
New Valyria

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"New Valyria" is a *Game of Thrones* fanfiction that reimagines the destiny of Jon Snow, traditionally seen as the stoic and melancholic bastard of Ned Stark. Rather than succumbing to a bleak existence at the edge of the world, Jon chooses to embrace a grander fate, aspiring to become a figure of legend whose name will be revered across ages. In this narrative, Jon embodies various roles—a father, warrior, emperor, and a true dragon of the North. The story details Jon's strategic and bold moves to expand his influence and power. He forms pivotal alliances with empires and kingdoms beyond the Sunset Sea to the West, enhancing his political and military stature. Concurrently, he extends his dominion by conquering new territories to the East of the known world, demonstrating his prowess on the battlefield. "New Valyria" invites readers to explore Jon Snow's transformative journey from a somber outcast to a formidable ruler through intricate plots, epic battles, and sweeping adventures. The fanfic promises a deep dive into his strategies and achievements, urging readers to delve into the tale to discover the specifics of his ascension. Explore the Epic Saga of New Valyria! Dive deeper into the adventures of "New Valyria" and get exclusive early access to chapters by supporting us on Patreon! Not only will you be the first to read new developments, but you’ll also help shape the journey of our story. Join Us on Patreon : patreon.com/PerseusBlackfyre Become a Patron and access advance chapters, behind-the-scenes content, and more. Your support directly influences the continuation and quality of the story! Connect in Our Community Discord : https://discord.gg/NgQzAjwG Discord Community: Engage with fellow fans, participate in discussions, and receive updates directly from the author. YouTube Channel: Subscribe for video updates, live Q&As with the author, and special content related to "New Valyria". Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@PerseusBlackfyre?sub_confirmation=1 Your support and interaction enrich our shared adventure in the world of "New Valyria." Join us today and be part of the legend!

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Chapter 1Chapter 1: Arc 1, North

Arc 1 When They Come,

Note: The time zone will be fucked up because I want to get everything ready for the actual story.



Daeron Targaryen, Third of his Name. The Dragon of the North. The Stark Dragon. The Dragonwolf. The White Wolf. The Founder of New Valyria. The Founder of Valyrian Empire. First King-Emperor of New Valyria. The King-Emperor of the Andals, the Rhoynar, the First Men, the YiTish, the Dothraki, the Lhazareen, and the Free Cities. Ruler of Westeros, Essos, and Far East. The First Rider of Two Dragons. The Rider of Father of all Dragons Ancalagon, and the Dragon God Balerion. The Founder of the Orders of the Spears of the Dragon God, and the Swords of the Old Gods.

Prologue: Howland Reed

Howland was cleaning his wound when he heard footsteps coming from the Tower of Joy. When he looked up, he saw his Lord carrying a bundle of clothing, two maids, and a wet nurse.

When Eddard Stark, got closer he noticed that his eyes were red and puffy from crying. He was about to ask what happened there, but his lord told him everything he needed to know.

"Robert's Rebellion was a lie, a complete lie. Rhaegar didn't kidnap Lya, he loved her and she loved him. I was a fool to believe anyone would love Robert. Lyanna was looking for a way out of her betrothal to Robert, and she found it in a man that would truly love her, Prince Rhaegar. So when he came to her with a deal she took it." Then Ned looked down at the bundle of clothing, and that was when Howland saw two small hands trying to grab Ned.

Then his lord continued, "In my arms, is the only living child of Rhaegar Targaryen." Ned then looked up into Howland's eyes, and with a loud voice, "You stand in the presence of King Daeron Targaryen, Third of his Name, The King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Protector of the Realm, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms," He finished.

Howland was shocked to hear all this, but before he could ask questions, they heard the rattling of armor from behind Howland. When he turned around he saw Ser Arthur Dayne, getting to his feet.

Howland was going to grab his sword when Lord Stark stopped him. Arthur was struggling to stay on his own two feet. The only thing that kept him up was the sword in his hand, tip in the sand.

"Lord Stark, can I see the King, before I die, I want to see my friend's last son…" Arthur coughed then. When he looked back up he had blood going down his chin.

Ned looked like he was going to refuse, but he walked towards Ser Arthur, was going to his knees when Ned got close. Howland didn't know if he was doing it because his knees were weak or he was bowing to his King.

And when the knight went to his knees, so did Lord Stark.

Ned repositioned the babe in his arms so that the knight could see him better, and when Ser Arthur saw him he started to cry in Joy that he wouldn't die without seeing his last King.

Howland got closer, and the closer he got he heard noises coming from the bundle of clothing, and when he got behind Ser Arthur, he saw Daeron trying to grab at Ser Arthur.

Ser Arthur rose his free arm. He gave the babe his pinky and the babe grabbed it and started to speak baby. Arthur laughed and laughed the whole time the King was playing with his pinky. And not long after Ned joined the laughing, but it didn't last long though.

Ser Arthur started to cough again and this time it was worse than the last. Ned motioned one of the maids to take the King away. When his arms were free he helped the knight into a laying down position. Howland walked over. He went his knees beside his Lord. It was quiet for a good few minutes with the only noise coming from the babe.

Ser Arthur broke the silence. "Lord Stark there is a chest in the room beside the entrance," *cough* "in the chest there are documents of the princess and prince's marriage, also six dragons," *cough*cough* "there should also be a sword with it. Please take them with you when you go ba…" *cough*cough*cough* "back North." Ned nods.

Arthur takes one last look at his King and similes, then he lost all coloring in his eyes. Everything went quiet then, very the babe, who is asleep, Ned and Howland bowed their heads in respect, and within a few minutes, they looked up.

Within a few hours, they had all the bodies of the North and Kingsguard, in a carriage with the chest, two swords(Dawn, and the one Rhaegar gave Lyanna). Leading the group was Ned and Howland.

Ned already had a destination in mind, and that was Starfall. On the way there, Howland was thinking of the young King in Wylla's arms. They got the names of the maids, and wet nurse Lady Lyanna had with her. Wylla Sand being the wet nurse. Stori Sand and Alys Snow being the maids.

Howland was thinking of how to keep Daeron safe. Howland couldn't think of anything so he asked his lord.

"Lord Stark, how are we going to keep the King safe?"

Ned looked at Howland and smiled, a small smile but to a smile. "It's pretty simple really."

"What do you mean, my Lord?" Howland replied, looking confused at Ned.

"Everyone knows when men fight in wars. They forget their honor. So they go fuck a whore. He will be my bastard son, named Jon Snow. I won't like how people will treat him, but I'm willing to sacrifice my honor to protect my nephew," Lord Stark said.

A few hours later they stop for some rest. That was when Lord Stark asked me to take an oath of silence.

"Lord Reed," Howland turned around to see Ned coming his way, "are you willing to take an oath of silence?" Howland thought on it for a bit and nodded. "Good, I want you to never tell anyone who Jon really is, under any circumstances are you to tell anyone," Ned said.

Howland went on his knees and said, "I, Howland Reed, swear to you Lord Stark that I will keep Daeron Targaryen, a secret."

Ned smiled, but then said, "The only exception is if Westeros is in chaos." Howland nodded, "I want you to take the chest, swords, and maids with you when we return home."

Howland was shocked to hear that Lord Stark has that much trust in him to keep the dragon eggs safe. when he thought it over it made a lot of sense but he still wanted to know why.

"My Lord, why are you asking me this?"

"Because, Lord Reed, Greywater Watch is impossible to find anyone who doesn't know the Neck. Where Winterfell is in the open, and I am getting the feeling that in the near future that Winterfell won't belong to the Stark's." Lord Stark said.

Eddard Stark

Eddard was in his solar thinking of a way to keep Jon safe. Jon is starting to take after his father, with purple eyes, and black hair. His fifteen-year-old nephew. Jon has also been losing his temper. When he was younger he was calm but now he is a fireball.

The reason behind this, is one word, that cursed word 'bastard'. The first time he was called bastard this year was when he got news of Theon having a broken nose and wrist. When he asked Robb what happened, he didn't respond right away, but he did tell him that Theon was in Jon's face saying bastard the whole time, and Jon grabbed Theon's hand and twisted it and breaking his wrist and punched him in the face. By the time Ser Rodrik came, Jon was gone.

