
Some more than 10 million population more (October-December, 1895).

Russia: Operation Korea]

On December 8, various members of the nobility, confused intellectuals, corrupt ex-administrators, pro-Qing members of the expelled Korean elite, pro-Qing or anti-Russia military launched an attack on the city of Seoul to expel influence. Russian in the city and restore the "independence" of the Joseon dynasty (or put it under Qing, depends on who you ask).

During the attack, the Russian embassy became the safest place, where King Gojong and his descendants (but not Queen Ming), as well as the Japanese ambassadors and other important foreigners, were able to take shelter and leave the event intact.

The Korean civil-military dictatorship responded promptly, the Seoul police and nearby military authorities surrounded the city, blocking streets and arresting various supporters or suspects.

The conflict claimed the lives of dozens or even hundreds of civilians in the attempted coup attacks on armories and other vital positions, further putting the population on the side of loyalist forces.

Some irregular militias attacked the Seoul nobility in response to the noble participation in the coup attempt.

During the brief conflict, which occurred at night, Queen Min died due to the radicals of the coup attempt, the case was clarified when the crisis was aborted by the officers and administrators with the help of the Russian troops stationed in the region putting an end to the opposition.

The ambassadors and diplomats were saved and contacted their countries of origin to clarify the situation.

On October 9, King Gojong was presented by the civil-military authorities with a program regarding the need for Korea to be annexed by the Russian Empire after this attempted coup, in part because of Korea's economic debts with the Russian Empire. Russian state, the threat of "dangerous elements" that were purged (but that according to said authorities could still be a danger), and other favorable points about said annexation.

Tsar Alexander III also sent his opinions in favor of granting Korea Russian "citizenship", in short a support for the annexation, with the Korean generals and officials in favor of the idea, as well as the administration, King Gojong accepted .

This made Korea just another governorate of the Russian Empire, with Gojong downgrading to "grand prince of Korea" (avoiding the use of king or emperor), more as a representative (or spokesperson, and a mute spokesperson because there were already much more Korean people. influential people doing this work) of the Tsar in Korea.

Foreign diplomats were invited to go to St. Petersburg or receive an office in the new governorate, or return home if they so wished.

The respectful treatment and the Russian-Korean salvation of the diplomats won them special sympathy in Japan and the United States, despite the opposition to said annexation in the Japanese imperial army, there was not much else to accept reality.

Other countries in Europe either did not care (France, Germany, Italy or Austia-Hungary), or they could not do much (United Kingdom), after all they were on the other side of the world, attending to various issues and out of a beneficial position to intercede.


* Some point of the night.

The body of Queen Min lay dead on one of the palace stairs, there were Afanasy Ivanovich Seredin-Sabatin and Korean generals, responsible for the murder along with his subordinates.

"We have taken care of the witnesses, we are going to bring in some of the coup plotters to establish them as guilty." Seredin-Sabatin orders simply.

"Immediately Mr." One of the officers agrees immediately.

All the records would be destroyed by the Okhrana or hidden among piles and piles of documents that would not be declassified, being lost in time.

For some years Afanasy Ivanovich Seredin-Sabatin would remain a member of the Okhrana stationed in Korea, this time as director with his cell turned into a new official part of the government body.

The image of Queen Min would be pseudo-sanctified by the Okhrana and Russian services, to direct Korean hatred against the coup plotters, making Russian and Korean sympathizers see as the queen's avengers.

Hence, to Tsar Alexander III as another benevolent and familiar figure to Koreans, a friend and ally who has sought well-being, in many places true, but also a propaganda image that validates and supports the Russian annexation of Korea.

After this, all that remained was to divide and conquer.


* Perspective of the Imperial Japanese Army.

"This is disastrous." Prime Minister Yamagata Aritomo exclaims with some of his close associates in the army. "We need more resources immediately."

"What does that position have to do with the Russian annexation of Korea?" One of the subordinates asks.

"Now a war against Russia seems de-facto, impossible. Korean iron ore, Korean soybeans, Korean coal, now all that and more are Russian exports, they belong to Russia. It means that Japan is a country that mainly consumes from Russia, and many of our exports go through that country to Europe ... ". The prime minister sentences.

"It is an unfortunate situation, Russia also mainly supports the navy and they have cooperated previously in the past." One of the generals exclaims.

"I know, I know ...". The prime minister responds.

The radicalization of the Japanese armed forces continues, militant navy members carrying out attacks against the prime minister and members of the army attacking key positions in the navy.

Some even went so far as to support anti-Japanese officers in Taiwan, it didn't go very far of course but it shows how far the two branches of the military come to hate each other.


