
18. A list of attributes.

"Where do you get these stories?" Barak was more intrigued than annoyed by her words. It left him baffled that such a beautiful young woman who seemed quite brilliant would believe in such nasty and false stories.

"From the history books of course. History never lies." she proudly stated, and then added in a lower tone, "and stories, and fantasy books." He just shook his head playfully.

"But what I'm saying is that I have never witnessed it first hand, before."

"Well I am pleased you find my company entertaining." He shrugged and languidly took a seat on the floor before the fire, gesturing to her that she did the same, and she did. Much to his surprise. He had expected a kind of protest from her, but none was forthcoming.

"Hardly." she shrugged. "So how do you do it? How do you just make fire appear? I mean we elves have our own powers too, but I have seen those being manifested all my life. But this is something I'm seeing for the first time. How does it work?" she seemed curious, the glint in her green eyes showed she was sincerely curious and a warm smile laced his lips.

"Tell me something Riah, were you also sent to get information on the weakness of my people? Is that why you want to know how my power works?" He was teasing her. He didn't think she was that kind of spy. In fact he sincerely had no reason for keeping her there longer except for his own torture! He said he was keeping her because she was a spy but the real reason was he just wasn't ready to send her back.

"Oh you bloody bastard!" she cried out and then paused. Barak could tell that she probably just remembered he had warned her not to call him names. She seemed to be expecting some kind of harsh reaction from him. He really didn't like her calling him insultive names, but he also wasn't going to hurt her.

"W_what is wrong with you?" she continued in a lower but yet proud tone. "You already know I was sent by the princess. I asked out of sheer curiosity." she said and faced the fire.

Oh, she was beautiful under the light of the fire. She really was. Her long red hair brilliantly reflected the light. Oh lords! What he would give to get entangled in those locks. Have them fall upon his clean chest.

Ah! Damn! He was truthful when he told her he'd never wanted any woman or thing as much as he wanted her. And he wasn't sure he'd ever want anything so much again. It took a lot of trained effort to stop himself from pulling her close to his body and seizing those insultive lips of hers yet again.

He had given her his word. He was going to keep it. "I sincerely do not know how it works." His words pulled her attention to him again. Emerald green eyes faced him once again. "I know we are born with it as you elves are born with your gifts." She was listening attentively. "We do train to control it as children. We do not want to mistakenly burn up a whole village filled with women and children." He made a funny face, and she laughed.

Ah, even her sincere laugh was beautiful. Lords! Why was he just meeting this woman now? He should have met her a long time ago, he'd have made her his own. Why now when he was to be tied down to a spoiled pampered princess! And then he remembered…

"Ah, that's right, the princess!" he said.

"Oh, yes, right. She is in love with him. She knows he is her fated partner. Your prince is not meant for my princess."

"How does she know he is her fated partner? How is she so sure?"

"Well, ever since the princess was a little girl, she has always prayed and served the goddess faithfully. She also told the goddess the kind of man she would wish to spend the rest of her life with. She gave the goddess a list of attributes you see."

"A list?"


"Of attributes?"

"Aye. Physical attributes that she wished her future partner would have."

"And… This lover of hers, he has all these attributes?"

"Every single little detail."

"You know these attributes?"

"Yes, every single one of them."

"Humor me."

"There is nothing funny about the princess's list. But I'll tell you anyway." she cleared her throat aloud and started. "A man who is tall, and fair-skinned."

"I am very tall, but I guess I am not fair-skinned."

"Aye, and you are also not prince Barak! Seriously stop trying to compare yourself to your prince." she warned.

"That is right, I am not prince Barak. I almost forgot." He nodded.

"And do not interrupt me. Let me finish!" She did know how to give an order.

"Please, carry on."

"Thank you. Now, she also listed that her partner must be a man with golden locks. She likes a man with a good head full of rich golden hair."

Barak was going to talk, but her glare clearly told him to shut it. So he kept his opinion to himself and allowed her continue.

"She also wanted a man with green eyes. A very handsome man. And, she wanted his simple smile to be able to light up a room. And lastly, he had to be an elf!"

She finally stopped talking, and at the end of her speech, Barak was torn between laughing at the naivety of the princess, or sympathizing with her because as far as her list went, he was nothing like her prince charming. Yes, he was tall, and even the heavens would agree that he was drop-dead fine. But as far as the hair, skin and eyes went, he was nothing like her dream man.

"This lover of hers, he is all this?"

"I have seen him myself. Believe me, he is beautiful."

Beautiful! Barak couldn't help but repeat that word in his head. How good-looking could the man be to deserve such a compliment when she had bluntly told him to his face that he wasn't handsome? Well at least she said he was interesting.

Wait, why did he even care what one woman thought of him? Hundreds of women agreed that he was a blessing from the gods themselves. So what does it matter if one tiny little red-head, green-eyed spitfire had bad eyesight? He wasn't going to think too much about it.

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