
Chapter 44: Frozen Prophecy

The dark-haired prince walked down the steps, he peered at the small convoy that was in the courtyard. "Your new friends are here." Nymeria raised her head at the Freefolk.


"Come on." He ordered, going to the new visitors. Behind the wagon was a prison wagon covered with a big canvas, Daemon narrowed his eyes when he didn't see Aemon. 


He wanted his uncle to meet Dany, Rhae and Egg, but seeing the man in his current state, he wasn't much sure they would meet. "Tormund." He nodded at the man.




Val and Ygritte appeared from behind the wagon, the blonde pointed to the back of the wagon with her head, Daemon sighed and walked to her. He came up to Val and looked at the back cart. Daemon breathed and sadness filled him when his eyes landed on the dead man laying between the furs. 


"When did it happen?" He murmured. Val frowned when the prince didn't accuse any of them of killing the old man. 


"Three days ago, he laid down and started to sweat, hallucinate… then minutes later he was gone." She said. 


Daemon nodded, it was heartbreaking meeting the oldest Targaryen alive, bonding with him, and then he's gone. But it was life, and Aemon had lived a long one. "I will arrange his funeral." He said, Nym glanced at him and intertwined his hand with hers', he looked at her with a weak smile. "The wight?" 


"There." She pointed to the jail wagon. The prince nodded.


"You two, take these to the maester tower and tell him to prepare the body." He called two servants that started to pull the horses. "There's food and bath waiting for you all. You," He called another guard. "Show them the guest keep." 


The man's eyes went between him and the free folk. "My-my prince, they are-" He stuttered.


"They are our guests; you will do as you were ordered." Sansa's voiced came from behind the guard making him flinch. 


The guard blinked and nodded. "My lady, my prince. I shall do it at once." He forced a smile, Daemon nodded at the wildlings, and they followed the guard. Val kept her eyes on him a little longer than walked away.


While Sansa approached them, Nymeria shook her head. His cousin frowned. "What?" She questioned seeing the Dornish's eyes on Val. 


"Daemon fucked that bitch." She chuckled. Sansa frowned at him. 


"What? It is very cold beyond the wall, I needed the warmth." The prince shrugged unbothered then letting go of Nymeria's hand. "By the way, where's Ty?" 


"Don't know, she was with her." She pointed at Sansa.


"Uhm, she said she was going to a brothel in Winter town. She will be back soon." Sansa said.


Daemon hummed. "Let her have her fun. Did you spoke with Greyjoy?" 


"I did, he is… well, melancholic and I don't want to do anything, he barely ate too, me trying to cope with him about us losing members of our family didn't help much. I'm sorry Daemon but I don't think he can command the Ironborn that are here." Sansa grimaced.


Daemon's lips tightened, his cheeks went up and he screeched his hair, Nymeria glanced around. "We could… you know." She made a fist and moved her hand forward then pulled back.


Maybe. He thought. 


His cousin gasped. "What!? That is barbaric!" She whispered. "And-and wrong!" 


Daemon rolled his eyes. "Sansa." She looked at him him. "Calm." Her mouth closed. "Nym is right, partially, I will give him another few days. If he continue like that… then we will use Nymeria's way. Also, I really didn't expect this from you." He observed his paramour.


Nym grinned weakly. "Because it's not, it's Ty's. I just agree with it."


Daemon narrowed his eyes and shook his head. "I will gather the lords and show them the wight later today, come on, you two have to see it first." He said calling a few unsullied to take the wagon to the dungeons.


"Ty has to see it too." Nymeria said.


Looking around he called for Ghost, moments later the direwolf appeared and strode to him. The prince patted the wolf's head. "Go find Tyene and bring her here, okay?" He rubbed the beast's fur. Ghost let out a whine and ran passing the gates.


"Fuck." Nymeria mumbled. "I wish I was there."


"Why?" He frowned.


"Ty. In a brothel. Fucking someone or more than someone. Then, a fucking direwolf barges in." Nymeria said slowly.


"Fuck I wish I could see that." He murmured. "Wait! I can!" 


"No. If I can't see it, you can't see it." Nymeria stopped him from warging.


The prince let out an annoyed sound.


A snicker came from their side, for his surprise Sansa was with her hand on her mouth covering her laugh. "Sorry." 