So now Ned was in his solar thinking of something to keep Jon safe. The only things that came to mind were the Night's Watch and telling Jon to go to Essos, to where they don't judge a bastard.

Ned was about to stand up and go looking for Jon when his lady wife came in without a knock. When he saw her face, he knew Jon has done something.

"Please tell me that you plan on doing something to the bastard!" She practically yelled.

"What did he do now?" Ned asked.

"It's not what he did, it's what he is!" Catelyn yelled. "He is corrupting my daughter and talking back to his superiors." She was as red as her hair. But what really got his interest was what she said next. "I am losing it with him, and you want to know what else he has done." She didn't wait for his response, "He threatened me Ned, your lady wife!"

Ned was shocked. In his whole life, he never suspected Jon to threatened anyone. But when he thought about it, he noticed Jon was losing his cool with Catelyn.

"What did you do Cat? I know my blood, and I know he would never threaten anyone unless you threatened him?" Ned asked.

Catelyn didn't respond instantly. "He was in the crypts. Where only Stark's are allowed, never a Snow. So I told him to go because he will corrupt the sacred place, and he said, 'You aren't either, you are Tully, a fish, our wolves devour your kind. Even if you married a Stark, you aren't one you are a fish a little thing that will never be able to stand equally with a wolf.' And I slapped him and said I will send him to Wall myself and if I see you in here, Sept, or in the Godswood."

Ned was shocked and angry. "Cat!" He yelled, "You are not the head of this household. You are the wife of the head, you have little control here. So you can't send my blood to the Wall without asking the Lord!" Cat had wide eyes. "Leave, I need to think!" He pointed to the door.

When Cat left, he grabbed a scroll, ink, and a quill. He knew what he was going to do for Jon, but first, he needs the chest from Howland.

'To Lord Reed

I have need of the chest and what's inside of it but before you come I ask a favour. Please bring your son Jojen.

Form Lord Stark'

Ned rolled up the scroll and left his solar. On the way to the rookery, Ned saw Jon talking to Arya. He couldn't hear what they were saying, but he did notice they were laughing. Also he noticed the red handprint on Jon's left cheek. Jon and Arya have always gotten along. The first name Arya said when she was but a baby wasn't dada or mama; it was Jon. To Catelyn's fear the friendship never stopped. Arya would always be with Jon when she was a tiny thing and now she would leave her lessons to talk with Jon. Ned smiled and continued walking to the rookery. when he got there, Maester Luwin was there taking care of the ravens. When the Maester noticed Ned, he got out of his seat and gave a modest bow.

"Lord Stark, what can I do for you?" Luwin asked.

"I have a raven to be sent out." Ned gave the scroll to Luwin.

"To where, My Lord?"

"Greywater Watch, Maester." Ned was about to leave when he remembered that this certain raven can't be seen by his Maester's eye, "Ohh, I almost forgot." Ned turned around. "This raven can't be seen by anyone, except Lord Reed. So when you get a response, bring it to me, and don't read it."

"Yes, My Lord," Luwin nodded.

When Ned went back to his solar, Jon was at the door. "Jon, what can I do for you?" Ned asked.

Jon turned to look at him and smiled, "Father… ``can we talk in private?" In the end, Jon lost his smile.

Ned nodded. "Of course." He opened the door and offered Jon a set. Jon took it and waited for Ned to sit down.

"I need to leave, Father." Jon got straight to it.

Ned had dreaded this was going to happen, "What do you mean, son?"

Jon didn't answer straight away, but he got his answer. "I can't stand it anymore Father. I'm tired of being called the bastard of Winterfell." Jon looked down at his feet. "I know that I'm going to hurt you, Arya, Rob, Bran, and Rickon. But I can't stand it anymore." Jon looked back up at Ned with sad purple eyes. "Please Father."

Ned knew what he was asking for but he didn't want to send his nephew away to the Watch. But lucky for him, he had already thought of a replacement for the Watch.

"Okay Son, but it won't be the Watch that you will be going to." Jon was going to cut in but was stopped when Ned raised his hand. "Jon, you will be going to Essos," Ned said. "You can have a free life and they don't despise bastards there. You can grow up there and make money by being a sellsword. I have been watching you and I can see you enjoy the art of the sword."

Jon was looking at him in like he was talking shit. "Everyone despises bastards," He said the word with a tad of venom in his voice.

"No not everyone, only Westeros." Ned smiled at Jon. "But you can't go straight away. I have something coming for you. I just sent the raven to House Reed, to bring it up for me. So can you wait for a few sennights, Jon." Ned saw the look in Jon's eyes.

"Of course Father, I can wait a bit." Jon got up and left.

Ned looked down at his hands and thought of the look in Jon's eyes. He saw joy. Ned thought of all the times he got something for Jon; on his tenth name day, he got him a stallion, a beautiful black one. On his twelfth name day, he got him a long sword. Ned would never forget the look in his nephew's eyes. He always saw joy.

Ned then got back to his work for the day.

Jon Snow

It has been a fortnight since his talk about leaving Winterfell with his Father, and today was the day Jon was getting something from his Father. Jon was currently in Ned's solar, waiting for his father to come back from a meeting with Lord Reed.

Jon was fidgeting with a dagger when he heard the door open. He looked back and saw his father standing there, but what got his attention was, what was behind his father. Behind his father were two house guards carrying a chest with running wolves on it. Jon looked at his father with a confused look.

Ned walked over to his desk and asked the guards to put down the chest beside Jon. When they were done Ned asked them to leave. Ned then sat down in his set, putting down a sword down, which Jon just noticed.

"Jon, this is what I wanted to give you before you leave for Essos." Ned then took a look of complete seriousness, "But under any circumstances, you aren't to open it, unless you really need to and Westeros is in chaos."

Jon nodded. Ned smiled at Jon and said, "I know you asked Mikken to make a sword for Arya." Jon started to sweat, "And don't worry I won't tell my wife of it, but I want to know why you want to give Arya a sword in the Bravos style?"

Jon let out the breath that he was holding in, "I asked for a Bravos style sword, is because Arya is small and skinny, and just by looking she won't be able to carry a long sword until she gets older, Father."

Ned and Jon laughed until Ned went sad and asked, "When do you plan on leaving Jon?"

"When the sword is complete, and when I say my goodbye to my siblings," Jon responded.

Ned nods. "This sword," he put his hand on it, "is from me. But that chest is from your mother." He points to the chest, "I apologize that I can't tell you who your mother is. But what I can tell you is that she loves you and cares for you. Your mother was one of the most beautiful people I have seen." (The sword has a crimson handle, a flaming heart pommel, and a blood-red blade).

Jon looked at his father noticing a tear going down his face. Jon looked down at his feet. He already gave up knowing who his mother was, but at least he knows that she loves him and cares for him.

He was brought out of his thoughts by his father opening a drawer when his father found what he was looking for, he pulled out a bag and put it down beside the sword.

"In the bag, there should be enough gold dragons for you to take a ship to Braavos, get food and bye a little house and it has a lot more," Ned said.

Jon nods, grabs the bag of coins, the sword, and calls the guards back in to bring the chest. And before he goes his father calls for him.

"Jon, I almost forgot," he grabs a key from his desk, "this key is to open the chest." He gives the key to Jon.

Jon then leaves saying goodnight to his father and going to his room. When he gets there he tells the guards to put it in front of the bed. They leave when they were done. Jon then lies down on his bed. He falls asleep and dreams of wolves, lions, roses, crows, and dragons.

Maester Luwin

It's been two moons since Jon left, and everyone hasn't been the same since. Robb has gone to brooding all day. Sansa is rarely paying attention to her lessons, even if Jon was her half-brother the household isn't the same. Bran has been quiet and the only people he talks to are Jojen, Father, and Meera. Rickon doesn't know what's going on and asking when Jon was coming back. Lord Stark isn't the same he is back to being quiet and not being with his kids, and he kicked Lady Stark out of his chambers. The worst of the bunch and everyone knew this was going to happen. Arya has gone to stay in her room or the Godswood, and when someone tries to talk to her, she spits fire back at them, but she never spits fire back at her younger brothers. She has fought back when Lady Stark tries to get her to her lesson, she fights back saying she was the Seven Hells and saying she was the reason why Jon left. The only people celebrating Jon leaving were Lady Stark and Theon Greyjoy.

