
82. What do you hunger for?

So eat, and then run to sleep were the words she repeated inside her head.

Quietly, she began to chew on her food. And truly, it tasted just like it did back at home. It tasted so good that she wanted to tell him thank you for providing the food for her but she kept her gratitude to herself for she didn't want to start a conversation.

Until halfway into her meal she realized he wasn't eating, he was just staring at her, "You? You do not wish to eat?" The words already escaped her lips before she realized she had spoken, even though her mission was to have a quiet meal.

He shook his head, "I am not hungry for food tonight." He responded and it made her wonder, if he wasn't hungry for food, what was he hungry for? Fruits, water? What?

She was going to ignore him. It was his stomach not hers. What was her business, what he was hungry for. But if he wasn't going to eat, then he could at least leave the table and stop making her feel uncomfortable.

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