[Kurdistan-Armenia: Urfa Society]

The socio-economic and ethno-cultural tensions of the Ottoman Empire continue to increase, in the city of Urfa (in a territory bordering Kurdistan) 6000 Armenians and Kurds receive continuous threats from the Committee of Union and Progress (or CUP), mainly threats of death and some fires created near Kurdish-Armenian homes and hospitals.

Some Armenians, members of a merchant class treated as second-class citizens, decide that they will invite some Russian-Armenian business partners to "discuss" business, inviting them to observe the situation.

Others are going to join their other Armenian comrades in Russia, and still others join "societies" for meetings, some discussions and target practice (supposedly, under the guise of hunting trips and other games, actually becoming a species of pseudo-guerrillas against Ottoman oppression who do not plan to leave their territory).

Kurds for their part are more forthright, joining bandit gangs before disaster strikes, or heading to join the armies of nearby Kurdistan as volunteers.

The Ottomans sympathetic to the Armenians and Kurds are scandalized by the actions of some of their comrades, particularly in southeastern Anatolia and the Syrian region a network of sympathizers was formed with whom Armenians, Kurds and Russians were quick to make contact .

Of course this only increased tensions, between a CUP and other Turkish-Ottoman supremacists, as opposed to more moderate sympathizers, "traitors" or "lacking in national consciousness."

This led to the formation of the "Urfa Society", a title of the CUP and other reactionaries for the network of sympathizers, Armenians, Russians and Kurds against the racial-cultural persecution and the policies promoted by the CUP (the petition of the Armenian genocide for example).

Many believed that the Urfa Society was much more organized than it actually was, but the truth is that as such, it did not exist.

It was simply the communication network (based in Urfa) and support of these minorities, sympathizers and agents to oppose precisely this violence and discrimination.

Some said that even, due to the rejection of some Ottomans in exile to the CUP, there were members of the Urfa Society abroad, getting support or in high spheres of power.

In short, a modern conspiracy theory.


[Kurdistan and Russia]

Kurdistan was a very young country, barely turning 5 years since its successful liberation from the Ottoman yoke (not counting the years of revolutionary struggle of course).

There was still a lot of work to do.

Generally, Sheikh Abdul-Kadir Ubeydullah, leader of the revolution, is voted as president of the parliament of sheikhs, therefore leader of the armed forces, spokesperson for the decisions of the parliament, capable of giving legislative initiatives and some other functions (but without power veto).

Kurdistan's largest and practically only trading partner was Russia (Persia had a large Kurdish population in the northwest of their country and they were not interested in the Kurdish state, and the Ottomans were still wounded in pride), thus the Kurdish populations in Russia and the Russians had quite a bit of influence in the country.

In gestures of goodwill (and to facilitate the next Russo-Turkish war) many Russian-Kurdish instructors would train many units in the Kurdish army, supporting its modernization.

Tsar Alexander III also proposed to the parliament of sheikhs a more flexible economic-migratory relationship between the two nations, not a customs union or similar but to allow even more Russian investments in Kurdistan, Kurdish products to Russia and Russian products to Kurdistan, and facilitate the migration of Kurdish labor to Russia or specialized Russian labor to Kurdistan (educators and engineers, among others).

The sheikh parliament agreed, of course this meant that infrastructure, services like education, and more money for Kurdistan and Russia would continue to grow.

Many citizens of independent Kurdistan migrated to Russia for work, to send money to their families.

Other Kurds went to Russia to be with relatives who remained on the other side of the border, to visit some places of worship or simply to vacation.

The migrations of Russian citizens to Kurdistan were much less common of course, Russia was a much larger, richer and more industrialized country, with much more access to services, etc.

Therefore the Russian migration to Kurdistan was generally motivated by the government of both states, to help in education or construction projects (such as railways), simply to earn money and return to Russia (it was not a question of improving their quality of life, as it was in the cases of Kurds going to Russia).


[Russian automotive industry: United States]

With nearly a decade approaching since the first sales of Romanov cars and quite a bit closer since the first Blinov tractors, vehicles were becoming easier and cheaper to export to the United States of America.

Precisely Russian tractors and trucks exploded in sales at the beginning of November 1895, becoming much more accessible to the mass of farmers since Free Silver.

The problem was the rest of Americans, especially the industrial workers damaged by Free Silver, in the industrial states followed a process of notable inflation and unemployment that damaged these individuals.

While the wealthy industrialists complained, they could still afford to buy luxury cars and compete with each other, and farmers and agricultural states could now afford to sell their products for more profit, thereby buying more machinery such as tractors and trucks.

Most industrial workers in the worst affected regions couldn't afford any of that.

In less affected regions on the other hand if it was possible for industrial workers to buy Romanov cars, and they became immensely popular for this, they were surprisingly accessible were it not for the economic crisis.

Once the economic crisis ended, this purchase would be possible for many workers, or at least that is what they thought if the situation improved.

This further polarized the US elections, although it may not seem like it, there were states and populations in favor of continuing free silver, at least for the moment, and others interested in ending free silver.


[Russian Automotive industry: Bohemia]

While Russian tractors and trucks (to a lesser extent personal cars) became popular in America, Romanov personal cars (and not trucks or tractors) exploded in popularity in Bohemia, among Czechs and Germans.

Poverty was still a huge problem in Austria-Hungary, but in the industrial centers these Romanov cars became enormously popular among bourgeois, industrialists and workers.

This sudden economic explosion was accompanied by the fact that a lot of Bohemian talent (of Slavic origin) began to move to Russia to work precisely in the automotive sector.

Not only that, but the Czechs began to take advantage of an export niche little exploited by Russians, bicycles and motorcycles. Yes, bicycles were already popular in Russia, especially in cities, but Russians did not export bicycles or motorcycles in large quantities as they did with cars or tractors.

Václav Laurin and Václav Klement (creators of the firm Laurin i Klement, Лаурин и Клемент) in particular took advantage of this. Becoming competitors of the Austro-Hungarian brand Škoda Works.

Once again we see that historically Russia took advantage of its immigrants for its economic benefit, similar to what the United States and Latin American countries did on several occasions.

In particular it helped that Russia continued with policies for immigrants quite beneficial for the Slavs, and now opened some institutions to attract international non-Slavic talent.


[Cinema, the Lumiere brothers]

There were certain particular focuses in the first motion pictures, where this technology could be developed and films made, some of these places were the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany and Russia, with some intermediate points in other parts of the world or interested in other parts of the world.

We are talking about a time when motion pictures did not receive the particular attention that modern cinema receives as a means of entertainment, art and propaganda.

It is mainly because of this that Auguste and Louis Lumiere did not receive particular attention in France.

Although the Boulangist regime of Georges Boulanger and Napoleon IV was very interested in propaganda, motion pictures in its early stages were difficult and expensive to produce, and the audience could not be maximized too much.

For this reason, in addition to the fact that the French state paid attention to other matters, the Lumieres were forced to look for another site.

And finally the brothers came to Russia, because the Russian state currently offered a lot of work (whether in public or private institutions), land or houses, and it was cheap.

In addition, there were many possible spaces to film, both urban and rural.

While the Lumieres would not be the first to invest in film technology (whether in Russia or abroad), they also had some influence and innovation in later developments, which they were able to explore in Russian cinema.


[Moscow Government]

"It is a disgrace that Comrade Martov did not join the revolutionary effort like others, instead choosing to favor bourgeois models and reform, aimed at the continuation of workers' oppression."

-Vladimir Ulyanov.

Tsesarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich and Julius Martov founded the "Moscow League of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class" (Московский Союз борьбы за освобождение рабочегоuz клаzhdение рабочегоuz,

Moskovskiy Soyuz Bor'by za Osvobozhdeniye Rabochego Klassa, or SBORK)

A name that sounds quite revolutionary, but it was obviously sanctioned by the Russian authorities, and dominated by the central circle of Tsesarevich Nicholas, governor of Moscow.

The group would help channel the problems of the unions and the working class directly into the dominant positions of power, after all, if these problems reached the Tsesarevich they should also reach the tsar.

That was the main idea, and in essence it sometimes worked like that, when it was considered that the problem was too vital (especially related to health or potential terrorism) to only be addressed by the Tsesarevich.

But in general all problems were dealt with by the Tsesarevich, at least in Moscow.

Martov was a useful rhetorician and theorist, while Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov was the pragmatic politician. The position of the central government was clear, the rule of law above all else, social class did not matter.

Regarding social problems, although Tsar Alexander III guaranteed the possibility of investment, respect for private property and the like, he also had to attend to other of his less privileged subjects.

However, the central government would not comply with all the whims of protests, the Alexandrian "softness" could not be confused with weakness, the Okhrana, the police, the church and the army were loyal and in good condition, and those were powerful weapons.


[Only men fantasizing about space]

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky and Tsar Alexander III met again, as so many times before, Tsiolkovsky was one of the fathers of aviation, both Russian and worldwide, but he was a scientist with great interests.

"You know, I have an idea, a space elevator." Tsiolkovsky exclaims. "A tower from the surface of the earth, to the geostationary orbit, 35,786 kilometers high, similar to our Eiffel tower, a true tower of the Su n."