But that was not why he was racing down the hall to Lord Stark's solar. When he got there Jory was standing guard outside and when saw that the Maester of Winterfell was panting like he just ran around Winterfell three times, he didn't knock on the door and opened it. Luwin went in and saw that Lady Stark and Lord Stark we're talking, but from the looks of it, it was more like Lord Stark was spitting fire at his lady wife.

"Lord Stark," he said in between breaths, "I bring a scroll." He holds out his hand with the scroll in it.

"Form who, Maester?" Lord Stark asked.

Luwin looked over to Lady Stark. Lord Stark saw this, "You may leave Cat." Ned said with anger. Catelyn looked at Ned, and was about to protest when Lord Stark practically yelled, "Leave the wife and don't bring up this topic again!" And just like that Lady Stark was gone.

Luwin looked at Ned. "The raven is from Jon, My Lord." And with that, Ned grabs the scroll and read.

Lord Stark was still going over the scroll a few minutes later, and that was when Luwin saw Ned smiling with tears going down his cheeks.

"Was there more, Maester Luwin?" Ned looks up.

"Yes My Lord," Ned smiled even brighter, "one for each Stark child."

"Bring them here and call for every child of mine." Ned wiped his tears away.

"Of course My Lord." Luwin left. He walked back to the rookery and saw a new raven, but the raven had no scroll, it had a bag attached to its leg. He grabbed the bag and the scroll that was attached to the first raven.

On his way back to Lord Stark's solar, he saw Robb.

"Lord Robb," Robb turns around, "Lord Stark has called for you and your siblings when you see them tell them to go to your father's solar."

"Yes, Maester. Do you know what Father wants with us?" Robb asked.

"Yes, I know why he has asked for you. But I can't spoil the surprise." Luwin responded. Then Luwin left with a confused Robb Stark behind him.

When Luwin got back to the solar, he saw Lord Stark reading the scroll form Jon. When Ned notice Luwin was present, he put down the letter.

"Do you have the letters, Luwin?" Ned asked.

"Yes Lord Stark," he took out the bag, "But when I got back I saw a raven, the raven brought this bag." He then hands the bag to Lord Stark.

Lord Stark opened the bag and dumped the contents on his desk. What they saw was six coins size of a lid of a glass jar, all different colors, on each coin was a picture of a wolf's head. Each coin was special in it own why, one was gray and black and orange eyes, another was little gray and a bit white and had yellow eyes, another was all gray and had golden eyes, another was light brown with yellow eyes, another was completely black and bright green eyes, and the last was a mix of all the colors and had golden eyes . On the back of them had names, the first being Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, the next Little Sister/Arya Stark, the next Brandon Stark, the next Rickon Stark, and the last Father/Eddard Stark(all names and color are in the order of oldest to youngest… but Ned's was last)

Lord Stark grabbed the one that had his name on it and held it in his hands. Luwin grabbed the black one, and the first word that came to mind was: perfection. They were as smooth as a baby's cheek.

Both Lord and Maester were brought out of there thoughts by a knock at the door, "Father I brought everyone." They heard Robb form the other side of the door.

Luwin put down the coin and went to the side of Lord Stark, "You may come in." Lord said with tears still going down his cheek form the gift from Jon.

When they got in they noticed the smile and tears on their Father's face.

The first to break the silence was Sansa, "Father, has something bad happened?"

Ned shook his head, he mentioned for them all to take a set. When they were all in there chairs, Luwin went and gave them all their scrolls. They looked confused so Luwin told them who there form.

"This evening, we got a raven with six scrolls," they nodded, minus Rickon who was in Robb's lap looking confused, "your Father has the first one, but they had all been sent to each Stark child. The scrolls are from Jon."

They all lost their sad looks when they heard that the scrolls are from Jon, and each one opened them and read, minus Rickon who need Robb to read it to him. When they were done they all had a smile on there face.

"He also sends these coins," he picks up the one that was for Brandon, and showed it to everyone, "each of them has a name, your names, so there is no confusing them with each other." He gives Bran his coin. They all grabbed their coin, and there smiled grew bigger.

"Was that all you wanted us for, Father?" Bran asked.

"Yes, that was all I needed. You may go if you want." Ned smiled.

Each of them left one by one until the Maester and Lord were alone. Ned still smiling like he was holding a new son in his arms.

"Was that all Luwin?" Ned asked well getting out of his set.

"Yes My Lord, I just thought you would want to know you got the scroll."

"Thank you, for bringing this to me." Ned looked at Luwin with a bright smile, "Now if you don't mind, I would like to go to the Godswood to pray for my son's safety." Ned left, and just behind him, Luwin left to his room.

When Luwin got to his room, he smiled. The Stark's are almost back to normal.

Jon Snow

It's been a fortnight since Jon sent his gifts and letters to his family, and at this moment Jon was in his room looking at the chest his father gave him, and as his father said, he hasn't opened it. But whenever he went past it he always got the feeling something was calling for him. Jon still hasn't found a job, but he was waiting for the Company of the Rose to return to Braavos.

The Company of the Rose was what John wanted to join when he heard that Braavos was the base of the company. So Jon waited for the Commander to return form a client. And form the news he has been getting from the common folk they should be here today or on the morrow.

Jon has been getting used to the sword his father gave him, a pretty looking thing with a crimson handle, a heart-shaped pommel, and a blood-red blade. Jon knows the swords has a name, it's carved in on the side of the blade in a language he doesn't know.

Jon got up from his chair and went outside for fresh air. Braavos was crawling with people today and Jon wanted quiet, so he went to the quietest place, the House of Black and White, the home of the faceless men.

Jon knows that you don't get close to the home of the best assassins, but he wanted quietness, and the only other place was the Iron Bank. And Jon doesn't want to get close to the bank unless he really needs to. So when he got to the house he didn't go in he just went to the ledge near the water. He lay down to put his left arm behind his head, he closed his eyes, and without even knowing it he fell asleep.

He didn't know how much time has passed, but he woke up by something poking his forehead. He opened his eyes to see a man with bright red hair on his left and white hair on his right side. The men stopped poking Jon with his stick.

"Does the man know where he is?" The men asked.

"Aye, this man knows where he is," Jon responded. he was playing along.

"Does the man have a name."

"Aye, this man has a name, but the man won't tell the man's name if the other man doesn't tell his name to the Westerosi man," Jon responded.

The man smiled, "This man doesn't have a name, he gave it up to the Many Face God years ago. But the Westerosi can call the man, the knowing man."

"Well, the Westerosi should be leaving." Jon got up from his position, he was about to leave but he remembered what he said, he looked at the knowing man, "The Westerosi has a name and the name is, Jon Snow."

The knowing man nodded, "Well Jon Snow can come back whenever he likes."

The knowing man went back into the house of Black and White. Jon watched the man until he was inside. Jon went back to the little house to sleep for the rest of the night.



Jon was in the base of the Roses standing in front of the Commanders. Their names are Torrhen GreyStark, Rickard Frost, and Jon Snow(he is the blood of Brandon Snow, Torrhen Stark's Bastard Brother). They all watched his every move, but the first to speak was Jon Snow.

"Welcome to the base of the Roses, are you here to join? And if you are, name and what family."

"Yes I'm here to join, my name is Jon Snow, Bastard Son of Eddard Stark, the Lord of Winterfell."

The captain's narrowed their eyes, GreyStark stood, "Your ancestor, Torrhen Stark kneeled to the Targaryens, your family stayed loyal to the dragon's for 200 years, and just recently stood against them. But your family still stayed loyal to them." GreyStark walk towards Jon, "Our founder, Brandon Snow, Torrhen Stark's Bastard brother, left and did the right thing. He didn't follow his brother's lead." He was standing in front of Jon, "Now we let you in out of respect to your family's name and now I'm asking you to leave." He stared Jon down.

Jon was about to talk back when he felt a fist hit his cheek. Jon was sent flying back. Jon struggled to get back on his feet. But when he did he was grabbed by the cuffs of his shirt.

