
90. I hate your touch.

Once again, Neriah was completely naked, her dress had been ripped from her body at some point and once again, there was no coercion. All that had passed between them was undeniable and incontestable goading from his part and unquestionable—if not absolute—submission from her. 

And only after they had done it yet again was she horrified by the fact that they did it in broad daylight! She felt like filth, like her dirty linen was spread outside without being washed, for the whole world to see.

And what angered her the most was that they had done it in the tub!! How she got into it she could not even begin to understand. She only realized she was in it when she felt the hardness of it… Not that it was in any way uncomfortable.

But still! What kind of animal did something like that in a tub?! Well a dragon, clearly.

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