

However, no matter how everyone judges and discusses, the brothers and sisters are indifferent, they have to prepare for the big show in the near future.

In the early morning, Norah went out to buy fabrics, and met Urania waiting under the tree.

Urania told Norah the cause of the turmoil on the Internet.

"I didn't expect that post to become popular, and I didn't expect that some students would type your name…I'm sorry for what happened now."

If he could turn back time, he wouldn't post that post.

"It's okay, I know Urania didn't mean it." Norah's voice was gentle, without getting angry.

He knew Urania's personality and admired Urania's talent.

The two have irresolvable differences only on issues of principle.

"You go back to the show with me. When the time comes, I'll say that you are just impulsive and calm down the chaos." Urania suggested.

Next chapter