Daemon chuckled. "Let's make ourselves busy then." He said looking back at the prison wagon, a shiver ran down his spine. Then he walked away from it.



Daenerys narrowed her eyes and raised her hand in front of her face, she was atop the Iron Gate, as far as she could see her Dothraki appearing on the horizon. Dany lowered her hand and blinked. On her mind Daemon was occupying all her thoughts, not just hers, but Aegon's and Rhaenys' too. 


White Walkers…


Daenerys rested her hands on the stone, Ella decided to make her presence known and flew above her. 


White Walkers seems like fairy tales but I literally had a dragon fly over me… I can't burn, Dae, Rhae and neither Aegon. 


She didn't want to believe that all those tales that she read were true, Aegon and Rhaenys either. But her nephew and niece had shared that Daemon had nightmares with blue eyes and cold as child, their vision at the House of the Undying also came into their minds. Cold, blue eyes and shrieks.


Aegon was going to do a meeting today to discuss the subject, Arthur and Ashara had realized something was wrong with them and started to question, they were just waiting to Arianne to arrive today. 


"Those gates are rusted; they need to be changed." Daario said coming up to her, her lover was on a task with Gerold to reforce the city, it was not good how all the seven gates of the city were rusted, broken or damaged. 


"Add it to the list." She said, her Dothraki was now closer. "Come, I have to welcome them." The princess said walking to the staircase.



It was night when Daenerys had finally left the Dothraki camp outside the city that she settled in a very large field close to a small forest, she was in Aegon's solar sitting on a couch, Ari was to her right side, the fellow princess arrived hours ago alongside with Obara, Gerold and Daemon. 


"Care to explain why you are all acting strange?" Ashara's brow raised, the woman was sitting on a chair with her legs crossed, Arthur was beside her with his hands on his belt.


Ari furrowed her brows. "I just arrived." She whispered.


Daenerys held back a smile and held Ari's hand. 


Aegon stood up from his spot and went to the middle of the room. "The reason, is this letter from Dae." 


"Is he alright?" Ashara questioned quickly.


Egg breathed. "He is, what is worrying us is the contents of the letter…" He eyed glanced at the two Daynes making them look at him curiously. "Long… long time ago, Daemon started to complain about nightmares he had."


Daenerys saw Arthur's jaw tightened. 


"Nightmares with people with 'blue eyes'. White Walkers, Night king and an army of dead, two days ago I received a raven from him, Daemon went beyond the wall to meet Aemon Targaryen, there he witnessed a wight… a dead corpse raised up, my brother went beyond the wall to help the wildlings and there he was attacked…" The kings informed them, his voice was low and steady, Dany could detect the doubt and fear on his voice.


"By who? Wildlings?" Obara asked. "It was a trap?"


"White Walkers." Rhaenys mumbled on her cup, she was sitting on the table with her feet dangling.


A chuckle came from Arianne after a long silence. "Like from those old tales?" 


"Prince Daemon is probably jesting." Obara rolled her eyes with a short laugh.


The two Dornish frowned when nobody laughed. 


To Dany's surprise Arthur grimaced. "Oh gods." He passed his hand on his face.


"What?" Aegon asked.


"Brother…" Ashara called as he walked to the small table with wine, the knight filled the cup and took a big sip. 


"Your father." He said.


"What about father?" Rhaenys questioned.


"Whenever any of you asked about how your parents met, I told you, but I've always skipped a part." Arthur shook his head looking inside the cup. "Rhaegar, Elia and Lyanna were indeed in love, Rhaegar did have the goal to dethrone Aerys, the reign of the mad king had to end… But your father always had another goal…"


"What other goal Arthur?" Aegon asked with a small voice.


He took a deep breath. "Rhaegar always kept saying something about the three heads of the dragon, he was obsessed with prophecies, but this one, this one was about a prince, "the prince who would bring the dawn."" The sword of the morning said with false amusement as he paced around the room. "The song of ice and fire." 


Daenerys brows drew together. "Daemon!?" She said, after a beat. It was a whisper, but they all heard.


"Ice; Lyanna. Fire; Rhaegar." Arthur licked his lips. "Daemon is their song. The one who will defeat the Great Other. The Night King." 


The room went silent.