"... Dream big Tsiolkovsky, perhaps some day in the very, very distant future. I only know, that in the next century, when I am already dead, a human will set foot on the Moon." Tsar Alexander III exclaims.

"Yeah, that sounds like a safe bet." Tsiolkovsky responds convinced.

"Are you sure what I'm saying doesn't sound very stupid?" Alexander III curiously questions, most people would treat the subject as science fiction.

"Yes. At some point humanity will have to leave Earth, the moon sounds like a first step." Tsiolkovsky explains.

Tsar Alexander III laughs briefly, quite pleased before returning to talk of practical business with Tsiolkovsky, who found support for his ideas, even the strangest ones (centered around rockets and space) in Tsar Alexander III.

A more important support than currently any scientific authority in Russia (although the tsar was himself a scientific authority of some kind, not in title but in financial support and influence).

In 1896, Tsiolkovsky would extensively investigate the movement of the rocket apparatus, developing a rigorous theory of rocket impulse so that in the future, humanity will reach space.

These works would be the basis for much of the development of rockets, missiles and space exploration, in addition to advances such as the so-called Tsiolkovsky equation.



Rudyard Kipling publishes the short story Mowgli Leave the Jungle Forever, sometime in early October.

October 1, French troops begin their punitive expeditions in western Sudan, while Anglo-Egyptian forces resume their military campaigns in the north of the region.

While the British fail again (for this is where the Sudanese concentrate their efforts), the French get a couple of victories.

It is not too important yet, but it is clear that France is independent of British policies, and they are not doing her "ally" a favor.

October 8, Queen Ming of Korea is assassinated by members of the attempted coup in Korea.

Later the Kingdom of Korea is annexed by the Russian Empire.

October 23, small revolt of Chinese inhabitants in the city of Tainan, on the island of Taiwan, against the Japanese administration.

It fails for obvious reasons, lack of support, management and talent against the Japanese forces.

November 5, explosion of sales of Blinov tractors and Russian trucks in the United States.

November 8, Wilhelm Röntgen begins to know a type of radiation that later is called in modern form, X-rays.

November 25, Oscar Hammerstein opens the Olympia Theater, the first theater in the Longacre Square district, New York, United States.

November 27, Alfred Nobel decides to sign his will, which is the basis of the Nobel prizes, allocating a patrimony to the realization of the prizes after his death.

The award includes five categories, chemistry, physics, medicine, literature and service to the international brotherhood or "peace".

The Nobel Prize did not take inspiration from the Lomonosov gold medal in Russia, but they certainly serve similar purposes, to reward human advancement, which is why the close cooperation between the Nobel laureates and the Russian authorities much later.

It also has to do with the fact that Nobel in Russia was recognized as another citizen for his contribution to Russia, he even received a Lomonosov medal but the Lomonosov gold medals were a national event rather than an international one (as are the Nobel).

November 28, first auto races in America promoted by industrialists, more attention to Romanov cars and cars in general by Americans.

December 7, 5000 Anglo-Egyptian troops are killed by more than 30,000 Sudanese forces.

December 11, Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius becomes the first scientist to provide quantified data on the sensitivity of the global climate to atmospheric carbon dioxide (in essence, what we call the greenhouse effect).

December 18, explosion of sales of Romanov vehicles in Bohemia and foundation of the Laurin i Klement company.

December 24, at Kingstone, near Dublin, 15 crew members are lost when their lifeboat capsizes, while trying to rescue the crew of the SS Palme ... very ironic.

December 31, the Lumiere brothers move to Russia.


[The Bullmoose]

* The Travels of Theodore Roosevelt Jr.

* Roosevelt perspective.

"After verifying that the Empire of Brazil was not in a better condition than the Republic of the United States of Brazil, despite its greater democratic values, I finally decided to navigate the Amazon.

A river supposedly named by some tribes of warrior women, but in reality the wonder of the Amazon is not only the river itself, but also its ramifications, the adventure and all the animal and plant life that surrounds the place.

The native tribes were an entirely different matter, widely varied in traditions and languages, some friendlier and some more hostile, some more numerous and some more solitary.

Unfortunately, I lacked much equipment, personnel, and in-depth studies, but I had a pencil and a notebook, so I dedicated myself to drawing pictures of various animals, native tribes, plants, and routes that I observed.

When this trip is over, I planned to visit the federalists in southern Brazil to see what it was like."


[Russian Soccer League: Semifinals]

*Astrakhan vs Vladivostok: The team of Vladivostok beats the team of Astrakhan in a 3-to-2.

Next chapter