
Awaiting the Exam

The test was to take place at a special location close to the Inner Gate, a large building joined to the Inner Wall known as the Evaluation Hall. Li Han swiftly spotted me as I approached where several dozen others were already waiting. It was currently close to sunset, and the exam was set to begin at first light the next day.

"Zuhui! Thought you wouldn't show up till later?"

"Got too curious about this place, and anyway it's not like I have other things to do with the time left."

"Yeah, I got nothing better to do either. When's Shokoya coming?"

"I'm not sure. I'll ask."

"Hey, I decided to go ahead and head to the venue. I just arrived. When are you planning to come?"

"Just been trying to distract myself. Right now, I think I could use some food then I'll head on over."

"He says he'll get going after he's eaten."


The sun continued to set. I turned to Li Han. "I'm bored. Want some Xianqi?"

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