"So, are you saying that all those stories about White Walkers are real?" Arianne gazed at her, the grip on her hand became a little tight.


"Why didn't you ever tell us that?!" Rhaenys jumped from the table ignoring Arianne.


Arthur just eyed her sadly. "I never thought it was real Rhae, and I didn't want any of you obsessed with prophecies." 


"So, what are we are going to do?" Ashara leaned resting her elbows on her knees.


"We wait." Aegon answered after second.


"What?! Daemon is in danger Aegon, we must help him now." Rhaenys exclaimed opening her arms.


"And we will, the lords are still arriving, we will gather an army, make the preparations and then we go North, Daemon said fire kill them, we have plenty of that, not just with the dragons but with the wildfire-"


"Pardon?" Ari's eyes widened.


"-Dragonglass also kills them, Dragonstone is seated on a mountain of it. I understand that you want to go now, Rhaenys, I do to, but we can't, not before we are fully prepared." Her nephew stated strongly. Daenerys watched as her niece's temple pulsated, Rhaenys was not happy and was barely holding her emotions, Dany understood that, she was on the verge of hopping on Ella and flying to Winterfell. All the four of them were extremely overprotective over each other, but Rhaenys was even more with Daemon, he was her little brother.


Dany could see that as much Rhae wanted to, she couldn't disagree with him, their armies were unprepared, and tired, her Dothraki had just arrived after days of riding and after fight battle after battle, and they didn't have the proper weapons too.


The Queen clenched her jaw. 


"That is everything, we discuss more tomorrow." Aegon dismissed them walking to his balcony.


Rhaenys huffed and walked to the door. Dany gave Ari a peck on the cheek. "Make him company, I will see Rhae." She stood up going after her niece, Daenerys gave large steps trying to reach her niece at the hall. 


"Rhae! Wait!" She called.


Her niece stopped and spun. "What?" She said flatly.


"I know you're upset-"


"No shit." 


Daenerys breathed getting close to the Queen. "Where are you going?" 


Rhaenys shrugged slowly forcing a smile. "I'm upset, so I'm going to get drunk and fuck some men, that will make me calm down, then we will start them preparations as soon the sun appears at the sky tomorrow." With that Rhae turned and began to walk away, her niece stopped on her heels turning her head to her. "You can come with me if you want." 


Daenerys sighed seeing her niece walk away, she knew better than leave Rhaenys by herself and drunk, Dany decided to go with her niece when she realized that also needed relief. She ran and sided with Rhae. "Not in the city, it's too dangerous, there's a lot of lords and ladies here. I know a place you can do whatever you want." 


Rhaenys lifted a brow then nodded.



To say that things escalated very, very quick was an understatement, Dany had taken Rhaenys to the Dothraki camp, there both of them were surround by Dothraki and no one was idiot enough to enter the camp. The silver haired princess watched as Rhaenys giggled, she had a bottle of fermented milk in her hand and seated on Qhono's knee, Dany sent Qhono to Rhae, he had the thickest cock of all her bloodriders, so she knew her niece was going to get very distracted with him.


Daenerys didn't judge her niece, each one dealt with their problems on someway. Her people were celebrating, celebrating their victory over the 'men with their steel armors and their big castles'. The camp was noisy as every time the Dothraki celebrated. Music, dance, and fucking was present as aways. The princess let a small grunt when a hand clashed with her thick bum, she turned her head and saw Moro eying her up and down, her bloodriders were very straightforward with her now.


Dany grinned and let him pull her close leaning down in a deep kiss, she moaned and let him grope her breast, his other hand went went to her arse taking a cheek and squeezing it. Daenerys broke the kiss pulling his lip hard making him groan, she smirked and turned walking to the log close to the bonfire and sitting on it. Rhaenys nodded as Qhono bragged about the Lannisters he killed.


Moro sat beside her with a horn filled with ale. "Will Khaleesi take Moro's cock tonight?" He asked holding her thigh, Dany gave him a lopsided grin.


"She will." 


The man smirked and drank his ale, Dany's hand went to the horn and took from his hand, she raised to her lips and drank the drink. "Where are the other bloodriders?" She asked. 


"Close. Does Khaleesi need them?" Moro frowned in alert.


She hummed. "No. Not now, I will need them later." Moro nodded.


Rhaenys and I will need them later.


"Oh!" A gasp caught her attention, her eyes trailed back to Rhaenys and she saw why her niece gasped. Rhae's tits were exposed with Qhono's hand in one and mouth attached to her nipple. Her niece was holding her bloodrider's face forcing him against her breast. 


Moro let a hum seeing Rhae's tits. With a hidden grin, she rested her hand between his legs drawing his attention. "Are they better than mine?" She teased.


Moro frowned. "Her tits are bigger than Khaleesi's. But Khaleesi's bum is unmatchable." 


Daenerys let out a laugh and shook her head, Rhaenys was now sharing a kiss with Qhono. Looking around the Khaleesi could see more people fucking, and somehow the music was even louder, her brow lifted when she saw a woman on her fours on the ground with a man thrusting his cock into her, another horseman appeared and took the man by his shoulders pulling him of the woman.


The woman gasped and smirked when she saw the two men fighting, the second man punched the first one in gut making him bent, a kick to the head was what he received later. "Stop them." Her hand went to Moro's knee. 


"We can't Khaleesi, it's our way. He is going to be seen as weak if I do." Moro said roughly and with content watching the man knock the other out cold. The second man spat on the other and turned to the woman, he knelt behind her lowering his breeches and then penetrating her. 


I have to admit, these people are definitely something else.


Eyes going back to her niece, Rhaenys was almost bare. Deciding it was time, she turned to her bloodrider and kissed him for few seconds. "Go fetch the other bloodriders and wait in my tent." Dany patted his cheek. Moro nodded and walked away on his task.


Daenerys stood walking around the bonfire and stopped in front of her niece. "Hello Dany." She raised with her mouth agape as Qhono sucked her neck. Dany rolled her eyes and held Qhono's head, his brows furrowed, she leaned and whispered on his ear, his lips raised, and he nodded, she held her Queen's arm pulling her up. "What? Leave me be Dany." Rhae grumped then scowled when her bloodrider walked away. 


"I will, I just have a surprise for you." Dany said slowly raised the strap of Rhaenys' dress.


Her nieces' eyes narrowed. "What surprise?" She crossed her arms.


A small smile appeared on her lips. "You will see." She intertwined their arm began to walk to her tent. 



"By the gods…" Rhaenys' eyes went wide and dark.




Daenerys eyes were doing the same as Rhae's, scanning every bare body. Qhono, Moro, Rhakaro, Qarqo, Dono and Daezho were in front of them, their cocks hanging and heavy, all the men were the same, muscled, bulky and hairy, glancing over their cocks Daenerys saw that Daezho was the smallest, but that didn't mean he was small.


"Surprise…" She whispered to the Queen. 


The Queen gaped and turned to her. "I love you."


Dany chuckled softly. "I know, now let's have some fun together." 


With that both royals walked to the six men, quickly they were surrounded by them, with no surprise, their dresses were ripped off from their bodies, their sandals next. Dany and Rhae turned to each other and grinned, surprising her, Rhaenys pulled her to a kiss. Groans could be heard by the men, she felt hands rooming over her body, squeezing and pulling, and by the little move that Rhae made, she knew they were touching her too.


The two Targaryens broke the kiss and backed away from each other, hands went to their breasts, arse and cunt. Both moaned, Rhae kissed Rhakaro while Qhono and Dono felt her tits. Daenerys was put on her knees and presented three hardening cocks, Moro, Qarqo and Daezho. She took Moro in her mouth and stroked the other two.


The princess focused on the cockhead swirling her tongue around it while her hands went back and forth gently on the other two cocks. 



"Oh fuck…" Rhaenys whispered seeing Qhono's shaft, the Queen observed the thick and long cock twitch and grow and grow before her eyes, Qhono's cock stood on his full glory.


Oh Dany I fear I'm stealing your bloodrider.


Her fingers wrapped around the shaft, well, they barely did that, he was the thickest she ever saw, not wasting any time, she licked the side of his cock slowly earning a groan, she trailed her tongue till the cockhead and passed her tongue around, after that she took him in her mouth. Rhaenys had to admit, it was quite hard, but that aroused her even more.