"Remember this is out of the kindness of our hearts, so I will tell you this once." GreyStark looked Jon in the eyes, "You come back here and I will kill you myself, and if I check sight of you nearby I will kill you myself." He put Jon down, "Now I won't tell you again, leave!" GreyStark yelled.

Jon turned around and left to return to his little house.



When Jon failed to join the Company of the Rose, his second option was the Golden Company. So Jon left early the next morning to go to Myr. Jon left his sword, and chest in Braavos and paid the property owner, five gold dragons, which was five months of pay for his room.

Jon knew it was a risk to keep his stuff there but it was even riskier than bringing it with him. And with his sword still in Braavos, he needed a back up one, so on his way out of Braavos he grabbed one and paid for it, the long-sword was fairly normal, the only difference it had to a normal one was that it had a wolf head pommel.

When Jon got to Myr, he noticed that the Golden Company wasn't here, so he went to the market to see if he could find gifts for his siblings. Jon walked and walked and when he found what he was looking for he smiled, he asked the merchant how much five costs, he said two gold coins and five silver. Jon made a deal with the merchant and asked when the gifts would be done, the merchant said four to five days. Jon nodded and left.

When Jon left the market he noticed that there were more people here, then when he got to Myr. Jon looked to see what it was and went to see what was happening.

When Jon saw what was happening, or who was here he smiled. The Golden Company has returned. Jon knew that they just got back and wouldn't be able to see the Commander so he went to find an inn for the night.


"Name, were ye from, and why ya here, boy?" Commander Harry Strickland asked Jon.

"My name is Jon Snow, I'm from the North, and the reason why I'm here is that I failed at getting into the Company of the Rose," Jon responded.

Harry looked at Jon, "What family are ye form, boy?"

"House Stark, but like I said I'm a bastard," Jon responded.

Harry laughed, "As I thought, you are Eddard Stark's Bastard. I can see why those shit didn't allow you to join. If you don't join the Golden Company, What is your third option boy?"

"The Second Sons."

Harry looked at Jon, "I wouldn't join them or the Company of the Cat, if I were you, they are both cunts and they don't deserve the number of men they have. But you're in luck you can join." Jon smile, "But I have a few questions for you." Jon nodded, "Do you know the languages of this land?"

"No I don't, I only know the basics of Bastard Valyrian," Jon answered.

Harry nodded, "What weapons have you trained in."

"I mainly use a bastard sword or a long sword. But I have been trained in bows, spears, and greatsword."

Harry nodded, "Good, you will join the Company for 3 years when that time is up you can either stay or enjoy your life out of the Company. You will receive your first contract on the morrow."

Jon nodded in understanding, then left for the day.

Eddard Stark

It has been three moons since Jon sent the scrolls and gifts, to House Stark. Every child of the Stark Family always seems to carry it with them at all times. Robb has him in his cloak. Sansa takes it to her lessons. Arya always has it in one of her hands. Bran plays with it, trying to carve a wolf into the tables. Rickon just throws it around like a piece of stone but then he realized it was the coin that Jon sent him, he jumped three feet in the air spends half the day trying to find and he does he promise to not throw it anymore, and the next day he throws it.

But what the Lord of House Stark, does with his, is more for the purpose to remind the Lord that Jon is still alive. Eddard was in his room thinking when his lady's wife came in. The Lord and Lady of the Stark haven't been getting along for the past six moons since Jon has left. Catelyn saying that the castle was better without Jon in it, and she won't even agree that the only reason their children are happy, was Jon sending them a gift and scroll. She believes it's form the Mother(I don't know the full meanings of the seven, only that the Mother is Mercy, the Father is Justice, the Maiden is Pure or something like that, the Warrior is Strength, the Smith is Courage, the Crone is a Guide, and my personal favorite of the Seven is the Stranger, Death).

When Ned saw Cat carrying scrolls with the black wave with the running direwolf, Jon's signature wave, he knew what was going to do. Ned got from his set, and yelled, "Put those down Cat!"

When he said that Maester Luwin came in with sweat, and just looking at the Master's face, he could tell that he was angered.

"My Lord," he bows his head to Ned, "Lady Stark has taken every scroll and gift from Jon."

"I can see that Maester," he looks to Luwin, "I want a guard on the ravens that are sent from Jon, Maester." He looks back at Cat, "Now lady wife," he practically spat the name, "why do you have the scrolls and gifts from Jon."

"Because he's going to ruin the family. The kids are all happy now if they are giving the scrolls and gifts from the bastard, they will go back to the way they were before the mother sent us her blessing."

"ARE YOU BLIND," Ned yelled, both Cat and Luwin jumped, "They are happy because of the gift and letters he sent them! It's not the Mother that gave them happiness, it's the letters and gifts Jon has been sending!" Ned had enough of Catelyn, "I want you to leave Winterfell, on the morrow. Go to RiverRun and stay there until I say you can come back. You will leave all the children here. I've had enough of your behavior, if your father wants war then have it, we the North are fighters."

Cat and Luwin, had wide eyes, staring at Ned like he was a madman, Cat was about to say something but Ned spoke.

"I AM TIRED OF HEARING YOU NAG ABOUT HOW WINTERFELL IS BETTER WITHOUT JON. You are jealous that I loved someone more than you, and for it, you curse the making of what comes from that love," Cat looked at him, "Yes I know what you said that day. You think the Lord of Winterfell wouldn't know what was going on in his castle." Ned was letting out all his anger he has held together for twelve years, "You curse a child of six-name-days to the Stranger, my blood."

Cat and Luwin didn't say anything while they were here in his solar and when Ned calmed down a bit, he said.

"I want you out by the morrow, pack your things and go and if it makes you happy, I will send a raven to Lord Tully today to tell him what has happened and why you are returning to Riverrun. Leave the scrolls here." She puts the scrolls on his desk and left with tears going down her face. Maester Luwin watched as she left, and when he knew that she was a good distance away so that she couldn't hear what they were talking about.

Ned sat back down and grabbed the scroll that was closest to him, "Maester I want a raven to be sent to RiverRun, tell them why Catelyn is leaving."

Luwin nodded, but didn't leave, "My Lord, was that wise? I know she took all the scrolls sent to us, but that was too far." Luwin said.

"I will regret this but I was tired of her talking about Jon as if he was an ant that was under feet." Ned looked up to Luwin, "I know it wasn't wise… but… I'm tired Maester. Can you leave me be." Luwin nodded, "But before you leave to tell the kids what has happened, I don't want them to find out tomorrow and be mad at me when she leaves."

"Yes My Lord." Luwin left.

Ned put the scroll he had, which he hasn't opened yet, and left to his room to check a nap before his lordly duty's come to him.


When Ned woke the next morning, he got dressed and cleaned.

On the way out he grabbed the scrolls and the bag of gifts, he had on his desk. Ned walked to the main hall to break his fast. When he got there he noticed that every child of his was there, minus Arya.

Ned walked to the high table and put down the scrolls and the bag. Robb looked to him, "Father are those scrolls from Jon?" Robb's eyes sparkled.

"Aye they are, but we need to talk about something before you get your scrolls and gift. And we need Arya as well, Robb and you get her?" He looked to Robb.

"Of course Father." Robb got up and went to get Arya.

Ned sat down in his chair and separated the scrolls into the names on them. In a few minutes Robb and Arya entering the hall. Ned looked up to the servants and told them to leave.

When they all left, he looked to his children.

"Father, where is a mother?" Sansa asked.

"Well Sansa, that is the reason why we are having this family meeting." He looked to each of them, "Your mother will be returning to Riverrun today." Ned said.

Robb's eyes looked confused, "What do you mean by that father? Has the mother done something?"

Ned was about to respond but was shocked to hear what Arya said, "She kept the gifts and scrolls, that Jon sent us, away from us." Arya said.

Ned looked to Arya, "How do you know that Arya?"

"I spent some time in the rookery, waiting for the scrolls and gifts from Jon, and when I was there, mother entered and asked me why I was there, I never answered, but when she told me to leave I left, and when she left she always looked to be carrying something when she left," Arya answered.

