
Meeting 3

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The Weasley family was also in the crowd of people. Watching the Negotiations.

Molly Weasley looked like she had swallowed a lemon. She was looking closely at Harry Potter. Who is apparently now Lord Potter Peverell.

' This is the boy Albus wants us to get close to? To manipulate and make him feel a part of our family?

Impossible! Definitely impossible.

He will tear my darling boys apart. Blast that old man. He promised a shy easily manipulated boy. We were going to betroth Ginny and him and when Potter dies. I will get half his wealth and give Albus the other half.

But insisted we got this... A Confident, Strong, and Very Smart Lord.

He is like those Dark Purebloods. No, he is worse. For us now his behaviour is the worst possible thing.


At least the purebloods hate us, but this boy isn't giving anyone any attention. As if all us wizards were beneath him.

How in Merlin's name are we supposed to get close to him?'

"How can he speak like that to the Ministry" Percy Weasley fumed at the audacity of Harry Potter. He was a young man with a dream of joining the ministry and climbing up the ranks. So its natural that he would defend the ministry

Arthur sighed " Son things are not that simple. Magical Britain needs Harry Potter so the Ministry is willing to go and endure great lengths to get him'

"Yeah, Chill out Percy" Fred patted him on the back while George did the same " Lest you have a stroke"

"We wouldn't want the future Perfect, Headboy and Minister to have an early death do we?"

"Get off" Percy pushed them away and went to stand near his father away from the pests

Fred and George shrugged their shoulders and turned back to the High Table. Focusing on Harry Potter

"He deserves a good prank don't you think brother of mine" Fred turned to his twin

" I agree, we need to knock him down a few pegs" George nodded while smiling

" Naturally it is our sacred duty as the Second Marauders"

"Indeed, we took an oath.. to prank everyone and open our joke shop"

*Smack* x2

Molly smacked them on their heads causing the twins to hold their heads

" " Owww. Whyyy!" "

" You stupid boys! He is a Lord! You will not be pulling any pranks on him. He could destroy our entire family with the political power he wields."

" But he is just eleven"

" Yeah, how can he do that"

They turn to their father who sighed " He wouldn't even have to do anything. All he has to say is that he dislikes us or some bad comment. And other people will rush in to destroy this family to gain his favor"

The twins looked at each other ' ' So we just have to not get caught ' '

The youngest son. Ronald Weasly was steaming in jealousy. Glaring at Harry.

" Keh, stupid handsome bastard. Wearing his stupid emerald earing and stupid expensive clothes. Which would look much cooler on me. It's just luck.

Luck that he was born into a rich family. Luck that he has enough money to hire those expensive teachers. And his idea. Pots! Ha! What's so special about some pots? I bet if I tried I could make them. He probably didn't even invent them and just paid someone to do it.

Yeah... that makes a lot more sense. Slimy Snake. I bet he will be in Slytherin with the other Snakes. I have to keep an eye on him... And... "

The twins had heard Ron's mumblings but all they processed was 'Blah blah blah. I am a whiny bitch. Blah blah blah'

The youngest child and the only girl. Ginerva Weasley was busy daydreaming. She was staring at Harry with a dazed expression.

'Ahhh he looks so dreamy and cool. Especially those clothes and earing. And he is even more handsome than in the books. A smart, handsome, rich prince charming to come and rescue me. Then we are going to fall in love and we are going to make a beautiful family' The little girl held back her giggles, lest she embarrass herself in public.

But then she calmed down 'But Harry is a bit too handsome. Some witches will definitely try to steal him from me. I won't let that happen. Harry is mine and mine alone!' Ginny declared in her heart

(A/N The brainwashing is strong with this one)

"Are you calling Merlin a Dark Lord?"

'Oh no' Molly paled, this would not end well for Dumbledore, and with how close her family was to that man they would suffer as well


"Are you calling Merlin a Dark Lord?"

Amelia Bones looked at the Young Lord as he confronted Dumbledore. Inwardly she was smiling.

'Somebody will finally stick it to the old man. It was bothersome enough to watch him play games at the Wizengamot meetings. Subtly manipulating the vote to make the DMILE Force weaker. Oh I knew from the start that his sad face was fake when another bill was passed to make it harder for Aurors. He carefully balances Dark and Light, with Dark being a bit better since they have lost their Lord he needed those Pure Blood fools happy. So he made it easy for them to indulge in their greed'

Dumbledore's jaw dropped as he looked at Harry Potter in shock.

It took every once of Occlumency for Amelia not to cheer when she saw his face.

'Oh yes. This memory will be particularly useful when using the Patronus.'

Ironically, Tom Riddle was having the exact same thoughts.


Dumbledore quickly got over his shock his brain was working as fast as possible. 'Blast this brat and his silver tongue. He turned it back at me. How do I get out of this situation?'

While he was thinking Dumbledore naturally started to stall. "No, No" he said calmly "Merlin was the greatest wizard of all time. How could he possibly be a Dark Lord?"

"But Merlin both learned and taught Dark Magic. According to you just learning Dark Magic is enough to become a Dark Lord. That's what you accused me off" Harry pointed out clearly. Practically spelling it out for Dumbledore.

'Got Ya'

Fumbling Fudge saw how bad things were getting so he thought it best to intervene.

"Preposterous. You are Harry Potter. The Boy Who Lived. You killed the Dark Lord. How could you be one" Fudge stated clearly. Hoping that this move will get him in the good graces of both Lord Potter and Dumbledore. As he was the one to save Dumbledore from further embarrassment.

