
85. More family members.

Neriah was not surprised to see that she was alone in bed when she had been awoken by Aria, in the morning. He was never next to her when she woke up. What surprised her as she looked around was that their dinner from last night had been cleared and the noise should have woken her but she remained asleep.

Sitting in front of a dresser mirror, all dolled up in Avelian attire as she had refused to wear what Aria said Barak had provided for her, Neriah stared at her reflection and she hated what she saw. A despicable woman who would betray her lover and sleep with another man… that was what she saw.

She heard the door open and she knew he had walked in. "Good morning dear wife." She heard his voice and her teeth grated with the anger that boiled in her. She refused to turn around and look at him, instead she kept her gaze on the mirror. Not really seeing anything, just staring at it.

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