Ned was looking at Arya for a good chunk of time, but when he heard what Sansa said he looked to her, "Father, will we be able to say goodbye to mother?"

"Of course Sansa, your mother will be leaving at midday. But what Arya said was true she has been taking the scrolls Jon has sent you and kept them a secret. She will also be leaving for another reason but that is between husband and wife." Everyone nodded in understanding.

Ned looked to each of them and saw what the reaction was, Robb and Sansa had the same reaction, they looked sad but understood that their mother had done something wrong and mean to each of them. Arya had a look of anger but Ned saw threw it, she was sad that their mother was going. Bran had was looking happy, Rickon looked like he was about to cry.

Ned got up and picked Rickon up and hugged him. No one made a move for the scrolls or the dog.

Ned was about to say something when the hall doors opened.

When everyone went to see who it was that entered, they saw that it was Catelyn Tully Stark. Sansa and Bran got up and went to her, Arya stayed in her chair, Robb went to Ned and Rickon, Ned gave Rickon to Robb, and the brothers went to their mother. Ned stayed still and watched.

Ned was brought out of his watching by a noise coming from the table. Ned looked to see it and saw that Arya was opening the scrolls Jon sent her. Ned walked to Arya and sat in the chair beside her. He grabbed a scroll that Jon sent him. Every now and then Ned would hear laughter coming from Arya, and it put a smile on his face to see that Arya could be happy just by reading the scrolls that Jon sent her.


Ned was done reading the scrolls that Jon sent him(all on Jon's well being and what has happened in Essos). Ned looked back to see that Cat was still there and holding Rickon. It was almost midday, and a thought came to mind.

"Kids, come sit down and read the scrolls," he looked to Cat, "You may join, but you will not touch any of them."

So everyone was reading the scrolls Jon has sent them. When he noticed that they were all done, minus Rickon who needed Robb's help reading them, he grabbed the bag and opened it. He put his hand in it and when he felt what was in there, he smiled. One at a time he took out what was in there.

Jon has sent them little wooden wolves, like the coins they had their own colors and like the last as well they had names, he handed each child of his, there wolf's. When he was done. He looked to Cat and saw the look on her face. She was angered that the bastard is corrupting her family with letters, and gifts.

"My Lady," Ned said, Catelyn looked to him, "What do you see here. I see smiles and laughter."

Catelyn looked like she thinking what the right words to say, "I see a letter that is corrupting my family." She spat out.

Ned stood and glared at Cat, "GO! I want you out of the North in the next hour, you can take Ser Rodrik if you like. I hold no more love for you, with those words, you have lost all hope of staying here, or taking Rickon, or Sansa with you to Riverrun."

Catelyn looked at Ned, and stood and walked out of the hall with tears going down her cheek.

Everyone was looking at him, "I was tired of her nagging, if you want to say goodbye you must be quick, I have to write a scroll to house Dayne, the crown, and the high Septon." He saw that everyone stood and left when he looked back at the table and saw Arya still there.

"Arya," She looked to him, "Come, let's go to the Godswood and pray for Jon's safety." He smiled.

"Yes, Father." She got up and grabbed the wooden wolf that Jon got her.

Robert Baratheon

When Robert got news saying something happened in the North he knew he had to attend a Small Council Meeting, he knew it was going to be a boring thing but he wanted to know what happened in his friend's land.

When he entered he saw his Master of Coins, Petyr Baelish was grinning like he just opened a gift. He also saw that his Hand, Jon Arryn was wide-eyed.

He sat down and the meeting began, but he didn't want to know the small stuff he wanted to know what has happened.

"Okay ya cunts, what has happened in the North?" He asked.

"Your Grace," His Master of Whispers, Varys begins, "My little birds have brought us some sad news." Robert started to worry, "Lord Stark has sent his Lady Wife back to RiverRun and has only allowed her to come back when he saws so." Robert was shocked. What has the lovely Catelyn Stark done to earn her husband's wrath?

"How do they know this, Lord Varys." He asked.

"There are two reasons actually, the first was that everyone could hear Lord Stark yelling across Winterfell, and The Lady Stark left the next day."

Jon Arryn was shaking now, "What were they fighting about Lord Varys?" Grand Maester Pycelle.

"Well form what my little birds say, they were talking about Lord Stark's bastard, Jon Snow."

Robert knew about the bastard but he really wanted to know what he looks like and what he is like, "Have your birds ever seen the bastard, Lord Varys."

Varys looked to Lord Baelish, "They have Your Grace. He has the Stark face and body, but his hair and eyes are special."

"What do you mean by special?" Robert's Master of Law, Renly Baratheon, asked.

"Well he has really dark purple eyes for one and the families that have purple eyes are, House Dayne and House Targaryen." He looked to Varys, with eyes saying 'Are you serious".

"Why would Ned do that? I can't imagine that Ned would do that?" The Hand asked.

"Because she wouldn't stop nagging most likely, she was most likely saying how Winterfell was in a better mood with the bastard gone, but in reality, the castle was in quiet and depressed." Master of Ships, Stannis Baratheon, said.

The room was quiet, the silence was broken by Baelish, "Your Grace, allow me to go comfort Lady Stark. I was a childhood friend of hers and I care for dearly."

"And I will go North and talk to Ned, I want to show my foster son is doing." Lord Hand said.

Robert nodded, "You may go Lord Hand, but Baelish your staying. I know what you want to do, you want to turn Lady Stark against Lord Stark, so you can have her." Baelish looked at him with wide eyes, "I might be fat and prefer the battlefield but I'm not stupid." Robert got up from his set but was stopped, when the door opened and in came the Grand Maester's 'back up' is what Robert likes to call him.

"Your Grace a rave form house Stark." Robert snacked the scroll, "Lord Stark has sent three ravens. One to house Dayne, another to the High Septon, and one to the crown."

Robert opened the scroll and read it.

'To King Robert,

I have sent this raven to ask you a favor, if you haven't heard I have sent Lady Catelyn, back to Riverlands. The reason for this is for many reasons and I would rather keep them a secret, but the main reason is to ask you to allow me to annul our marriage and allow me to marry Lady Ashara Dayne. I have never stopped loving her, and would like to have her as my wife… also if rumors are to believed, she has a bastard daughter, named Lyarra, after my mother. I believe that to be my blood and would also ask you to legitimize him as a Stark. I have also sent a raven to the high Septon to see this marriage annulled. I hope to hear your response.

Your Warden in the North, Eddard Stark'

Robert looked up with wide eyes.

"Your Grace, what has happened?" Jon Arryn asked.

Robert looked back to his consul, "Everyone out, except you Lord Hand!" He yelled.

Everyone left and Robert walked towards Jon Arryn and handed him the scroll.

Jon Snow

It has been five months since Jon joined the Golden Company. Jon was waiting in his commander's tent for a contract, from what he heard this contract was not the normal kind of contract. Well, Jon was thinking of the contract he was going to get he went through what has happened for the past five moons.

During the first month, he was taught the tongues of this land. And from what his teachers say is that Jon was a master at learning the tongues. So by the end of the month, Jon knew how to speak about fifteen tongues.

The other moons he has gone from contract form contract. Jon's first three contracts were the same, go find a group of bandits and kill them all. His other contracts were protecting somebody of rising power. But that was all Jon really got.

Jon was still thinking when Commander Strickland walked into the tent, "Snow." Jon looked to Harry, "I have every abnormal contract for you. The contract itself might seem normal but it really wasn't." He handed Jon the paper.

Jon read it over and saw why it was abnormal, you have to go beyond the Wall and kill two men by the names of, Rattleshirt and the Weeper.

Jon looked to Harry, "I accept the contract, Commander." Jon said.

Harry smiled, "Good when you get back come to me and I will give you the gold you are owned."

Jon left the next day and went north, he dropped by Braavos to see how things were and found that everything was the same. Jon went to his little house and entered and slept for a bit before he left to go further north. When Jon woke to be grabbed the sword his father gave him and left.

When Jon got to the docks he found a ship that's going to KarHold, the set of house KarStark.


When Jon saw KarHold he was brought back to a time when his father took him and Robb to Karhold for Alys KarStark's name day.


