
my phone back

"What are you doing with this father?" Karina asked when she saw William trying to explain something to the father.

"Finally I found you, noisy frog girl! Now, give me back my cell phone!" William said while gripping Karina's hand so that the girl wouldn't run away from him again.

Wiliam didn't care at all about Karina's previous question. He just wanted his cell phone right now because it was really very important to him.

"This damn man is not worth making peace with!" Karina muttered in her heart. She tried to free her hand which was in pain, but unfortunately it was not easy for her because William's strength was not at all comparable to her, who was just a weak girl.

"Then give me 200 thousand to replace my lost sales!" Karina, who previously wanted to make peace, suddenly became stubborn because of William's completely disrespectful attitude towards her.

And now that she is going to insist on asking William to pay for her sales, the girl's attitude has finally changed one hundred percent. He suddenly thought that if the man didn't pay him, he would suffer quite a loss and he would no longer have the capital to sell.

"Hey! Shut up! You two are so loud!" Suddenly, the gentlemen who had previously gone with Wiliam suddenly shouted so loudly that it shocked Karina and Wiliam.

"Father, why?" asked William confused.

"Quickly get away from him!" Karina warned Wiliam. The girl of course just realized that the person Wiliam was with at the moment shouldn't be approached, but the boy didn't want to listen to what Karina had to say at all.

"Come here! Stupid!" Karina was annoyed and immediately grabbed Wiliam's hand to get away from the men.

"Get off your dirty hands!"

"If you don't want to be the victim of that crazy person's slap! You'd better come running with me!" said Karina who immediately took Wiliam to run as far as possible from the person who apparently had mental problems.

"G—crazy? Is that guy crazy?" asked William as he ran too. His face suddenly turned pale when he saw the men chasing the two of them while carrying a hammer in his hand.

"You seriously don't know whether that person is really sane or not?!"

"How could I recognize him? He looks normal. There's nothing wrong with his speech!"

"Don't you realize he has taken you to that quiet place?"

Wiliam was silent for a moment and a few seconds later he finally understood why he had gone to a place where there were absolutely no villagers around and it turned out that the person was indeed experiencing mental problems. He even remembered that the father had asked him for a cigarette but William was not a smoker at all so he couldn't give it to him, but the father suddenly laughed at him even though there was nothing funny at all.

"Unfortunately, I actually had time to confide in him!" Wiliam muttered, he also remembered himself confiding in him about breaking up with his girlfriend a few days ago because the girl's parents didn't approve of their relationship. However, the father actually gave her a suggestion to just impregnate her lover, so that her lover's parents would not be able to do anything else apart from approving their relationship.

"Come on, quickly hide here!" asked Karina who looked breathless after running quite a distance.

Meanwhile, Wiliam just kept quiet and obeyed Karina's words without protesting. Now that the madman had gone far away, the two people looked really relieved and came out of hiding.

"Is this all the planning you have done for me?" Wiliam immediately suspected Karina.

"Don't just accuse me like that! Instead of thanking me, you're accusing me of something wrong!" Karina was annoyed and now she really regretted having helped Wiliam from that crazy person.

"Hey! I'm not accusing you carelessly, but it's all according to the facts!"

"The facts? Tch! Do you have proof?!"

"Of course! The proof is that you appear and pretend to save me, that way I will consider you as my savior, isn't that your goal, right?"

"You strange man, my purpose in pretending to do this is not profitable for me at all. It's better for you to cover my sales losses and that is clearly very profitable for me!"

"Never! Now give me my phone back before I do something you might regret!"

Karina felt that Wiliam didn't want to compensate her for her sales losses and instead made threats to her, so it would be better for her to just leave and of course she would keep the man's cellphone until she got the money back. Wiliam saw for himself that Karina had ignored his words and this time he would really teach the girl a lesson.

"Just wait! There will be a surprise for you later!" William muttered in his heart.


This morning Karina was cooking in the kitchen to make morning breakfast. However, he suddenly heard a knock on the door from outside and he immediately turned off the stove to reveal who had come to his house early in the morning.

"Yeah, wait a minute!" said Karina from inside the house.

Arriving at the door, Karina immediately opened the door. However, the girl remained silent, wondering why those people had come to her house.

"Miss Karina, we ask permission to take you to the police station first as a suspect in stealing Mr. Wiliam's belongings!" explained the police.

"Cell phone thief?" Karina finally understood why the police had come to take her to the police station and it all clearly had something to do with the man who had previously caused her to suffer quite a big loss.

Karina didn't rebel at all. He obediently got into the car, but in his heart he was confused about how he could free himself if he was actually detained in detention later. Even though she doesn't have any family who can help her, Karina still tries to be a strong girl and she won't just give up, of course she has to fight to defend herself. Because if he doesn't try himself, of course he will have to accept his bad fate.

"I told you not to fight me. Now what? Did my surprise really surprise you, didn't it?!"

Wiliam finally managed to get his cellphone back. Meanwhile, Karina tried to explain the incident and admitted that she was wrong because she took Wiliam's cell phone, but she really didn't mean to take greater advantage. He only intended to make William give him money to cover his sales losses, but it seemed like the man had considered him a thief.

"I hate loser men like him!" Karina muttered, even though the police had advised Karina to apologize to Wiliam so that she could be free from prosecution.

"I won't apologize to him!" Karina is determined not to lower herself in front of people who look down on her.

"Apologize, then I will forgive you!" said William while smiling mockingly at Karina. Until the girl became very upset

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