
Humble Zaunite Plebeian

Without Niko knowing, on the other side of the room, behind the door leading to the entrance of the shop, someone was listening to the entire conversation.

It was Ekko, and this time he wasn't alone, the whole group was with him. They had all lost their families a year ago and knew the immense pain behind it, but they had grown up with the love of their parents.

One might think that the pain felt by a child who grew up being loved and then lost their parents would be much greater than one who didn't. And it's possible that it is, but the reality is that whether it's hatred or love they received, when they are faced with loneliness, all they will have left are their memories.

When they suffered their loss, they had the help and emotional support of Vander and Benzo, then they got to know each other and eventually overcame it. But... what about him? Alone on the streets, after losing the family he loved and knowing that he grew up with his mind manipulated.

Tears streamed down the faces of the five, some cried more than others, but in the end, they all felt immense sorrow for Niko.

Without hesitation, Powder opened the door and ran towards him to give him a hug. Behind her, Ekko, Mylo, and Claggor jumped in to join. On the other hand, Vi watched closely with a smile, as did Benzo and Vander.

Niko was surprised as he had to catch Powder and the others, when a loud sound came from his stomach, causing everyone to laugh.

And he, who was initially hesitant about a new family, could only think of one thing now:

'Maybe, this isn't so bad after all.'


One day later, Niko found himself in an empty room, quite dusty and somewhat old, with nothing around. No, he wasn't dreaming or kidnapped.

Currently, he was inside a venue in the center of the Merchant District, which Vander had arranged for him to work at. He was accompanied by a tough-looking woman he knew from the series, Sevika.

The previous day, after returning from Benzo's shop, with Ekko staying behind, they headed to the 'Last Drop' while Vander carried him on his back. It's worth noting that Niko was absolutely and repeatedly against this.

When they arrived, he was forced to stay in bed for the rest of the day under the orders of his new siblings.

Resigned, he waited for the next day, and after a hearty breakfast with the others, Vander introduced him to Sevika, telling him that he had a surprise and she would take him there.

They had just arrived at the place, and Sevika hadn't said anything during the entire journey, until now.

"Kid, I'm Sevika, as Vander mentioned before. This place belongs to someone who owed Vander a favor and wasn't using it, so he got it for you. Honestly, I don't know why, and I don't care. I've been assigned as the guard of this place, so basically, I'm your babysitter. Just don't bother me too much."

'As friendly as I remembered.'

"Wait, Sevika, when will the cleaners arrive?"

"What are you talking about? You clean this yourself. I'll go get you a broom."


With nothing else to do but wait, Niko began to wander around the store.

First, the door, metallic and somewhat reinforced, he wouldn't have to worry about it being forced open. The first room he was in was... well, empty. He planned to set up a counter to the left and use the rest of the room with shelves to display his products.

Behind the future counter was a door. Upon crossing it, Niko found himself facing the furnace and anvil he used at Benzo's shop, and on top of the anvil were the hammer he used and the thermos he made.

"I didn't think they'd bring it so quickly. Now I just need customers, and after making some money, I'll improve the store and pay Vander. Everything's going well for the great Niko."

Actually, not everything was going well. There was a small problem, and that was the system. Ever since he passed out, it seemed to refuse to talk to him.

Besides, there was also the matter of the patent. Vander mentioned it this morning during breakfast, and Niko wouldn't lie if he said he had completely forgotten about it.

He mulled it over for a few minutes, and when he finished clearing the table, he reassured him not to worry because he had already thought of someone.

'I also need to go to Piltover as soon as possible, and I'll have to go alone. Just thinking about how the others will find out... *sigh*'

A sound from the entrance snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Sevika must have brought the broom."

Heading to the other room, he glanced at the front door. Standing there wasn't Sevika, but a young blond kid in dirty clothes, appearing to hyperventilate.

'Ezreal? What the hell are you doing here?'

"Welcome, are you okay?"

"I need to hide, let me get into that room, humble Zaunite plebeian."


Niko just rolled his eyes and gestured with his thumb towards the back door. Ezreal entered while casting a sideways glance at him, and around 10 seconds later, three less-than-attractive and somewhat burly men entered the shop.

"Welcome, dear customers. How can I hel-?"

Niko was interrupted when one of the men, slightly bald, grabbed him by the neck.