Jon was in the training yard in KarHold with Eddard KarStark and Robb, they were fighting and both Robb and Edd were on the ground, and Jon standing with a smirk on his face. They have been at it for less than five minutes, and Jon was standing with a practice sword in his hand, looking down at Edd and Robb.

But what they didn't notice was that they had company. On the balcony was Lord Eddard Stark, Lord Rickard KarStark, and Alys KarStark.

"That your bastard Ned?" Lord KarStark asked.

"Aye, that's my blood, Rickard. And that's your second youngest, and it seems you haven't been teaching him the way of the sword properly." Ned responds with a jest.

Rickard laughed, "As have you Ned, your oldest lost as well as mine." Rickard respond.

Ned was about to respond when Alys asked, "What's his name, Father?"

Rickard looked to his daughter, "Which one, the one that's standing or the one on his arse like your brother?"

"The one that's standing." Alys looked at her father.

"That's Jon Snow, Lord Stark's Bastard."

Alys looked back at Jon with a smile on her face. That was when Jon notices they were being watched.

He looked up to see his father with both Lord KarStark and Lady Alys. When he saw Lady Alys his heart was in his throat once again. He looked away to keep the redness, from him blushing, be seen. He knew what it was but he was a bastard and he won't marry a high born girl. With that thought, his face lost the blush that was growing.

When both Robb and Edd got back up Jon didn't wait until they were ready when he attacked.

When Alys saw that Jon looked at her smile grew. She looked to her father, who was talking to Lord Stark.

"Lord Stark," he looked to her, "why don't you legitimize Jon?"

Lord Stark's eyes grew, "Well… Alys that is a… very personal question, but I will tell you that, he has a bigger future than all of us… does that satisfy you Lady Alys?"

Alys nodded and went back to watching Jon fight his brother and her brother.


"Ned, you might have a master swordsman in your house soon," Rickard said.

Ned nodded.

At the moment Jon was fighting Harrion, Torrhen, Edd, SmallJon, and Robb, with only his sword in hand. Ned was proud that all the KarStark and Umber are taking it as a fun game, but he can see that Edd and Robb are getting tired of losing and was taking out their anger out on Jon.

"Aye, he might be even better than the KingSlayer, or Arthur Dayne." The Lord Umber said.

It was close to supper when Umber's show up, so the household had to make more food so the guests could eat, and have a place to sleep. And since then the lords have been watching Jon fight every fight and win.

"My daughter has found a liking to him," he points to Alys, who was with the Lord's wives, minus Catelyn, "she has been him since he got here, and if she told me, she wanted to marry him, I won't be that surprised, she even asked Ned to legitimize him."

Lord Umber looked to Ned, "Is this true Ned?"

"Aye, it's true."

GreatJon laughed. He was pulled out of his laugh when he looked back down to see Jon, who was lying down on the ground, grabbing his head in pain. Everyone dropped their swords, the only one who didn't was Robb, he was looking wide-eyed at the downed Jon.

Ned pushed the Lords out of his way. When he got down he saw blood coming from the side of Jon's face. He picked up his nephew and took him to his room. He asked the maids to bring a bucket of water and clothes. When they brought the needed stuff he asked them to leave and allow no one to come in.

Ned stayed with Jon until he woke the next day. He then made sure Robb was fine, he found in the guest room he was giving, looking down with his head in his hands and form the sound he can tell he was crying. He went to his son and sat down beside him. When Robb looked up he saw the guilt in his eyes.

"Father, I needn't mean to… I didn't mean to hit Jon… is he okay?" Robb asked.

"It's okay son, I know you didn't, and yes Jon's fine, he just woke up. You can go see him, but don't make a lot of noise, I can tell he has a headache, so be quiet." Robb nodded and left to see Jon.

When Ned got to his room he freshens up, cleans the blood off of his hands and changed to clean clothes. He left when he was sure he was done. When Ned got to the hall he smelled the food and that was when he realized he hadn't eaten anything. When he opened the doors he saw that Jon was already there with Robb, the KarStark boys, and SmallJon, they were being as quiet as they could to not worsen the pain in Jon's head. Ned smiled.

When he got to the head table he sat down and eat, and that was when he realized that Alys was watching Jon with worried eyes, he wasn't the only one that noticed this, Rickard, as well as GreatJon noticed this.

"Lady Alys," she jumped a little, and looked at him, "sorry for frightening you."

"There's no need to apologize, My Lord, it was I who was paying attention," Alys responded, she looked back to Jon.

"Lady Alys, do you have an interest in Jon?" Ned asked.

Alys looked to him, she quickly looked away with what looks like a blush, "Yes I have an interest in Jon."

"If you want to talk to him, go ahead. I see him doing two things when he sees you," Lord Umber said, Alys looked to him with a confused look, "One being he doesn't know what to say and spits out what he thinks about you, or he doesn't talk at all."

Alys blushes and looks back to Jon with a smile.


Jon was talking to the SmallJon when Lady Alys walked up to him and asked him to dance with her, he couldn't refuse it was her name day they were celebrating anyway, so he accepted.

Jon was looking at Lady Alys when she asked him, "Jon what do you think of me?"

"You are a beauty that will win men's heart, My Lady." He said, without thinking.

Alys smiled brightly, "Is that true or are you saying that because it's my name day?" She asked.

"What would make you think that… you are even more beautiful than my sister Sansa, and she is a beauty." He once again blurted out.

An even bigger, brighter smile grew on Alys's face, "Well you're handsome as well."

Jon blushed and looked away, they continued to dance until the music was done. Before Jon left, he was pulled into a kiss with Alys, her lips soft and plump with a flavor of strawberries. Jon lost all track of time at that moment, he didn't know if they kissed for a minute or an hour but he has pushed away before he could go further into the kiss. Alys looked up to him. She left after a few minutes.

When Jon went to bed he couldn't take Alys off his mind. When he did fall asleep he dreamt of Alys.

*FlashBack End*

It's been a year since then and he still has forgotten the feel of her lips on his. But that wasn't the reason he was here, he was here to complete a contract. So with a mission in mind, he went to grab his horse, the one which his father gave him, which he named Shadow. He rode North to East-Watch-By-The-Sea.


When Jon got to the Wall he was mesmerized by the sight. Over seven-hundred feet, and hundred leagues long. It was a beauty. Jon was at the gates of EastWatch by midday. He saw a guard on watch and stopped when he heard, "Halt!"

Jon looked up to the guard, "My name is Jon Snow, I am here to request a meeting with the Commander of this Castle." Jon told the guard.

The guard left. When he returned with a slim and sinewy man who looked to be in his fifties, dry and hard, with black eyes and black hair streaked with grey. The greying man looked Jon over, but when the man caught Jon's eyes, the man's eyes widened.

"Open the gate." The man said, his voice cold and bitter.

The guard looked to the man. The man looked to the guard, "Open the bloody gate, you Cunt!" The guard nodded.

When the gate opened Jon entered to see that the man that ordered the gate, was walking towards him. Jon got off his horse and looked at the man, and when the man got to Jon, he grabbed his chain and moved his head to the right and then left.

Jon was confused at the action but didn't question it. When the man dropped his hand he asked looked to Jon and asked, "Who's your father, Boy?"

Jon was confused but answered, "Eddard Stark of Winterfell, My Lord…" looking for a name.

"Alliser Thorne, Ser Alliser Thorne." He looked Jon up and down, "Are you sure your sir is Eddard Stark?"

Jon nodded, "Aye, I'm sure… I don't know who else would." Jon responded.

Ser Alliser nodded, "Sorry about that… you just reminded me of someone I cared about." Jon nodded. Ser Alliser looked up to Jon, "You are here to see the Commander right?"

"Aye, I am," Jon answered.

Ser Alliser nodded, "Sorry but Commander Pyke isn't here right now, so you can either wait for him or I can do it for you."

Jon thought it over, and chose the latter, "I need to ask you something, but we need to do it in private, Ser Alliser."

Ser Alliser nodded and told Jon to follow. Well, Jon was following Ser Alliser he saw that the man looked back at Jon a few times. When Ser Alliser stopped he turned around to Jon, "So why did you want to see Commander Pyke, Jon Snow." He said.

