

Chapter 50Notes:

Black Rose is the #2 Nuts N Dolts fic on AO3 (by Kudos and Comments)! Woooooo!

(#5 for Bookmarks, and #15 by Hits)

Chapter Text

"Ruby FUCKING Rose!"


"... oh no she's mad," Ruby whimpered, all but hiding behind her cake box as Team RWBY approached the Bullhead docks by the cliffside, sidling behind Yang for support as the furious form of one truly irate Cinder Branwen stormed out of her team's Bullhead (and all but ignoring Uncle Qrow despite the fact that even he was heading their way) in order to march up to Ruby with a heavy glare that the red Huntress had almost never seen before.


Well… except for that time when Ruby had eaten the last of Cinder's fudge pops out of the freezer because she wanted a midnight snack in the middle of summer.


Ruby's cheeks still hurt from the aggressive pinching and stretching Cinder had given them sometimes…


"Good luck Rubes, you're gonna need it," Yang snorted before pushing her fearless leader forward, the traitor. No more trans flag muffins for her! Okay, well, maybe not no more but-


"H-heeyyyyy…. Cinder…. Um… I made you a cake!" Ruby called out, holding out the cake as a peace offering despite the fact that her sister's Semblance was flaring and literally leaving molten footprints in her wake- her glass heels having melted off entirely in the wake of her rage. Even her stockings had started to burn, which usually only happened when Cinder was really emotional about something. "W-welcome back! How was the trip!?"


"Fine, actually, but more importantly what the FUCK happened while we were gone!?" Cinder shouted, delicately plucking the cake from Ruby's hands and setting it in Yang's before turning back and shaking Ruby by the lapels of her outfit, her voice raising along with the temperature as she started to literally burn the area around her from the heat given off by her Semblance. "YOU ALMOST DIED YESTERDAY!? FUCKING REALLY!? I LEAVE FOR A MONTH AND THE DAY BEFORE I GET BACK YOU DECIDE TO GO FIGHT A BUNCH OF CRIMINALS AND TERRORISTS BY THE VALE DOCKS AND NEARLY GET DECAPITATED!? REALLY!?"


"C-C-I-IN-DE-E-E-ER-R! S-SHAKING- TO-TOOO M-M-M-UC-CH!" Ruby whined out pathetically, flopping loose in Cinder's arms as she more or less just let her sister burn herself out- more than aware that all of Cinder's bluster and rage was a mask for the concern she felt given that she could feel Cinder's emotions- and the emotions of Team _WBY, who were taking a lot of amusement… except for Yang, who knew damn well she'd be next (and Blake, who seemed a bit stressed underneath the amusement). And Penny, who was just standing there all pretty in some really cute goth fashion with freshly dyed black hair hanging in front of her eyes. Honestly, if it wasn't for Ruby's emotion sense, she wouldn't have recognized Penny in the slightest.


"You deserve it! You're lucky I haven't started pinching your cheeks you little brat! How could you!? You promised me you'd be safe and good and yet this entire month has been nonstop worry from all five of us because Qrow kept getting updates from Professor Goodwitch about how you blew up two giant grimm during Initiation and then you blew out a fucking wall in the second week, and then you BLEW UP A DUST LAB ON WEEK THREE! AND THEN, AND THEN, AT THE END OF YOUR FIRST MONTH AT BEACON!" Cinder's voice broke, choking off her next words in a mild coughing fit as her voice rose to a literal screech of pure worry and stress, grabbing Ruby by the shoulders and squeezing hard enough to start charring and denting the bone plates there. "YOU ALMOST FUCKING DIE!?"


"I'm sowwyyyyyy!" Ruby continued whining and whimpering, looking for all the world like the chastised puppy she was as she flopped loosely in Cinder's grip and tried not to collapse to the ground. "I didn't think I'd get hurt, I thought it was just a bunch of random goons with maybe a little military training! I didn't think an actual terrorist would be therrrreee!"


"You're so fucking lucky you're the most adorable thing on the planet," Cinder sighed, letting go of her anger as it burned out and subsequently smashing Ruby's face into her chest with a tight, sisterly hug… which was quickly joined by Yang (who had handed off Cinder's cake box to Blake, who… was just sighing quietly and rolling her eyes), who squished them both into her massive arms much to Cinder's mild dismay. "Gah! Yang! Warn me before you go for the hug! Hrgk- air! Fucking- air!"


"Oh gods, we really have been spending too much time around Qrow," Emerald sighed as she finally walked over, hauling a pair of suitcases and rolling her eyes at the utterly stupid scene before her. "How come Cinder gets a cake but we don't get shit, huh Rubes? Where's the love for your cousins, jerk?"


"I'll bake you as much baklava as you want if you get me out of here!" Ruby wheezed, gasping dramatically for air as she found herself more or less sandwiched between Cinder and Yang, both of whom were burning high with emotions and also literal, actual heat to the point that Ruby was actually starting to get woozy. "M-merc! Ems! H-help! C-c'mon! Baklava and all the lemon wedges you can eat! The really sour ones!"