"Kid, where did he hide?"

Niko frowned as the other two headed towards the back door.

"Let go of me!"

The man didn't even respond, he just raised his fist while bending his arm. Niko couldn't take it anymore.

"Go to hell, egghead."

He grabbed the other arm and squeezed his wrist, then delivered a slap that broke his jaw and sent him to the ground. The noise made the other two turn their heads, only to find two hands slamming them to the ground, knocking them unconscious aswell.

Sevika was watching from outside through the partially open front door. Niko, aware of this, gestured for her to come in, and suddenly jumped into her arms.

"*sniff* Bwaaaaahhhh, b-big sister Sewika *sniff*, thank you for saving meeeeeee!"

'The f*uck is wrong with this brat'

Niko pinched Sevika's back as he whispered that they would talk later. She angrily looked at his face, and in response, he pointed to Ezreal, who had just exited the room.

"Big sister, that boy called me... a h-humble Zaunite plebeian."

Sevika glanced between Ezreal and the little one in her arms, finally settling on Ezreal. Meanwhile, Ezreal looked between the three men, specifically at the one with the broken jaw, and at Sevika, sweating profusely, like a deer caught in headlights.

Sevika lowered Niko from her arms as Ezreal took small steps backward, and Niko brought his hand to his mouth, trying not to laugh.

"No need to approach, fair lady. I'm a son of Piltover, I congratulate you on having the honor for saving me."

'Poor boy, he's digging his own grave.'

"You know..."

"Ezreal, ma'am."

"You know, Ezreal, in Zaun, there are certain people, if not all, who have grown up being despised by those from Piltover. What do you think will happen if I shout out there that you're from the surface?"

Instantly, Sevika raised her palm toward him.

"No need to answer. The best thing that could happen to you is being enslaved or sold to fight in Noxus's wars."

Ezreal's complexion paled, and he bowed 90 degrees.

"I-I apologize."

Sevika was about to continue, in fact, it was a miracle she didn't hit him, but Niko stopped her as he took her hand. In Ezreal's eyes, this child was his savior, but Sevika's hand didn't think the same. Now it was she who was nervous.

"Big sister, don't hurt him, big brother already apologized."

Ezreal could only wonder how a child could be so kind. Niko approached him slowly, seeming to be a little afraid even though Ezreal was only slightly taller than him.

"I'm Niko, and I'm 6 years old. What are you doing here, big browder, this place is dangerous?"

Sevika wasn't there when Niko arrived at the tavern, so she was confused. However, this was 'the little brother's infallible tactic', a lethal combination of teary eyes, pouting, 'big browders', and lowering his head.

"As I said before, I'm Ezreal. I'm 10 years old, and I'm here because I was running away from them," he pointed to the three on the ground.

"Why were they chasing you?"

"I-I ran away from home. I usually finish my chores early and when no one's looking, I sneak out. I realized these men were following me while I was going for some sweets, so when I turned a corner, I started running while I heard shouts behind me. I slipped through some fields and got my clothes dirty. At one point, I reached the public transport between Piltover and Zaun, and before I knew it, a guard pushed me towards the elevators, saying that... a filthy Zaunite kid can't enter the city... Oh god, I-I'm sorry... I'm so sorry."

The more Ezreal spoke, the more nervous he became, but when he reached a certain point, that nervousness turned into horror as he realized that the contempt he suffered, he inflicted on someone else.

"When the elevator reached the stop, I felt lost and wandered trying to talk to people, but they ignored me. Some time later, the men from before shouted at me again, and I started running until I got here."

Niko's face changed to a serious expression, and all his childish aura disappeared.

"Well, that's it. They probably wanted to sell you or take your money. You're an idiot, stop running away from home and worrying your uncle."

"How did you know-?"

"Shut up. Sevika, get me some ropes and someone to take him home. I guess you don't want to step foot in Piltover. I'll go with Vander to take care of these three. Understood?"

Sevika nodded without responding, or rather, she couldn't. Her instincts told her to follow the child's orders without hesitation.

"And you, if you want to repay the favor, I don't want money or anything else. Come two days later, in the morning. I'll be waiting for you at the elevator stop."

Ezreal was still taken aback by the sudden change in the boy, but he managed to nod as he exited the shop with Sevika.