Jon looked to the man and responded, "I have a contract that asks to Kill the Weeper and Rattleshirt. I'm just going to take a guess here and say it is from the Watch or somewhere in the North."

Ser Alliser looked into Jon's eyes "So what you're asking me, is to let you go beyond the Wall?" Jon nodded. Ser Alliser looked to think it through, and when he came to a conclusion he nodded, "I will let you through, but let me warn you, that the Wildlings are acting weird. They are attacking more often, it's unlike them." Jon nodded, "Also you might want to take that horse with you, you will need it if you want to return."

"Thank you, Ser Alliser for the suggestions." He turned around to leave, when he got to the door he turned around to look at Ser Alliser, and asked, "Who did I remind you of, Ser?"

Ser Alliser looked to Jon and smiled, he could tell it doesn't happen often, "My Prince Rhaegar, you remind me of him."

Jon was wide-eyed, "Why would I remind you of the Last Dragon, Ser Alliser?"

"You have his eyes. Prince Rhaegar had dark purple eyes, that almost looked black. Also, you might have a northern accent but if you take away that you might have his kind of voice." Ser Alliser answered.

Jon nodded and left.


It has been a sennight since Jon left EastWatch. Well, he was out he thought over his conversation with Ser Alliser. This wasn't the first time hearing something like this but it never involved the Targaryen name. It was always Dayne, people always said he had Dayne's eyes, but more specifically Ashara Dayne eyes.

Jon was brought out of his thoughts when he noticed his horse freaking out. Jon stood and drew his sword, and looked around, he saw nothing. But then he heard snow being crushed, he turned around and saw a giant wolf… no, a direwolf.

Jon stood wide-eyed at the beautiful beast. Fur the colors of brown, grey, brown, and white. Its eyes were the colors of golden/yellow.

Jon slowly put his sword on the ground and put his hand out to touch the muzzle of the beast. Jon quickly brought his back, the beast snapped its mouth closed.

Jon looked to his food, which was a rabbit, and grabbed it. When he looked back to the beauty, he saw that it was following his food. Jon put his food in front of the beast and backed up. When the beast saw that Jon backs up, she went to the rabbit and devoured it.

When it was down it looked back to Jon.

Jon knew it wanted but didn't have anymore, he shocked his head. To his surprise the beast went closer to Jon and sat in front of him, then it licked him… from the chin up.

Jon took a chance it tried what he did earlier, he brought his hand up to pet the beast, but when he got closer he closed his eyes. When he felt his hand connect to something warm he opened them and saw that his hand was on the head of the beast in front of him.

When the beast saw that he looked she backed up and ran back into the forest going south.

When Jon notice it was gone, he looked back to his horse, it has finally settled down and was now eating the grass under the snow. Jon looked back to the fire, slowly but surely he started to close his eyes to sleep.

But when he was about to fall asleep he heard his horse freak out again, but this time he instantly saw what was making his horse freak out. About twelve feet away from him was a giant snow bear, standing with two wolves, and a Shadowcat. Jon 2ent to grab his sword, when he got close to it, he saw an arrow coming towards him, and with pure luck, he was able to dodge it. He looked around him and saw that he was surrounded.

In front of him was a white-bearded man, with a bronze gauntlet on his arm, he was currently holding a hatchet and short sword. Beside him was a man with a scythe as a weapon, and was currently crying.

To Jon's left was a man wearing bones, he had a short sword in his hand. Beside him was a greying man, and looked much older then Ser Alliser, he didn't have any weapons in his hands, but behind him were the two wolves he saw earlier.

To Jon's back were the snow bear and Shadowcat.

On his right side, there was a women with honey-blond hair, and lovely blue/grey eyes, she was holding a spear at Jon. Beside her was a dark skinned man also pointing a spear at Jon.

There were also a few archers in the distance.

Jon knew he was outnumbered, so he just backed away from his sword and held his hands in the air. When he stopped he felt a spear at his neck, "Why ya hear southerner?" The person asked.

Jon looked behind him, "I wanted to explore the True North." They all looked at him funny, "You see I'm an explorer I travel the world, the only place I haven't been being beyond the Wall, the True North."

Everyone nodded then looked to the greying man, "Tie him were taking him to Mance," the person behind him grabbed his arms, and tied them behind his back. The greying looked to Jon's sword, "Also grab the blade," he looked at Jon, "If he wants to try and make an escape, he might as well die fighting."

The woman with the honey blonde hair grabbed his sword and instantly dropped it. Everyone looked to her and saw that she was grabbing her wrist, and was looking wide-eyed behind them, "None of you move, but slowly look behind you." She stuttered.

Everyone followed her instructions, and that was when they noticed the giant snow bear, wolves, and Shadowcat, weren't there. When Jon saw what was behind him he saw the same direwolf that was here just a few hours ago. With her was a tall black direwolf with red eyes.

When the others saw them, they dropped their weapons and backed up. The beautiful beast went closer to Jon, and when she got to him, she bowed her head pushed Jon. Jon laughed, "I'm sorry for worrying you."

"Boy, What did you do?" The one with the scythe yelled, Jon looked back to them and saw that the woman with honey blonde hair's hand was burnet.

"What happened to your hand?" He started to walk towards her.

The dark-skinned man jumped in his way, "Don't you come to any closer, southerner!" He yelled.

Jon stopped, the honey-blonde woman spoke, "When I picked up your blade, it felt like I was touching fire." She finished.

"Boy," The one that is wearing the bones called, "pick ya blade up."

Jon walked to his sword and picked it up. Everyone looked at him funny. The one with the bronze gauntlet, pushed the others aside, "Let me see dat sword boy."

"Don't grab it Tormund." The dark-skinned man said.

"Shut you flap, Jarl." The one named Tormund told the now known Jarl.

"Fucking idiot." The one with the tearing eyes said.

"You shut up too, Weeper." Jon looked at the man that was now the Weeper.

When Tormund got to Jon, he grabbed the hilt and dropped it back into Jon's bonded arms.

"Mother goat fucker!" Tormund yelled, "That thing hurts."

The greying man facepalmed, "Alright yay cunts, let's go to the camp."

Everyone seems to forget about the two direwolves, but when they were going to grab Jon's shoulder the female one bared her teeth.

Everyone backed off again, knowing that they can't win against two fully grown direwolves. The She-Wolf went to Jon and sat down in front of him.

When Jon looked into her eyes, he knew what I was trying to say. Jon brought his bonded hands to her neck and started to put it, "You need to go," he said to her, she moaned in sadness, "I know you want to stay but I need to go."

The She-Wolf's head went closer to Jon's and started to sniff. After a few minutes, she backed off and looked at Jon's face.

Jon was still petting her when she looked up at him. He looked into her eyes and saw what she wanted him to do, she wants a name, "Hmm," he looked at her fur, "Winter, is that fine." She started wagging her tail back and forth, Jon laughed, he took his off of her neck and backed away, "You need to go… I promise I will come back and find you and your friend." He looked over to the black direwolf.

Winter got back up and went back to her friend, with one last look back, Jon waved at the She-Wolf. With that, she looked back and ran south.

When he looked back to the group of wildlings, they were wide-eyed looking at him.

The first to speak was Tormund, "Alright, What the hell was that." He asked.

"I don't know." Everyone else responded.

The one with the greying face was the first to get everyone out of there trant, "Alright let's take this boy to Mance."


When Jon entered the camp he was amazed by the sight of giants, and mammoths. The camp was huge with what looked like fifty-thousand(he hasn't completely joined the FreeFolk yet). He saw women carrying spears, children were trying to get the giant's attention, and he even saw a male wildling carrying a female wildling, well this woman was punching and kicking the man, towards a tent. He looked back and saw that Tormund was grinning.

When Tormund saw that Jon was looking at him with confused eyes, he explained, "That is what we call stealing, a man finds and woman and steals her, the woman can fight back. When the man has completely stolen his chosen, they can fuck." Tormund explained.

Jon nodded, he didn't quite understand it but these people live different lives than the ones that live south of the Wall.

Well, Jon was following, his capturers, he noticed a redhead staring at his with lust. Jon looked back to the woman and saw that it was the one that shot the arrow at his hand earlier that day.