Rhakaro went to Qhono's side, and she held his shaft stroking it, Dono went behind her and crouched, he spat on two fingers and cupped her cunt as he stroked himself slowly. "Hmmhmm." She mewled, the Queen let go of Qhono's cock and went to Rhakaro, Rhakaro was thin but long, seven inches and throbbing waiting for her.


The bloodrider's cock was quickly engulfed by the Queen's greedy mouth, Rhae took him all in at once and pulled back with her lips wrapped tightly around the shaft and her tongue brushing on the underside. She pulled till the tip was in her mouth then took him again, her hand wrapped around his cock and her other held Qhono's moving gently.


Dono was caressing her round arsecheeks, his fingers were working on her wet cunt making her moan. What was making her even more wet, was the little wet smacks and groans from behind her, Daenerys was clearly sucking the other three men. Rhaenys and her niece never had the opportunity of go out and fuck men together, but now they were, and that excited her very much.


She sucked Rhakaro before she gave him one last suck and changed back to Qhono. The Queen gave Qhono a sloppy blowjob, when she finished, his cock was wet and pulsing, and her jaw slightly sore.


Rhaenys heard a little yelp and turned her head, Dany was being carried to the bed by Moro, his cock was long like her brothers.


I'm definitely getting a piece of that.


The other two men followed them with their socks ponting to the roof and glistening, Daenerys had made sure took care of them. Seeing the scene, Qhono took her by surprise picking a handful of her hair.


Oh? Rough? I like rough.


The bloodrider dragged her to the bed and laid on the mattress. "Ride." He nodded to his cock. Rhaenys captured her lower lip and whimpered, right now she wasn't a royal, she wasn't from the blood of the dragon, she wasn't a Queen. She was just a woman who was being used as bitch.


And gods… she loved that.


Daenerys' bed was very big, she was sure that it was capable of support all of them. She glanced over her aunt, Dany was on her fours and bobbing her head on Qarqo cock, Moro was behind her, she watched as her eyes rolled and the man entered her.




Rhaenys let a small noise when a hand clashed against her bum, Rhakaro pointed at his fellow bloodrider who was impatiently waiting for her to sit on his cock, not wasting more time, she got on the mattress and got on top of Qhono, the man held his cock and held up right under her entrance.


Rhae lowered herself on him, she bit her lip as he stretched her like no man did before. "Fuck…" She gasped as she impaled herself, slowly Rhae rose her hips again, till his cock almost slipped away from her snatch, her lips gripping tightly around his girth, she sat again rolling her eyes and moaning. Rhakaro walked around and knelt on her side, knowing what he wanted she took leaned and took him in her mouth.



Daenerys moaned loudly around Qorqo's cock, Moro was thrusting into her cunt and slapping her arse, Dany throbbed seeing her niece, riding Qhono's thick shaft while sucking Rhakaro, Dono was behind her jerking himself off.


"Oh…" Daenerys let go of Qarqo dick and gasped, Moro had slowed down his thrusts and was brushing his wet thumb on her arsehole. "Put in…" Her tongue rolled in Dothraki. 


Her bloodrider chuckled lowly, he pushed his whole thumb inside making her moan. His thrusts pick up again and now she was getting fucked with a finger in her bum. Looking at the cock in front of her, she knew Qarqo was close, so she took him again, her hand stroking him firmly while her mouth worked on half of his length. 


Daenerys fondled his balls earning a moan, he breathed and bucked his hips, the cock twitched on her hand and a moment later Dany grimaced when his cum hit the back of her throat, the bitter taste of his seed made her grimace a little, how she was no stranger to swallow cum, she swallowed the four ropes of thick cum as he moaned and squirmed.


Pulling her mouth of his cock slowly then sucking his tip, Daenerys looked back at Moro, his eye were dark and his thrusts stopped. The Khaleesi already knew what he wanted. She smirked at him and motioned with her eyes to the small chest beside the bed, he retrieved his cock and went to the chest, he bended and picked the bottle of oil. 


"Fuck!" She heard a shout; she looked back at Rhaenys who was still riding her bloodrider. Rhakaro was stroking his cock and coating her niece's face with cum, Rhae mewled and licked her lips then passed her fingers on the places that his spunk had landed gathering it and then putting in her mouth.


