That bastard going to fight the mountain bandits, she had no objection, but it's been several days and not even a message, doesn't he know she would worry?
Qin Longyun is really heartless!
The poor girl barely ate and couldn't sleep well, yet he probably already forgot about her completely.
Humph, it must be because she turned ugly from being pregnant.
Chen Yiling imagined a whole bunch of things, and her rage burned even fiercer.
Qiao Duo'er assumed a knowing look, "You're just saying one thing and meaning another, I know it."
"I'm not, as soon as Qin Longyun returns, I'm definitely kicking him out. He likes fighting mountain bandits so much, let him do that slowly, it'd be best if he killed all the bandits in the world!"
Chen Yiling fanned her face with her hand, she was about to explode with anger!
Chen Yiling had just finished speaking when ChunTao excitedly ran back, "Miss, I heard some good news, it's about our son-in-law!"
"Out with it already!"
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: