

"Why are you holding my girlfriend's hand?" Asher glared at the boy."What do you mean, your girlfriend? Mia is my girlfriend!" Tristan, the boy, tightly held the hand of the short-haired girl.Tristan, a student in Class 1, Senior 3, top ten in grade."Nonsense! Mia is my girlfriend! Everyone in Class 7 saw her confess her feelings to me!" Asher grabbed Mia's other hand, his gaze fierce.Mia shook off Asher's hand. "Asher, it was just a prank."

"What?" Asher couldn't believe his ears.Mia took a deep breath. "My friends told me that you, the leader of Class 7, had an eccentric personality, and they asked if I could conquer you. I said I could, and then I tried.""Tried…?" Asher repeated with difficulty.She tried.He believed it.And now she was telling him that it was all just a joke admit that my intentions were wrong, but I was your girlfriend for a month!" Mia justified herself."You are just a mediocre student from Class 7. Did you have a top student as your girlfriend at one point?"Honor…?" Asher's mind buzzed.So he had Asher so low that even being deceived should be considered a gift from the deceiver?"Do you understand now? Mia never intended to confess her feelings to you for real!" Tristan looked annoyed.At this point, Asher had nothing more to say.His throat felt dry as he took out the necklace he had saved up for a month and stared at Mia. He let go of it, dropping it on the ground.It was his heart he hadn't had the chance to give.He turned away, his heart heavy with disappointment."Who gave you the confidence to think that Mia would like someone from Class 7?" Tristan pressed on, seeking to humiliate Asher further."Was it that new student in your class, Kendall? That scheming bitch who only knows how to secretly record videos?"Asher, who was about to leave, suddenly turned around and punched Tristan in the face, anger seething within him."How dare you talk about Goddess Kendall like that?"Kendall might be aloof and reserved, but she had never looked at them with disdain or disgust in her eyes.And Kendall almost saved him from the hooligans's bullying.He absolutely wouldn't allow anyone to speak about Kendall like this!"Asher, are you out of your mind?" Mia was dumbfounded.Asher didn't stand up for her against Tristan; instead, he defended Kendall. What did that mean?Was she, Mia, not even worth comparing to that village girl Kendall?Tristan touched the corner of his mouth and retaliated with a punch."Asher!" Students from Class 7 immediately rushed to beat up Tristan upon seeing Asher getting hit."Tristan!" Students from Class 1 saw their classmates being attacked and joined the brawl.Sharp-eyed students promptly reported the incident to the relevant teachers. Mr. Mathew was the first to arrive, and it took all his strength to separate Asher and Tristan. "Asher, what are you doing?"With the arrival of the teacher, the fight subsided, and both groups had bruises on their faces."He insulted Goddess Kendall!" Asher pointed at Tristan."Even in the face of a big issue, we must act reasonably. You are students, what's the difference between you and street thugs if you resort to fighting?" Mr. Mathew scolded loudly.The crowd nodded in agreement.See, that was why teachers were teachers. They were mature and composed."See, trash is just trash. No matter how much you teach them, it's pointless," Ms. Mary, the teacher in charge of Class 2, commented as she walked over.Smack! Mr. Mathew threw a punch, grabbing Ms. Mary by her collar in a fit of rage. "Who the hell gave you the right to call my students trash? They're not trash! They are living, breathing human beings! You can't humiliate them like this!"The crowd stood in stunned silence.Weren't they supposed to be reasonable and not resort to violence as educated students?"Mr. Mathew, let me go!" Many teachers hurriedly arrived and separated Mr. Mathew and Ms. Mary."Mr. Mathew! You are a man, how can you hit a woman!" Ms. Mary screamed, covering her eyes."Trash teachers teaching trash students, trash students studying in a trashed building – the perfect match! Perfect match!""Class 7 students are indeed all trash. I can step on the answer sheet with my foot and still get a higher score than them!" Tristan's expression was full of disdain."That's right!" Students of Class 1 echoed in agreement."Kendall isn't anything special," Mia launched a direct attack on Kendall. "She was just dragging everyone down in Class 2, and now she goes to Class 7 and becomes their 'Goddess Kendall.' It's ridiculous!" "That's enough!" Asher shouted.He had heard the word "trash" enough!"Didn't you say that stepping on the answer sheet would give you a higher score than us? Then let's compare our results in the monthly exam! If our scores are higher than yours, you, you, you, and all of you"Asher pointed his index finger successively at Ms. Mary, Tristan, Mia, and the Class 1 students who participated in the fight."You all must apologize to Class 7 and Goddess Kendall!"This was the only and most powerful counterattack!After saying that, Asher led the Class 7 students away.Once the fiercely spirited students returned to their classroom, they slumped down, their faces filled with frustration and a sense of powerlessness."Asher, I admit you looked cool when you were talking trash, but how are we going to beat those academic geniuses in the monthly exam?"Don't ask me, I have no idea. I was just acting on impulse!"Asher banged his head against the wall, wishing he could find a tofu to smash himself with."Uh–oh! Mr. Mathew is going to be fired!" a classmate rushed in from outside."Ms. Mary went to complain to the principal about Mr. Mathew, saying that he was violent towards women and unworthy of being a teacher.The principal noticed that our class's performance has declined since Mr. Mathew took over, so they said if our class's average score in this month's exam is still below passing, they will directly fire Mr. Mathew!"Everyone grew anxious."Ms. Mary has the nerve to say that Mr. Mathew is unworthy of being a teacher. Wasn't it she who went up and asked Goddess Kendall to apologize to Lisa and her child when Goddess Kendall was being slandered? She's the one who's unworthy of being a teacher!"How can we possibly pass? All of our textbooks are new except for the table of contents!"Physically assaulting someone is a stain on a teaching career. If he leaves Powell High School, will any other school hire him?"I remember Mr. Mathew's family was very poor. They even sold their sheep to scrape together the money for his journey to Powell High School. If he loses this job, then their family…"The bell for class rang. Mr. Mathew returned to Class 7 with a calm expression. Today's first period was language class."Turn to page thirty in your textbooks."He said calmly, picking up the chalk to write on the blackboard.However, his arm trembled uncontrollably.It was wrong of him to resort to violence.But he had reached his breaking point.Why should children who struggle academically be subjected to such humiliation?Some girls started crying, and a few boys also wiped their tears away."Is crying going to help? Instead of crying, use your time wisely to study and find a way to surpass Class 1!" Asher almost snapped his pen in frustration.He not only wanted to pass the exams, but he also wanted to defeat Class 1 and make them and Ms. Mary apologize to them!"It's useless. There are only 15 days left until the exams. Unless a miracle happens, you won't be able to beat class 1," Mr. Mathew said, lowering his arm and speaking in a calm tone.The gap between Class 7 and Class 1 was too vast.They were like clouds in the sky and mud on the ground – how could they compare?"Give me 15 days, and I'll make the miracle happen."Kendall appeared at the classroom door and said.If it weren't for Tristan insulting her, Asher wouldn't have taken action, and it wouldn't have led to the brawl between the two classes or Mr. Mathew striking Ms. Mary.Since this whole situation started because of her, she would resolve it herself.She could teach these students through the way the organization educated killers.It was a method different from the cramming approach of the school.

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