
59. Consider renting a booth_1

At this remark, the vegetable vendor was not pleased.

"What do you mean 'illegal vending'?"

"All my veggies come from the suburban gardens, I don't make much even after flipping them a few times. If I had to rent a stall, I'd make less money than a street sweeper in a month."

He didn't hold anything back.

Aside from the occasional local farmers from the surrounding suburbs selling their produce, the market was mostly made up of such stalls. The vegetables weren't necessarily cheaper, but they won out in freshness, and there were often deals to be had, which was why they were so popular with the masses.

However, fortune didn't favor the vendor. He missed out when the market stalls were being assigned by the city, and since he didn't sell in large volumes, it didn't make financial sense for him to get one.

His advice to Song Tan was indeed well-meaning—

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