunched as they held each other's hair in tight grips. A thin trail of blood running down the side of both their faces, their eyes as red as embers_ Barak had no idea who started what, but it was clear that they both needed serious and thorough spanking.

They were both princesses for crying out loud! If he had been alone, he would not have been this angered but he had about twenty knights behind him!

Whatever had caused this, disgracing themselves like this was pure foolishness! If they wanted to fight, then they were in the training ground, for crying out loud, they could have sparred against each other like civilized people! Why were they both fighting like wild animals!

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