
74. Another letter.

Slowly, the days crawled by and Neriah was plagued with boredom. Of course not because there were no things to entertain her, no… In fact, the people on the boat, maids and crewmen alike, often had games upon the ship. The king allowed it. As long as the sea was calm and their sail smooth, then they were allowed to partake in various games.

But Neriah would never join them. Even when Aria had tried to encourage her by telling her it would help her familiarize herself with the people, and that even Barak partook in the games, she had refused to join. Not because the games they engaged in were not to her liking, but mainly because of the people who played the games.

She could not imagine herself stooping so low as to play foolish games with the lowest of the barbarians! With maids and smelly and sweaty crewmen who had been under the sun for only the goddess knew how long. She even wondered if they ever washed themselves.

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