On the other hand, Niko was quite excited, after all, he mained Ezreal in Summoner's Rift and read his lore from cover to cover.

Although he was surprised by the 'young master's attitude', seeing how quickly he corrected himself and continuously apologized, he knew it was only because of his upbringing in Piltover and planned to show him the reality of Zaun.

Although he was somewhat upset with himself now.

'System, I know you're angry, and I understand, you were worried about me and I ignored you. Please forgive me.'

There was no response, Niko sighed as he waited for Sevika to return with the ropes.

[...Host, forgive me, I'm not angry with you, but with myself. You've faced many situations in a short time, and I don't have the ability to support you. All I can do is warn you, I... feel helpless, host.]

Although Niko was somewhat surprised, he could only smile.

'It seems like we're quite alike. But you have nothing to worry about. Since I arrived, you've been my first pillar in this world. You've helped me with information about myself and also with your company. Now that I'm not alone, it doesn't mean that I value you or what you do any less. I'll continue to need your help in the future. Or do you plan on leaving me so soon, partner?'

[Never! I'll always be here to support you, partner. Count on me.]

'That's what I wanted to hear, buddy'

[Host, is this a 'Bromance'?]

Interrupting their conversation, Sevika arrived alone with a piece of rope and the broom. And a mischievous smile appeared on Niko's face.

"Big sister Sevika~, thank you for helping me, I super love you~."


"Are you feeling unwell, big sister? Do you have boo-boos? I can-"

"Stop it, what was all that?"

Niko dropped the act, took the rope from Sevika's hand, and began tying up the men as he spoke.

"Sevika, what do you think of the situation in Zaun? It's a mess, if you ask me.

People are dying every second because of the gases, and all people do is hold resentment against those from the surface while trying to survive one more day. Do you think Zaun will pull through in the future?"


"I don't believe so. My goal is nowhere near being a leader or the figure of Zaun's revolution if that's what you expect from me. I'll make a change, but not through violence, at least not for now."

Niko finished tying them up and threw them into a corner of the room.

"So I hope you keep your mouth shut about this matter. And pass me the broom, please."

Sevika handed it over and pondered his words. She intended to follow this boy and feed him with hatred for Zaun, after all, she valued strength, especially after the confrontation that happened a year ago.

But the boy's words made her doubt, she harbored some resentment towards Vander, who retired at the last second, growing amidst the disdainful glances of the Piltovians.

She wanted revenge, she wanted them to fear so that no one in Zaun had to continue living like this. Was there really another way to gain respect other than violence?

As if he had read her thoughts, Niko looked at her.

"What would you think if you were from the City of Progress and saw that the city you treat as a burden surpasses you in your own field? I'm going to revolutionize Zaun. 'And then I'll leave. But that'll be later. I don't hate Piltover, but at least I'll improve the life of my new 'family?'

Sevika's skin crawled at the thought. Those proud Piltovians losing their reasons to be so cocky.

"They would never allow it, kid. The Piltover enforcers oversee Zaun every now and then. Since the conflict happened a year ago, those checks have intensified, and now they walk around here like they own the place."

Niko continued sweeping.

"Mmm, you just have to wait. So don't bother me, I'd rather keep a low profile for now."

Sevika rolled her eyes and glanced at the bound guys in the corner.

"...Well, except for that, *cough*. I'll go see Vander."

"Wait, kid, ...I want to come with you. I want to change this place."

"Yeeeaaah, no."


"I said no. What part of 'I don't want to be a leader' didn't you understand? Besides, if you want to change this place, do it yourself. Relying on others to achieve your own goals sucks big time."

"..No one has ever rejected me before."

"Welcome to the club. Well, I'm outta here."

"...I'll work for you, whether you like it or not."

'Oh my god, she wasn't this crazy in the series.'

"As long as you don't bother me."

Honestly, Niko wasn't going to waste any more time. He walked out the door and headed to The Last Drop while talking to the system.

'What the hell is wrong with her, system?'

[Well, since the conflict, she lost confidence in Vander, but still followed him as there wasn't a better option. Now that you've appeared, she sees in you someone who can change Zaun]

'Fuck me.'

Niko walked for a while, but Sevika's gaze on his back made him have to walk beside her. Finally, they arrived at the tavern, and he headed straight to the bar with a smile, like the first time he arrived, everyone was present.

