

September 1994

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry



Daphne broke the awkward silence, "I think we should start in a chronological manner."

Harry nodded in agreement, "We will do as you say."

Daphne looked at Susan who nodded at her and started, "Let us begin with a brief background of the Great Alliance. I believe, Mr. Potter that whatever you have learned about the alliance is through memoirs of your families and your ancestors."

Harry nodded, "Yes."

Susan continued, "The Great Alliance dates back to 5 centuries. Though we had had major changes in the Wizarding world during this time period, the alliance always reinvented itself in new form."

"The great alliance as if we refer is an alliance based on the pillar of four families. 4 Most Ancient and Most Noble families."

"The Black, The Greengrass, The Potter and The Longbottom."

Daphne picked up the conversation, "On the spectrum Black family would be called as a dark family while the Longbottom would be called a purely light family."

"My family i.e., the Greengrass is in grey zone with a slight tilt towards the dark while Potters are also a grey family with a slight tilt towards light. This in itself is a unique feature of the alliance."

She continued, "Because of the sheer influence of the alliance over the time many families joined in the alliance and some withdrew too because of many disturbances."

Susan began to speak, "The alliance suffered its biggest setback during the war against who-know-who. 3 of the 4 families got destroyed during the war."

Harry added with a thoughtful expression, "3 of those who aligned themselves completely to Dumbledore."

Both the girls looked at him in surprise but then nodded their head in agreement.

"What happened during the war is a topic for another day. We should talk about the main issue which is why did we not approach you directly," said Daphne.

Susan said, "As soon as you-know-who was vanquished, you also disappeared from the wizarding world."

"Other than Dumbledore's assurances of your safety and those fantasy novels we heard nothing about you."

"When the time was about for you to return, we were slightly hopeful. But sorry to say this, Mr. Potter you were nothing we had expected."

"And I am not talking about you slaying a dragon or living in castle. You were nothing like a Lord apparent of Most Ancient and Most Noble house should be. You were pathetic, coward and shivering child."

Daphne began, "Although we could not have blamed an eleven year child for this but we were disappointed."

"Also hatred for a student just because he or she is Slytherin was visible in your actions or more specifically your friend's words. You had no knowledge of our world, of our alliance or anything related to it."

Susan said, "We could have approached you and tried to inform you of your heritage but you were completely under Dumbledore's thumb. He would have easily manipulated you against us and it would have also resulted in his hostility towards us."


"Therefore, the best course of action that we could have taken at that time was to wait silently and be hopeful that someday you are independent enough to take your own decisions. But opposite of it happened. Year by year you were increasingly getting more aligned with Dumbledore," added Susan.


Daphne said, "But this year was a surprise for us. We first heard about it when you openly mentioned about it during the Quidditch world cup in front of Malfoy."


She sighed, "Our explanation to you might sound slight unconvincing and not up to the mark but we had not too many options. We were on a slippery path, especially my family. We were facing constant pressure from both the light family and the dark family. In such times we could have only been cautious."


After this both of the girls went quiet and waited for Harry to speak.


"As you said your explanations are flawed and unconvincing," started Harry, his words bringing an expression of worry on face of Susan and Daphne.


Harry continued, "But I find it acceptable. I can understand the hard times your family was in."


At this both of the girls were relieved.


Harry asked, "Now, tell me about Neville Longbottom. Why were you not prepared to bring him to this meeting? What did you meant by him having a unique case?"


The two girls exchanged glances with each other, then Susan questioned, "Mr. Potter, are you aware of what happened with Neville Longbottom's parents and what is their current condition?"


Harry nodded, "They were tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange and currently, I believe they are in coma."


"Yes. The attack on his parents and their current condition has left very severe traumatic experience on Neville. This is the reason for the anxiety, panic and cowardice you witness in Neville's daily behaviour," said Daphne.


Harry nodded, "This is what I suspected."

"So, his cowardice is the reason you did not invited him?" Asked Harry with a narrowed expression. If this would be the reason all the good impression, he had of the girl duo would be washed away.


Daphne quickly shook her head, "No, Mr. Potter."

Harry nodded in understanding, indicating Daphne to continue.

She continued, "Currently, Madam Augusta Longbottom holds regency of the Neville Longbottom. But after the attack on her son and daughter-in-law, she has completely cut herself off from the wizarding world."


"Even when we had no formal alliance my family and the Greengrass would meet from time and also allowed friendship to bloom between us, the future Ladies of the houses," added Susan.


She continued, "But Madam Longbottom never allowed Neville out of their home. If it was possible, she would have wanted Neville to complete his study from his home only. She never talked anything with us. We are not even sure if she will even agree to revive the alliance."


Harry nodded his head in understanding.


[Many of you were complaining about the slow pace of story but fret not the story is about to pick up pace is going to get more intresting. Though it has taken a lot of time, I have been able to setup up the background upto my satisfaction. Checkout my Patreon, the story has reached an interesting point there.]



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