Hu's Clan said with determination, "Whether he lives or dies, I don't care anymore. As long as the two girls are fine, I'll be completely content!"
"Mother, don't cry. You still have us, don't you?"
Da Ya spoke softly. She really couldn't rest easy about her mother, so she came back.
Er Ya was still holding a rice bowl: "Mother, eat some more. Didn't you say we can't waste food?"
The tears Hu's Clan had just barely held back overflowed once again, but this time it was not from sadness, but from being moved. With such well-behaved daughters bestowed to her by the heavens, what more could she ask for?
She said with a choked voice, "Don't worry. Mom will do more work in the future to buy you candy and meat!"
Da Ya and Er Ya nodded, both crawling into Hu's Clan's embrace.
Qiao Duo'er saw the three of them huddled together and then went back to her own room.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: