
Pathetic for Him

"Laurenz told me who you are."

I sighed heavily as I put my glass of whiskey down on the bar counter and closed the inn's logs book. It was way past sundown and the inn's bar was getting rowdier than the day time, what with it being the end of the working days for most of the townspeople.

The noises of the patrons helped me relax, surprisingly, and they all knew when and when not to disturb me so reviewing my documents around them with a glass of whiskey in hand was my usual end of the week activity. That, and I still couldn't be left alone with silence.

The silence let my thoughts spiral back to him and I didn't need that. I didn't need to spiral that badly yet again. Moderate spiraling was okay though.

All in all, the patrons knew when to leave me be, but Miss Amelia clearly didn't grasp on to that as she'd stormed into my inn and interrupted my little ritual.

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