
Chapter 321: Dragon Ball Dragon Wings, Southern Region Yinglong

Gulp gulp gulp...

Within Qinghai.

Yibai plunged deep, the lake water incessantly pressing against him, icy and bone-chilling, but to him, it had no effect whatsoever.

"Over there!"

As Yibai swam, guided by the pull transmitted from the Dragon Horn, he knew where the hidden treasure of Yinglong lay within Qinghai.

He quickly headed toward the deepest part of Qinghai.

After a time as brief as it takes to drink a cup of tea.

Yibai soon arrived at the bottom of Qinghai.

"This is..."

At the bottom of Qinghai, Yibai opened his Dharma Eye; he could no longer continue to dive deeper, but he saw a deep cave at the bottom of the lake.

From that deep cave emanated a very strange feeling.

It was a "Dongtian" (Cave Heaven)!

How was this accomplished?

Yibai was puzzled.

Qinghai itself was a Dongtian, yet within this Dongtian, there was another Dongtian.

He had never encountered such a situation before.

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