"... Wait, he eats lemon wedges?" Weiss muttered, looking at Mercury with a frankly disturbed expression, the gray haired former assassin simply rolling his eyes at Ruby's pleas for mercy from the hands (and chests) of her two older sisters. Yes, Ruby was aware that many people would kill to take her place. She did not want any of those people near her sisters. 


"It's not that uncommon out in Mistral. Especially the northern parts- lemons are pretty tropical so getting them in such cold parts of the world is a pretty rare treat and it's kinda treated like how spicy food is in a lot of other places. Or overly sweet things in Atlas," Blake shrugged, ears twitching as she looked over the older team- much older, actually, than most second years would be. "It's terrible for your teeth, but then again, eating spicy peppers is terrible for your gut, so it all evens out. Hell, even I went through a lemon phase as a kid on Menagerie."


"... That explains a lot," Weiss sighed, shaking her head.


"Yeah, no, I'm not reaching in there for anything," Mercury snorted as he calmly poked what was visible of Ruby's forehead, giving her a cocky smirk as he sauntered by without a care in the world. "Sorry baby cuz, you know the rules- you get hurt, you get smothered in hugs until you're fine again."


"I'm not even hurt!" Ruby whined, oblivious to the twin deadpan stares coming from Yang and Cinder at that statement, even Weiss and Blake giving her a somewhat incredulous look. Penny's reaction was impossible to decipher since her eyes were hidden behind her new bangs and she was still just silently standing there. "I'm fine! Really! Please! I'm suffocating in here!"


"You don't breathe, Friend Ruby," Penny pointed out dryly, stepping forward and waving at Team CMNE as they turned to face her. "Salutations! I am Penny Polendina! I am a friend of Ruby Rose and am currently awaiting my transfer from Atlas Academy to Beacon! It is a pleasure to meet you all! I've heard so many good things about you from Friend Ruby!"


"... Uh… hi," Emerald waved awkwardly, tilting her head at Penny for a moment before leaning closer and narrowing her eyes. "... Wait, are you covered in- Ruby, did you actually cover this poor girl in grimm stuff instead of just getting regular hair extensions and clothes!? The fuck is wrong with you?"


[The perfect disguise! Who could possibly guess that the goth girl with a pink hair bow who says "Salutations!" is actually Penny Polendina?]


"Hey, I didn't bring a lot over! And- ergh! Dangit! Yang! Cinder! C'moooooon, lemme out!" Ruby struggled fruitlessly for a few more moments before deciding enough was enough and literally melting out of their combined grasps- up until the point that she could reform a few feet away out of a suitable pool of darkness. "Bleh! C'mon, I had a whole cake ready and everything, Cindy!"


"Hmph, fine, I guess I can shelve your punishment for now," Cinder sighed, then shook her head as she let go of Yang before looking over to where Qrow was talking to Professor Rouge- one of the other professors that supervised second year missions out into the local area. "Oi! Dad! Get over here already!"


"I'm busy!" came the instant reply, Qrow waving Cinder off before turning faintly to Ruby with a half wave. "And tell Ruby to stop making so much trouble for Glynda!"


"Wh- hey! It wasn't just me! Everyone was there!" Ruby huffed petulantly, stomping her foot childishly as she wrapped her cape around herself to brood before shaking her head. "Anyway! Penny's just trying out goth stuff for now and she's cool. Also she helped us out at the docks. And stopped me from ripping that Adam guy's jerk face off with my teeth."


"You probably should have done it anyway," Blake deadpanned, walking over with the cake box- passing it to Cinder before nodding. "Hi, I'm Blake- you must be the Cinder Ruby keeps talking about. That's Weiss. And… I'm assuming-..."


She paused, staring as Neo seemed to materialize from nowhere, already stealing Cinder's cakebox and propping it open with a fork in one hand. ".... that you must be Neo."


"Yeah, that's my girlfriend," Cinder sighed, rolling her eyes as she took the box from Neo and waggled her finger at the mute illusionist. "No, you know house rules hon. I get first slice."


Neo just huffed silently, throwing her head to the side haughtily before skipping over jauntily to Ruby and depositing her parasol into the grimm girl's hands.


"Oh- maintenance time?" Ruby asked, receiving an answering nod instantly. "Okay- oh, what's wrong with Hush? Ooh… rattling in the sheath part, a little bit of misaligning in the revolver mechanisms… slightly thrown off aim… catching in the parasols and off balanced in the kinetic absorbers? Mmm… you guys were busy … what were you fighting? Ursai? Creeps? Deathstalkers- Sphinxes? This far south? That's weird… not unheard of, I guess… I'll have it done before Tuesday!"


Neo nodded, skipping back to Cinder, who had immediately abandoned all decorum and literally started shoveling cake into her gaping maw with a spoon made of hastily reformed glass.


Neo paused, deadpanning as the entirety of Team CMNE stared at their idiot leader who was pigging out on an entire cake right there on the Bullhead docks.

Cinder gulped slowly, staring back at her girlfriend and asshole cousins with a rather peeved expression. "... Fucking what?"

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