
• Good Friends

His answer was yes.

Even though he was reserved when he said it, even though he was his usual calm, collected self, Spheris was brimming with excitement and another strange emotion he refused to identify.

Friends? All his life he had never had someone he could actually call that name. A friend.

A person who had his back while he had theirs, a person he could talk to about his day and about his problems, a person who would fight for him, or travel all the way from Floating Rocks to Frozen Sands just to make sure he was alright.

Rather, it was Talon who had filled that void for him. The raven was a great companion and true friend, but in the end, it was only a bird.

Sitting next to her, Spheris felt a sense of warmth and ease. A feeling he usually felt whenever he was with his mother.

Was it the good in her that was emanating and pouring onto him? Was it her compassion and her gentle heart that was soothing his anger and aching soul?

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