
810. Windless Belt

Spread out on a slightly moldy desktop was a map made from the leather of an unknown animal.

The parchment, in a dull yellow, outlined the shape of several islands in a small sea area, marking one of them. Besides that, there were small specks resembling dirt in a corner of the map, which upon closer examination appeared to form a constellation-like pattern.

Moreover, there were drawings of animals, seemingly marking dangers.

At first glance, it was identified as a treasure map.

In this era, sailing didn't have the convenience of satellite navigation, and most of the time, not a single island was visible in the vast, endless ocean, so everyone relied on the stars for positioning.

Compared to islands and reefs that might deviate due to weather conditions, the stars were age-old and constant, the eternal map.

When the ship reached the correct location, the stars in the sky would appear in the arrangement shown on the map, making this method quite practical.

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