"Yo Vander, I saw the place, and it was great. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart."

"Hmm? I'm glad you liked it, Niko, but what are you doing here? Do you need something?"

"We had an incident. A kid from Piltover was being chased by three guys. They made a run for it and ended up at my place. They threatened me, and Sevika took them down. Can you take care of them?"

Vander stopped cleaning the bar and looked at Niko. "I'll send someone to take care of them. Where's the kid?"

"He's on his way home, don't worry. I still have something to take care of, so I'll be back later."

"Take care, Niko. Tomorrow morning, some metals should be arriving at the store, so don't come back too late."

"Got it."

Niko said his goodbyes and signaled to Sevika that she didn't have to follow him anymore for today.

She didn't listen and kept following him. And she wasn't the only one, as the group that initially consisted of two people had turned into a group of seven.

"Didn't I tell you to take a break? And what are you all doing here?"

Sevika: "..."

Vi: "We need to talk."

Powder: "I want to see what you're up to."

Ekko: "I'm bored."

Mylo: "You owe me a ZS."

Claggor: "I'm just following the others."

Niko: "..."

The group followed Niko as he headed to Benzo's shop, ignoring the new stares at their backs. A few minutes later, he entered Benzo's store and leaned on the counter with a resigned gesture.

'Time to humiliate myself again. How I wish I could grow up and end this.'

"Good morning, Uncle Benzo~. I'm starting up my little shop, but I need some tools. Could you-"

"No chance, kid. I saw you using that hammer, and your attitude was anything but that of a child of... wait how old are you?"

"*sigh* If you already know, say it beforehand. And I'm 6 years old, Benzo."


As soon as Niko finished speaking, the shouts of the five children drowned out Sevika's muffled cry.

"Are you the same age as Powder?"

"When we first saw you, I thought the same, but after seeing your behavior, I just thought you were a teenager with some growth problem."

"...My boss is a kid."

Sevika's words didn't go unnoticed as everyone fell silent and began to look between her and Niko, whose veins started to show on his forehead.

"I AM NOT YOUR BOSS... Calm down, Niko, inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale. One day, I'm going to have a heart attack."

Vi intervened amidst his self-talk.

"I refuse to believe you're 6 years old when you talk like an old man."

"I'm done with you all. Benzo, I need a counter. If you don't have one, I'll buy a few wooden planks."

"Looks like you'll have to buy the planks, any preferences?"

"Any recommendations?"

"Yeah, Desert Palms from Shurima, they last a long time without deteriorating and are very durable. Also, Ironwhite Tree Wood, it's from the area and has been influenced by metallic properties, plus it has a nice grayish color. Another recommendation would be Noxus Crimson Oaks, they have a striking color and are quite hard, it's tough to scratch their surface, that's why they don't sell much."

"Then it will be all Noxus Crimson Oak planks, a few dozen nails, some small paints, a brush, and sandpaper."

"The woods won't cost you much, but the paints will dent your wallet a bit. Niko, do you have the money?"

Upon hearing his words, Niko searched his pockets and a loud clinking was heard, courtesy of the pockets of the thugs tied up in his store.

"They are ready to say goodbye to my pants, let me help you, Benzo."

Niko accompanied Benzo and they collected the materials, he had to borrow a small wheelbarrow to carry the planks while the others helped carry the other things.

He gave Benzo the respective money and marched out of the store. He pulled the cart, ignoring the repetitive questions from Niko and Powder about how he could do it, and stopped for a moment, putting his hand in his pocket.

"Hey Mylo, catch."

On the side, Mylo received a package of 20 ZestySweet in his hands and looked surprised at Niko.

"How... when?"

"Yesterday, before Vander kicked me out, I asked Benzo to get me a package. I was planning to pay him back tonight with the money I earned this afternoon, but I got money from the three earlier. I don't know if it's too much, but I hope you enjoy them."

Niko was about to continue pulling the cart without giving it much thought, but before he could, a hand tousled his head, stopping him.

"Thanks, brother."

"No problem, bro."


Uhhh kinda long time no writing kkkkk, I've been watching all Spiderman movies and Arcane. I love TASM.

Andrew Garfield deserved a third movie.

Hope you enjoyed the chapterrrr.

Next chapter