

 Chapter 29: Level 29

"Oi, so you're the green bastard that turned me into a ginger for an hour or two, aincha?" Izuku turned to see the tall, blonde, muscular man wearing an ever so slightly too tight scouts uniform swagger up to him, a kind smile on his face. This was the Australian hero, Super Scout. "Even got a shelia in your bunk to root with huh?"

"Uhh, I'm sorry?" Izuku muttered in English, trying to get his mind over what the hero was trying to tell him. Maybe he needed to spend more time studying English. A lot more.

"Oh, sorry, little green, forgot ta check your tag." Super Scout managed to switch between English and Japanese so fast it made Izuku's head spin. The tall man gestured towards one of the numerous badges on numerous sashes he wore around his broad chest and tapped on it, the badge had a pair of red lips that looked like they were speaking. "Got my linguistics badge years ago, how's my Jap?"

"Uhh, it's good." Izuku blinked, mind still reeling from someone talking to him. He had just spent the day prepping meals and was on his way to pass out. Momo was likewise spent, needless to say, the relief workers were able to find a use for her quirk real quick. "And, umm sorry about your hair, I can't really control what my food does sometimes."

"Ahh, she'll be alright. My gal back home liked it, thought I'd make a right fine ginger." Super Scout slapped Izuku on the back hard. "But, oi, that food you're making is amazing, one of them blokes back at the tent says you can make it do a whole bunch of stuff."

"Yeah, eventually." Izuku could already feel where this was going. "What do you need?"

"Nah, not me, mate, I got some boys back home that'll use them. Think you can brew up something that'll make fire fighting easier?"

"Ahh, yeah, let me rest and I can send you home with a case of them."

Another slap on the back. "Thanks, green. Well, I'll leave ya to your root!"

What the hell was a root?



Mount Takao was a place that Itsuka could call her back yard. She had more than a few trips up the numerous hiking trails that spread across the mountain like a web. Well, it wasn't that bad, there were like, five or something, and all the paths were clearly marked so they were in no danger of getting lost. Well, Itsuka wasn't.

Nejire on the other hand.

"Oooh! What's over here?" Nejire bounced across a few stepping stones just outside the path, the white tank-top she was wearing coupled with her long legs and even longer ponytail made her quite the spectacle. Especially since she was zooming around the place like a kid. An over developed kid that had tits for ten.

Soft pillowy, bouncy, tits.

Great! Now she had boobs on the brain! Again.

"Nejire." Itsuka sighed and tapped her foot on the ground. "Would you pay attention? We're supposed to be looking for the new dungeon, remember?"

"Mr. Kappa, do you know where the dungeon is?" Nejire squatted down near one of the streams and looked under a partially decayed tree. "My super pretty girlfriend and I are looking for it, so we can turn a grumpy looking guy into a super cute girl, isn't that neat?"

Itsuka rolled her eyes and placed one hand on her hip. Nejire was seriously way too adorable when she was, actually Nejire was just way too adorable all the time. Even the way she slept was just adorable. "What does Mr. Kappa say?"

Nejire jumped up and nyoomed over to the trail and landed by Itsuka's side. She pouted and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "He only talked about my boobs."

"Honestly, there being a dungeon in your cleavage wouldn't surprise me." Especially one called Peaks of Plenty. "But, Menu-chan said that this dungeon should be somewhere up here. So let's keep looking! Besides, we can call this our hiking date!"

"Can it turn into a hot spring date?" Nejire asked bouncing alongside Itsuka as they made their way up towards the peak of the trail. "My feet hurt."



"You've literally been flying around the forest like a tit fairy since we got here, I doubt you've even taken a hundred steps."

Nejire began to pout again. Then her face lit up and she pulled on Itsuka's arm pointing up the hill past a small clearing where a new path began marked by a torii gate. "I bet it's up there! If I was a dungeon, that's where I'd be!"

Well it couldn't hurt to check. Besides, Nejire had a point, that's where Itsuka would hide a secret dungeon portal. "Alright, let's go!"

Nejire was already flying towards there.

Why did she even bother? Scrambling up the less well maintained part just outside of the trail, Itsuka made it to the pathway that would have taken her up there if she had just followed the signs. Beyond the torii gate, she saw Nejire fly past her field of vision, looking just like a forest spirit for a few seconds. A really stacked forest spirit.

And she had boobs on the brain. Again.

Still, it was nice being out here with Nejire, Izuku and Momo were still out of Japan providing disaster relief, and Menu couldn't actually leave their house so it wasn't like they had much of a choice. But, it might have been more fun if all four of them were out here. Well, five. Apparently Shoto was going to be in on this once he became a her and now her head was hurting.

As much as she hated to admit it, Shoto made a really cute girl. A cute girl that Nejire was oh so eager to corrupt. Was it wrong that she was kind of looking forward to seeing the results? Dammit, things were so much easier when she thought she was mostly straight with a bit of bi, not a lot of bi with a strong leaning towards Izuku.

Seriously, how the fuck did she end up with a boyfriend and two girlfriends, living in a house with some kind of small gremlin creature that was part of the house with another girlfriend on the way? And how did her tits get so big? She was a C-cup and was happy like that! Though, she was the least busty in the house.

Alright, she needed to stop the boob envy, if she wanted to play with larger breasts she could just play with Nejire's.

"Itsuka! Itsuka! Hey, hey!" Nejire whirled into her field of view, and pointed up ahead the trail. "There's a big swirly thing at a torii gate at the top! Come see!"

Before Itsuka could so much as nod, Nejire had grabbed her hand and was flying off, giving Itsuka barely enough space to touch the ground with her tippy-toes, forcing her to make long awkward jumps to stay balanced.

The dungeon portal was where Nejire said it was, perfectly placed inside a large red torii gate.

[Peaks of Plenty:

* * ( ) ( ) ( )]

"Huh, only a two star dungeon?" Itsuka clicked her tongue when Nejire placed her on the ground. She remembered their first dungeon was only one star and it was easy, if a little bit frustrating. Now, she over leveled the hell out of this one. Part of her wanted to see, if she could solo it, well maybe solo it with Nejire incase there were icky things that needed long range.

[Itsuka Kendo: Hey, we found the dungeon!

Momo Yaoyorozu: Excellent! It sounds like we're going to be here another day. Sorry!

Izuku Midoriya: Yeah, sorry.

Nejire Hado: Don't worry about it! Momo's quirk is useful for disasters as well! You're just going to have to make it up to us with a giant cuddle pile!

Itsuka Kendo: The dungeon is only a two star, I think me and Nejire can solo handle it ourselves. Are you guys okay with that?

Izuku Midoriya: If you're sure. But if things get dicey, have Menu teleport you to me.

Sys-admin: Got it.

Itsuka Kendo: It'll be fine. The most dangerous thing to me in there is myself!

Izuku Midoriya: Uhuh…. Nejire, you're in charge.

Itsuka Kendo: Hey!

Nejire Hado: Oooh! Let's get naked then! That's an order.

Izuku Midoriya: Uhh, right, well I'm sure you two will be fine. Have fun!]

Itsuka clapped her hands and smiled. Between her own fighting ability, the Flex It Off feat from Izuku and One for All, she had no doubt that she could breeze right through this dungeon.

"Alright Nejire I- why are you stripping?"

The black masher bra Nejire was wearing could barely contain her massive mammaries. "Huh?"

"Oh, whatever. Come on!"

Grabbing Nejire's arm Itsuka leapt through the portal.

[You are entering the dungeon: Peaks of Plenty.

Good luck!

Tip: Wear warm clothing and don't look down.]

The moment Itsuka entered the dungeon she understood what the tip was talking about. Snow. Wind. A sheer cliffs were all that greeted them. The wind howled and blasted her with intense cold, and the snow blinded her for a moment. A few notifications of cold damage being negated due to her feat appeared before her.

"Holy crap!" Nejire stuttered from beside her. Wait, Nejire didn't have the same resistance as Itsuka did, which meant she was talking about all the damage. "It's fucking cold!"

Apparently, cold made Nejire be more grumpy and not cute. Given her warm personality, it made sense.

"One second!" A grumpy voice came from Itsuka's right and a short purple haired girl stood right beside her. With a snap of her fingers, Menu stopped the storm, and the mountain went from being deadly cold to just slightly chilled, like she could put on a sweater and be fine. "Alright, that should make things easier for you guys."

"Thanks," Itsuka muttered looking at the girl. "Couldn't you have just made it not cold to begin with?"

Menu shrugged. "Ehh, it's complicated, the dungeon itself was made with the part of me that was asleep, but now that you guys are here, I can access and change it at-"

[Cheat detected]

"Ehh?" Menu looked around her eyes wide.

A massive shadow flew overhead, the mountain shook, and a roar boomed like thunder. Rocks fell from the sky and a massive body flew downward from the mountain, it's massive claws cutting deep valleys in the mountain side before it flew off.

"What!" Menu screeched, hanging from the massive claw by the shirt she always wore. "I'm not a cheater! I'm a part of the system!"

Itsuka felt her jaw drop at the sheer size of the red dragon that had swooped down and snatched Menu up. It's head looked large enough to swallow a car whole, it's massive wingspan large enough to create gusts of wind that could be considered hurricane level.

She wanted to punch it.

"Look!" Nejire pointed across the ravine towards where the dragon was heading. "Boobs!"

"Nejire, is now really the time for you to-" Itsuka looked towards where Nejire was pointing. The largest mountain in the area was in the shape of a beautiful woman, with clouds for hair, and a gigantic pair of tits that had waterfalls where the nipples were. "Huh, yep, those are boobs."

Why was Izuku's quirk like this?

"So, should we go and save Menu-chan?" Nejire jumped up and down trying to keep herself warm. "Or can we go get something warm first?"

"Let's see if Izuku can bring us some warmer clothes."

[Error: That function is disabled]



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