Bringing her attention back to Moro, he was back and was now pouring the oil on her puckered hole, he pushed his finger inside and out a few times, after that he dropped the liquid on his cock. Daenerys crawled to the side and let Qarqo get of the bed. Moro laid down on the mattress and rested his head on a pillow, Dany breathed as her heart thundered on her chest, she stood up in the bed and walked to the top of him, she spun for him be facing her back, she knelt and laid on his chest. 


Moro laced his arm around her belly and his other hand wrapped around his cock, he aimed the shaft to her small hole and began to pushed in, Dany's eyes close in pleasure, his shaft entered her rather easily.


After I let Qhono fuck my arse taking a man in my arsehole is not that hard anymore…


Daenerys shivered as she remembered letting her thickest bloodrider fuck her bum, he had fucked rather hard, he then left her gapping and on the other day sitting was not an option.


Dany opened her eyes and glanced over Daezho, she grinned weakly and called him with her head, Daezho was the youngest bloodrider, so he eagerly climbs on the bed and knelt in front of her, she spreaded her legs obscenely and Moro's grasped her tit. Daezho set himself at the closed he could get and shoved his cock in her. She moaned loudly as she now had two cocks deep in her.



Rhaenys groaned seeing her aunt fucking two men, she glanced at Dono and smiled, deciding she wanted that too, she stopped ridding Qhono, the Queen extended her hand and picked the oil, she tossed at Dono who eyes went dark. He quickly settled himself behind her. Qhono held her buttcheeks and spread them. Rhaenys breathed, when she felt the liquid on her arsehole, his fingers slid a few time on her tight hole preparing it.


After she was ready, Dono lubricated his shaft, he groaned and aimed his cockhead to her hole, she whimpered as he penetrated her. "Fuck… it feels so good." She whimpered as he buried himself in her her, Dono pulled her to his chest and to her surprise started to pistoning his cock in her.


Dono did the same, not caring about her walls adapting to his girth, as soon he was buried in her, he began to fuck her. 


"Oooh! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Daenerys shouted; her aunt had definitely reached her peak while the two men fucked her.


Rhaenys was particularly close too, Qhono's cock left her really close to her orgasm, and the cumshots she had received from Rhakaro helped even more. "Harder… go harder!" She mewled in Dothraki.


As if was possible, they went harder. She could feel both shafts deep in her, and the heat on her belly increasing, her hands gripped the headboard when Dono held her shoulders, Qhono took advantage of the position and held her tits by their sides, he squeezed them and sucked her nipples. 


Rhaenys felt her heart beating fast, her orgasm was about to hit her, the sound of skin hitting skin took over the tent, the two duos in a quest on who fucked their bitch harder. "Ooooh… gods…" She moaned, Rhaenys was sure that trained whores didn't moan like she did now. 


Both bloodriders grunted feeling her walls tightening around them, that increased their pleasure but didn't make them stop, they in fact keep fucking her through her orgasm, her body shook, and she coated Qhono's cock with her juices. Rhaenys never had laid with a Dothraki before, but for now on she would definitely do frequently.


After both Targaryens' first orgasm, they had two more, Qhono and Dono had stuffed her with spunk minutes later. Moro had cummed deep into Daenerys' arse, seeing that Daezho waited till his fellow bloodrider's cock slip from his Khaleesi's gaping hole and shoved in harshly, much for her delight, a few thrusts later her arsehole was filled with even more cum. Their night definitely didn't end there, the other two horselord's had a round too, and letting them have their rounds made the other four have time to rest. They exchanged duos then, Qhono and Rhakaro on Daenerys and Moro and Daezho on Rhaenys.


Qhono and Rhakaro used Daenerys cunt and arse, and when they came for the second time, they choose her pussy as dump. Rhaenys was different, Daezho and Moro had chosen her mouth to unload their seed, the Queen eagerly welcomed it on her knees and with her mouth open. After that, the other two had their final go too. Rhaenys and Daenerys were left in the bed, tired, sweaty, satisfied, sore and gapping. Rhaenys turned and glanced over Daenerys arse, it was red and full of hand marks, her little arsehole was definitely not little anymore, it was in fact red and agape leaking seed. 


With a small smirk on her lips, Rhaenys breathed and felt sleep taking over her, she really had fun Tonight.

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