However, their luck was clearly not very good. While Wang Tao and his group were warming themselves around the fireplace, news came from City Hall—houses had collapsed!
Although that family had already taken precautions to avoid danger, there were no immediate life-threatening concerns. However, this was not a good sign, as where there was one, there would be a second, a third…
Subsequently, as Wang Tao had thought, more houses continued to collapse. The Six Major Legions, City Defense Army, police, and others had already begun to move out.
"Do we need to go help?"
Jade Lotus asked Wang Tao.
"Not yet, let's wait for further news."
There was a unified command for the disaster relief, and Wang Tao did not understand it very well, so he didn't want to add to the confusion; It was sufficient for them to stand by at home. As soon as he received any news, he would definitely take people out.
Everyone nodded, silently waiting for news.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: