

After they got back Mike called a meeting of Raven, Zechs, Shuuki, Talia, and Mileina.

"We need to be ready for anything." Mike began. "The people we stopped today and embarrassed are well connected and will likely target us soon."

He began. *RING RING, RING RING* a video call appeared on the screen. It was from an unknown number. The others stayed silent as he answered.

"ALL YOU DO IS CAUSE ME HEADACHES." Fury yelled as soon as Mike answered the phone.

"They were attacking a school Director Fury." Mike answered simply. "Would you have stood by? Would any of the heroes have stood by?"

"That's not the issue." Fury shot back. "I agree kid you were right. But you have no idea how many people are trying to use this as an excuse to get at you."

"How bad is it? Mike asked seriously looking around the room. Everyone had a grave expression as the listened in.

"Lexcorp is using its military contacts to paint you in a bad light. They want your tech seized and given to a more 'reputable company'" Fury snorted at this. "Hammer is filing a lawsuit claiming you stole the tech from hammer industries. And to top it off both companies are trying to file patents on your tech claiming it is theirs."

"A few other people I can't name have ATF investigating you, and the UN is demanding that you be left alone after saving the UN building a few weeks ago."

" So legal and physical battles are incoming and I need lawyers ASAP." Mike responded looking around the room.

"And an escape route kid." Fury said. "I'm delaying what I can but I can only do so much with all the people coming for you."

Muting the call for a moment. "What is the progress on the Archangel?"

"Should be ready by middle of next week." Mileina said.

"Comes down to it can we hold of a seige Zechs?" Mike asked.

"For a few hours maybe." He responded.

"What if we diverted some Automotons to create a few suits for the pilots?" Mike asked.

"Bad idea." Mileina said. "It would delay the ships completion."

Talia voiced her opinion. "Based on the level of tech from this world the three suits we have should be enough to gaurd this place."

Unmuting the call. "Thank you Director. If there is every anything we can do..."

"That first order of those robots is half off kid." Fury said grumpily.

Mike laughed. "Keep them off my back for two weeks and I'll give you one of the suits fro free."

"Deal. But you owe me a vacation after this." Fury said before hanging up.

Looking around the room. "I'm going to have to talk to a couple of lawyers. I know of two who would be good fits."

"Your not going alone." Raven said.

"Agreed." Zechs and Shuuji nodded.

"But too big a group will draw attention." Mike tried to argue.

Zechs nodded. "Indeed but a small group will be more vulnerable. A gaurd contingent with Shuuji, and three of the zaft pilots will be sufficient."

"They can't carry guns in new...." Mike stopped remembering something from his previous life.

Looking on like he found the same thing pepperball pistols. "These are allowed." Mike said. "There is a store near us that sell them."

Zechs agreed and sent out two of the pilots. They bought enough along with the pepperballs and compressed co2 tanks to arm all of the pilots.

"Which lawyers are you trying to go see?" Talia asked.

"Nelson and Murdock. As legal defense for criminal matters they have a great reputation." Mike responded. "Also I want to get in touch with Jennifer Walters. She should be in town."

Shuuji piped up "What about Dent? I know he was on that potential candidate list for the Medical Nano tech treatment. Isn't he a lawyer?"

"Disbarred at the moment." Mike answered. "He became two face, a supervillan. Even after we cure him he is still facing jail time and they are not likely to give him back his license."

Shuuji nodded.

"If when the Archangel is operational we can evacuate to Lagrange point 3." Mike continued. "I'll set up a series of turrets and other defenses for the perimeter." We have all available personally assist with getting the Archangel space worthy. I'll help with the installation of the Six GN drives to replace the original powerplant."

Talia nodded. "Understood."

About then a call came over the radio. A robot and a jet with the number 4 on it were inbound.

As Zechs began to call a full alert Mike stopped him. "They are friends. Come on ill introduce you."

He walked out to greet them. "They might be able to help. Be nice they are the closest thing to family I have."


Hey guys I'm releasing this early cause I'm going to be busy starting Friday and conti using till at least Tuesday Afternoon. A relatively slow chapter but things will ramp up soon. On discord will be a poll. Daredevil or She Hulk for his lawyer. Please feel free to contribute

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