Jon looked forward and saw that they were almost to the center of the camp. When Jon heard thumping coming from his right, he turned and saw the biggest giant he has seen in this camp. Jon stopped mid-step and looked up at the giant.

Jon was to focus on the giant to notice that the honey-blonde haired woman from earlier was beside him, "That giant's name is too long for us so we just call him Wun Wun." Jon jumped when he finally realized that someone was beside him. The woman looked to Jon, "He is probably the kindest giants we have here, so don't piss him off." She smiled at him.

The smile was beautiful, it was like something from the stories his sister believe in. Jon looked back at the giant, he raised his bonded hands up and did a tiny wave. The giant looked down at Jon.

The giant copied Jon and gave a wave back. The giant started speaking in a tongue he had no clue of.

When Jon heard laughter coming from beside him, he looked to see that the woman was laughing, "What did he just say?" Jon asked.

"Well you see Wun Wun is kind of like my protector, so what he just said was, 'Looks like you have a replacement for me, a much prettier one.' I found that funny because I would never find a replacement for my giant friend here." He pointed to Wun Wun.

Jon was about to respond when he got a tug from the rope, he looked to see who tugged it and saw that it was Rattleshirt.

"Come on Boy, we have to take you to Mance." He snarled.

Jon followed, and when they entered the biggest tent in the camp he was untied and was told to sit down. Jon looked around and saw that the group of wildlings that captured him weren't the only ones here.

Standing around the place were three men, and a pregnant woman cooking food.

The closest man to him was tall and lean. He has no ears, and clean-shaven and bald. The man has grey eyes and a straight nose. He is also carrying a spear made out of WeirWood and has an ornate bronze head. Beside this man was a similar-looking man, but younger and fading hair.

The other man was sitting, he had long brown hair, and he was currently playing the flute.

The greying man started to speak, "Mance he has someone here," he looked to Jon, "He can talk to direwolves."

The man playing the flute stopped, "What do you mean he can talk to direwolves, Varamyr?"

"He was talking to a direwolf and it responded." The now known man, Varamyr told Mance.

Mance looked to the group, "Let me him. I only know one family that can do that and they are southerners."

Rattleshirt grabbed Jon's arm and pushed him to the front of the group. When Mance saw him, his eyes widened.

"Mance Rayder. It's nice seeing you again." Jon said with a grin on his face.

Everyone looked at him, the woman that was cooking spoke, "You know Mance?" Jon nodded, "How?"

Jon was about to respond, but Mance spoke first, "I visited his family when I was a Crow." He looked to the blonde woman, "Val, what happened to your hand?"

The now known, Val, responded, "His sword. When I grabbed his sword it felt like I was touching fire."

Mance looked to the sword in Jon's bonded hands, "That thing."

"Aye, that thing," Tormund spoke.

Mance got up and walked towards Jon. When he got there he grabbed the hilt and dropped it instantly. He backed away slowly well holding his wrist. No one spoke.

For the next few minutes, there was silence, that was until John spoke, "Mance I need to talk with you in private."

Mance thought it over and nodded, "Everyone out." He spoke.

Everyone slowly left, Mance walked back towards Jon and grabbed the dirk at his waist. Mance then grabbed the sword by the scabbard and put it down on the floor. When that was done. He cut the bindings of Jon's wrist, and spoke, "Why did you want to talk in private?"

When the binding was off, Mance gestured for Jon to sit. Jon sat down and pulled out a scroll out of his bag. He handed it to Mance you grabbed it and read.

"So you joined the Golden Company, and you have a contract that wants you to kill, The Weeper and Rattleshirt." Jon nodded, Mance handed the scroll back to Jon and walked towards the barrel, of what Jon can guess as ale. Mance came back with two mugs full of ale, he handed one to Jon and sat in front of Jon, "Have at it," he said, "No one cares for them, but I have a question." Jon nodded, "How are ya going to do it, you see those two are my best fighters, the only ones that can possibly bet them, are Tormund and our giants?"

Jon reaches into his bag again, "I thought so." He pulled out two small vials and handed them to Mance. Mance looked at Jon, "You won't die if you smell it." Mance opened one and smelled what was in it. Mance looked up at Jon.

"You're going to poison them?" Jon nods, Mance handed the viles back, "Poison is a woman's weapon."

"Do you think I care, I want this contract done. If it wants me to kill a giant I will kill the giant in the most effective way possible," Jon responded.

Mance nodded, "Alright, how can I help with this."

Jon looked at Mance, "You can call them, and well you're doing that I can put the poison into two mugs of ale."

Mance stood and walked towards the ale and felled two mugs up and put them in front of Jon. He then walked to the entrance of the tent and told the person that stood outside to get The Weeper and Rattleshirt.

Well, Mance was doing that Jon dropped the poison into the two mugs of ale. He then pushed it to were Mance was sitting just a few minutes ago.

Jon turned around and saw that Mance was walking back towards Jon. He sat down and started a conversation.

"So why didn't ya join the Night's Watch?" Mance asked.

"Why would I want to join, when there are rappers, thugs, and thieves," Jon shot back.

Mance laughed, "True, very true." Mance said.

It took a bit for Mance to calm down, but when he did, he asked a question, that made Jon's cheeks feel warm.

"Val wants you. She was staring at you the whole time. Now my question is do you want her?" Mance asked Jon.

Jon didn't know how to respond, he did want him, but he has never done it… he was still a maid.

"You do," Mance said, Jon looked at him, "Your face says it all. Your face also says that you… let me see here… hmmm…" his eyes grew, "You haven't done it yet… your still a maid." He said quietly.

Jon slowly nodded his head, "Aye, I am still a maid."

Mance looked at him, "I would have thought you would have done it yet but it seems you haven't."

Jon really wanted the conversation to change right now, and his lucky stars were with him for this hour, because just then the Weeper and Rattleshirt came into the tent.

"What do you want, Mance?" Rattleshirt asked, glaring at Jon.

Mance stood and grabbed the mugs of ale from beside him, "Why it's quite simple I want a drink with some of my best fighters." He handed them the mugs.

Both of them looked at the mug in suspicion but chugged down the ale anyway.

The Weeper spoke when he was done, "Was that all Mance?"

"Yes that was all," he turned around but stopped mid-turn, "Actually can you grab Tormund." They looked at him oddly, "You see, the boy doesn't know much about how we do things here, and who else should go to other then Tormund, he is one the oldest fighters, and most likely the best fighter this camp has so why not."

The men nodded and left.

Mance went to sit down, "So… did you come north by yourself or with friends?" Mance asked.

"Alone," Jon responded.

Mance's eyes widened, "You should have come here with companions. This is dark times I tell ya. The Others have returned."

Jon looked at Mance like he was insane, "The Others are stories made up by wetnurses, to scare children."

Mance looked at Jon, "aye boy as are the dragons just because something has passed into legend doesn't mean it was never real. You should come with us to Hardhome. You are going to head south right?"

"Aye, I am."

And at this moment Tormund entered and the rest of the day Tormund and Mance told Jon about the other's returning, and how the FreeFolk live.


Jon was at HardHome with Mance's army, he has gotten to know everyone and became good friends with Tormund. Well, he was with Mance's army, he got to know Val, and he apologized for the burnt hand. There he could see 24 ships anchored.

When they got to HardHome, Mance called everyone to his tent and asked Jon to reveal who he was, and they were still in the tent.

"I'm leaving tomorrow to go south, I can take a few of you with me but not all of you." Jon spat out, not even Mance knew what he was going to say.

Everyone started talking and he couldn't hear a thing, that was until Tormund yelled.

"Everyone shut the hell up and talk one at a time, were dealing with a southerner." Jon laughed.

"Jon," Mance said, "I want you to take the children and the elderly when you go." Jon nodded. Everyone went back to talking.

That was until everyone heard an I loud screeching coming from outside. The hounds started to bark, and the winds started to blow stronger. Everyone went quiet, then they all broke out in a run to grab their weapons. Jon ran outside and saw blue eyes running towards HardHome.


He stood beside Jon, "Get your sword Snow we got the dead to fight."

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A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

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Nuclide · Book&Literature
83 Chs
Table of Contents
Volume 1