But Harry just looked confused "Ha?" he deadpanned at the British Ministry "I never killed Voldemort"

Dumbledore resisted the urge to grimace. Another one of his secrets was about to be revealed. 'No. Voldemort survival must remain hidden until he is resurrected so I gain the maximum benefits. Wait he was a baby, so he might not have all the facts'

Dumbledore cleared his throat " Lord Potter. I believe you are mistaken, it's not a surprise since it happened when you were just a baby. But Lord Voldemort was indeed defeated by you" he purposely used the words 'defeated' so that it doesn't come to bite him in the ass later on when Voldemort is revived.

The man in question just looked with at the British Ministry and Dumbledore with cold hatred.

"All that was left of him was his Black Robe and a lot of ash. It even destroyed a big chunk of your room in the Cottage"

Harry saw what Dumbledore was trying to do and smirked inwardly. 'Time to mess up another one of his plans. This is what you get for trying to use people like chess pieces. Hypocritical of me but I never said I was perfect'

"Yes I defeated him but when have I ever said I killed him?"

"But everybody knows you did it." Someone from the British Ministry yelled out

Harry laughed at them, they set this up all by themselves

"Ahhh yes everybody knows. That's an interesting thought. How would you all know if you weren't there? There were only 5 people that night. Me and my parents. Voldemort and the Traitor Pettigrew.

My parents died, I reflected Voldemort's spell and Pettigrew ran away and hid as a rat for 10 years. So how could you possibly know what happened that night?"

Everyone started to murmur and think about it. Even the American Side.

How did they know what happened that night? Then they remembered that it was Dumbledore who spread the news. Grandiosely telling everybody that the war was over. But how did he know what happened?

The man in question started to sweat "Mr. Potter you just confirmed that you reflected his spell at him. Do you know how you did that?"

Harry just smiled " Well we can call it another aspect of Peverell Family Magic. I remember everything that happened that night. After I reflected the Killing Curse back at Voldemort. It destroyed his body. But his soul turned into a wraith. Probably some dark ritual he used on himself. He is still out there in the form of a wraith"

Harry confirmed Voldemort was still alive and the people from Magical Britain paled. The Americans were fine. If this happened in America instead of Britain. They would hunt all the Death Eaters with Killing Curses and kill them all.

Quirlmort was getting worried. They knew about him being alive. And they would start preparations against him, while he was still just a wraith and possessed a below-average wizard.

Dumbledore just stared at Harry Potter. He was really starting to regret bringing this brat back.

" For him to have survived as a wraith he would have had to possess various animals and grow stronger bit by bit. I find it ironic that the Great Dark Lord has only managed to survive by possessing rodents" Harry laughed loudly

Voldemort was furious but kept quiet. He could not afford to break his cover. Especially now that they know he is alive as a wraith. No doubt the Department of Mysteries would quickly start looking for some exorcism rituals. He saw Amelia Bones send out a Patronus.

"Do you plan on hunting down the Dark Lord in revenge?" A reporter called out

Harry looked confused "Now why would I waste my time with that?" 

The reporters were stumped "But he killed your parents. Don't you want revenge, don't you want justice for them?"

Harry just looked at the reporters with pity. "My parents along with so many others. Decided to stay in Britain with a newborn in the middle of a War. A war which they fought with stunners because of Dumbledore's stupid ideology. 

If wizards and witches were a bit smarter they would have ended the rebellion right away, There are around 300 Death Eaters. The Population of Magical Britain is a little bit more than 5000. You people outnumber them 16 to 1. When you do see a death eater just attack them with the Killing Curse. You could have ended them during their first months."

Fudge tried to defend the government's choices at the time but was cut off by the MECUSA representative

"I agree with Mr. Potter. That is precisely what we do whenever a wizard tries to become a Dark Lord. We have learned from our mistakes with Grindelwald. Eliminate the threat first. We had Grindelwald in our custody. Yet he escaped and proceeded to cause chaos across Europe. That will not happen again"


Everybody was startled by the noise.

They turned to Harry Potter as he canceled his alarm spell. "One hour has passed. Mr. Dumbledore, where are my artifacts?"

Everybody then remembered that Dumbledore promised to return Harry Potter his Family Artifacts.

Dumbledore gulped " It would seem that my people were unable to gather them all in time. But don't worry. I will make sure to give them to you as soon as possible"

Harry laughed " I am sure you will, after all, you went back on your word. I will be filing an official case. The ICW will freeze all of your accounts as collateral. So if you want your money back I'd suggest you hurry up. Oh and the longer this takes the more money you will have to pay me. After all, you have been illegally keeping my artifacts with you. This could all have been avoided if you had given them to me within this hour."

Dumbledore paled "Harry I'm sure there is no reason to resort to such measures. I just need a few more hours"

Harry wasn't amused by Dumbledore's attempts to stall. 

"No. I am done here. I said I only have one hour. You people can proceed with the negotiations. I have additional business to proceed with. For years people have been using my image for books, toys and various other merchandise that was made and sold without my opinion or agreement. I will be filing a very big lawsuit against them. I will be seeing you on the First of September. Or at the next Wizengamot Meeting. Whichever comes first"

Harry picked up his cloak and staff and burst into greenish flames. Disappearing somewhere.

A few seconds letter. A letter floated up from the ground into the hands of a gorgeous woman with brown hair with aristocratic features. Her eyes were as she looked at the letter. More specifically the crest. It was stamped with the crest of the House of Black

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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